The Daisy Foundation Garforth, Selby & Tadcaster: West/North Yorkshire

About The Daisy Foundation Garforth, Selby & Tadcaster: West/North Yorkshire

Baby and Antenatal Classes near Leeds and York with Kayleigh Burton.

Read our Facebook reviews to see what other ladies and couples have to say about our classes, and read our story to learn more about what we offer.

Hope to meet you soon!

The Daisy Foundation Garforth, Selby & Tadcaster: West/North Yorkshire Description

Daisy Birthing is a practical, educational and supportive journey through pregnancy and birth.

Our all-inclusive Active Antenatal method is an all-encompassing pregnancy class helping you to learn your antenatal education in a truly effective way. Each week traditional antenatal education is combined with active birth principles, taught seamlessly alongside repetitive flowing movements designed to anchor the education to your body, breath and movement, exactly where you will need it on your baby’s birthing day.

These progressive women only weekly classes, available from 14 weeks pregnant are delivered over 6 week terms. Your classes will cover a combination of:

• Antenatal and active birth education
• Breathing techniques
• Relaxation and birth hypnosis
• Yoga based movement
• Meeting local pregnant women

Daisy Birthing is accessible for all mums no matter of shape, size, and ability and is suitable for both first and subsequent pregnancies, supporting all birth plans and choices.



Today my little boy looked at me and said “you’re a spectacular mommy” and gave me the biggest cuddle, and I pretty much melted there and then. That, for me, is motherhood - all those sleepless nights, those frustrations when you need to be somewhere and it takes half an hour to leave the house, all the clearing up, and washing and tidying, nappy changes and questioning yourself every minute of every day...erased immediately by heartfelt words or a full body cuddle. Because, to them, you’re all they need, and they wouldn’t swap you for anything. So keep on being spectacular mamas and mamas-to-be, because even when you feel like you’re doing a pretty mediocre job, these little people, well they think you’re just the best thing ever!


It’s World Breastfeeding Week this week, and I’ve been a little slow to post because I was nervous of offending, or upsetting. Feeding choices can be one of those divisive parenting discussions - the emotions attached can be so raw. But then, actually, when I reviewed the aims of #WBW2018 I see nothing that should be divisive:
🤱🏻INFORM people about the links between good nutrition, food security, poverty reduction and breastfeeding (so an informed choice as to whether to bre...astfeed or not can be made, free of bias, pressure and misinformation)
🤱🏽ANCHOR breastfeeding as the foundation of life (make it a normal part of life and mothering)
🤱🏼ENGAGE with individuals and organisations for greater impact (make breastfeeding everyone’s business)
🤱🏿GALVANISE action to advance breastfeeding (allowing those who want help and support to access this to enable them to breastfeed if they want to, for as long as they want to)
So, between my two littles I’ve been pregnant or breastfeeding for the last 5 years (bar a couple of months between babies!), and here I am, “still” breastfeeding my just-turned two year old (when I tell people that attend my breastfeeding workshops that I’ve breastfed loads of places without any hassle, this, a swan pedalo, is prob the weirdest 🙈). I never really planned or meant to breastfeed to two, it’s just kind of happened - because it worked for me, for us, for our family. And you need to make the choices that are right for you too (whatever that might be!), with adequate information and support available to help with this.
The UK has one of the World’s worst rates of breastfeeding (with only 0.5% still breastfeeding at 12 months). If we were all to play our role in meeting the aims above, this would play a huge part in improving these rates. This isn’t about demonising formula, or forcing those who don’t want to / can’t breastfeed to breastfeed or feel guilty (there’s more than enough mum-guilt to go around from elsewhere!), it’s about provision of evidence-based information, and easily accessible support. Breast isn’t best. Fed isn’t best. Fully informed choice, and easily accessible and readily available support though? Yes please 🙌🏻
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Another beautiful Daisy baby girl arrived on Thursday, and she is just the most welcome addition to this lovely family! I hope you’re all doing well and settling in to your new normal 💜 Kayleigh x


More fairy Wrigglers fun from yesterday 🧚🏻‍♂️ Look at these adorable little cuties! 😍
If you fancy joining us for Tinies or Wrigglers next term (starting 27th Sept), then places have already started booking 😳 So don’t leave it too long!
Kayleigh x


This week has seen 24 lovely mummies (along with their beautiful babies too, obviously!) start new terms of Daisy Baby Tinies and Wrigglers, and it’s been SO lovely seeing the changes in those that have re-booked from last term, and meeting new faces too! Today, our little Wrigglers became fluttering Fairies, and this little guy just totally loved it 🙌🏻🧚🏻‍♂️


Those last few days and weeks of pregnancy. That inbetween place of waiting, and impatience and longing for that little person to be out and in your arms.
“It is a time of in between. Neither here nor there. Your old self and your new self, balanced on the edge of a pregnancy. One foot in your old world, one foot in a new world.”


Towards the end of your pregnancy, you might be feeling big and tired and maybe the last thing you feel like doing is having a photo shoot...but JUST LOOK at these beautiful Daisy mamas I’ve had the pleasure of teaching, who’ve all recently had maternity shoots with the lovely Clare at Austhorpe Photography 😍 Although you’re feeling a bit fed up and ready to get your body back (and your adorable baby in your arms, obviously!), you may be surprised by how much you miss your big bump once your little one is out. Having some prints like these are a beautiful reminder of the last few weeks of your pregnancy 💜 Contact Clare for more info on how to book your slot, you won’t regret it. Kayleigh x


UPDATE - availability for baby classes starting tomorrow (2nd Aug, Monk Fryston)
- Tinies - SOLD OUT - Wrigglers - 2 places left
... It’d be lovely to see you there! Kayleigh x
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This is a really interesting read about brain development in our littles. They have SO much going on developmentally, for the first 5 years (and far beyond!), that knowing and understanding a little about this, helps us feel less frustration (especially through the toddler years!)
“Having developmentally appropriate expectations will help you feel less frustration and take your child’s behavior less personally.”
Kayleigh x


Our Antenatal Breastfeeding Workshop is designed to support expectant parents in their preparations for, understanding of and expectations of breastfeeding their baby.
The workshop covers: benefits of breastfeeding; the first hour; anatomy and physiology; hunger cues; positioning and attachment; the first 10 days; expressing milk; and challenges.


Our Antenatal Breastfeeding Workshop is designed to support expectant parents in their preparations for, understanding of and expectations of breastfeeding their baby.
The workshop covers: benefits of breastfeeding; the first hour; anatomy and physiology; hunger cues; positioning and attachment; the first 10 days; expressing milk; and challenges.


Don’t miss out on a place 🙋🏻‍♀️
Just ONE PLACE left on Tinies starting this Thursday in Monk Fryston (10.30-11.30, suitable from around 6 weeks - 4/5 months).
And, just TWO PLACES left on Wrigglers, again starting this Thursday (11.45-12.45, suitable from 4/5 - 10/11 months).
... So many lovely mums and babies to meet PLUS tea, coffee and biscuits 🙌🏻
It’d be lovely to see you there 💜 Kayleigh x classes-in-yorksh…/
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All the cuddles, all the time 🙌🏻💜


*Newsletter* I’m going to be sending out my monthly newsletter later. If there’s anyone who’s not already signed up to the mailing list, and would like to keep up to date with news, availability and offers, please just follow this link and add your details: 💜


There’s been a whole flurry of new Daisy baby arrivals this week! Two brand new baby boys, and two brand new baby girls 😍 They all look just absolutely perfect! HUGEST congratulations to these wonderful new families. Enjoy the wonder of the coming days and weeks as you all get settled in to your new normal 💜


You’re what?! Don’t worry, Daisy has you covered!
💜 *Daisy Birthing* Birthing classes are weekly classes that can be booked on in blocks of 6 weeks. Suitable from 14 weeks pregnant, these 1.5hr classes combine yoga-based movement, antenatal education, breathing techniques and a guided relaxation.
... 💜 *Active Birth Workshop* This 4 hour workshop is a great addition to Birthing for many, but also works well as a standalone option. Attend with your birth partner and learn the fundamentals of active birth, breathing techniques, massage and rebozo techniques, and leave feeling empowered - you birth partner will be fully prepped to have an active and key role during labour.
💜 *Daisy Parent* These classes run over 6 weeks and provide you with all the info and techniques you will need to totally rock your labour, birth AND baby care! We spend 3 weeks learning about all things labour/birth, and the last 3 weeks learning everything you will need to care for your baby once they are here. Book the full 6 weeks, or just attend one of the two 3 week blocks.
💜 *Breastfeeding Workshop* Our workshop is designed to attend in the antenatal period. Over the course of 4 hours you and a supporter (partner, family member, etc), will learn all about breastfeeding - from the basics of anatomy and physiology, through to positioning and attachment, troubleshooting issues you might encounter and all the equipment you may (or very well may not!) need.
💜 *Daisy Baby Tinies* Suitable from around 6 weeks post-partum, this relaxed class gives you a calm environment in which to learn baby massage, do some gentle postnatal recovery and meet other new mums (and babies!)
💜 *Daisy Baby Wrigglers* Once your baby is too wriggly for Tinies (around 4/5months), Wrigglers is the perfect next step. A bit bouncier and livelier than Tinies, the focus is still on connection with your little one, but we learn some baby yoga moves set to singing, we explore the week’s theme, and have lots of fun!
So, what are you waiting for? Get booked on, so we can get started. It would be lovely to meet you, your partner, and your brand new little one!
Kayleigh x
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Another beautiful new Daisy baby girl has arrived! Huge congratulations to this lovely brand new family. I hope you get lots of rest over the coming weeks, and time together to get used to one another. Kayleigh x


It’s been *such* a lovely term of Tinies with these lovely ladies and their beautiful babes (plus a couple of others who couldn’t make our last class today!). So wonderful to have a group of people all going through exactly the same things you are. They all enjoyed a lovely lunch out together (somewhere air conditioned!) after class today and most are joining us again next term for more Tinies and Wrigglers fun ☺️ If you’d like to join us too, there are literally just a couple of spaces left on both terms starting next Thursday (2nd) in Monk Fryston 💜


Look at beautiful baby George, all snug and ready for his newborn shoot with Clare at Austhorpe Photography. If you book on any antenatal class or workshop, then Clare will waive your newborn session fee (usual price £75!), then you too could have lasting memories just like this 😍


Thank you so much Kayleigh for a wonderful experience. The classes were well organised, relaxing and very informative. The email after every session really helped to consolidate the learning for the week and I felt like it was a very personally delivered class each week. I have signed up for the active birth workshop too. I would recommend Kayleigh from Daisy Birthing to anyone!


Kayleigh is a brilliant teacher and a wealth of knowledge about pregnancy and birth. The 6 week course was informative, relaxing and empowering. The positive and encouraging way that Kayleigh delivered information about the stages of labour and the different choices available in each session has helped me feel a lot more confident about giving birth as a first time mum. The exercises and breathing techniques have also equipped me with practical strategies that I can use during pregnancy and labour. The follow up emails have been great, with reading and reminders of the key content of the class to share with my birth partner. It was a lovely way to meet other mums to be and get the opportunity to talk to them about our experiences. I would recommend Kayleigh as a teacher and the Daisy Birthing classes to all expectant mothers, and I will definitely be signing up to the post natal courses that Kayleigh offers.


I’ve just finished a six week course with Kayleigh at Tadcaster. I’ve really enjoyed the classes and can’t believe how much more at ease I feel. Kayleigh is lovely, patient and really helpful!. I’m really glad I went along to these classes. Kayleigh has helped me build my confidence, knowledge and i’ve met three lovely new friends! Would definitely recommend Kayleigh’s classes.


I went to my first class when I was 27 week's pregnant and although nervous, soon felt welcome due to Kayleigh's very professional, yet friendly approach. The classes exceeded my expectations and all the information and advice provided has given me more confidence for achieving an active birth through use of the breathing techniques and exercises demonstrated throughout the six sessions. Kayleigh has a wealth of knowledge and supplements this with additional reading material in follow up emails after each class. These are extremely useful to recap on the topics covered. I thoroughly enjoyed every class and left feeling relaxed and empowered. I highly recommend these classes to any Mum-to-be. Thank you very much Kayleigh.�


I signed up to the Daisy Foundation classes based on location initially, but I'm so glad i did.

I am not someone who spends much time focusing on myself or leaving myself anytime to relax in a day, so to have that allocated time each week to focus on both me and my baby was unbelievably precious.

I learnt so much from the classes:

How to relax.

How to breath. (More technical than you might think)

How to take control of my birthing plan and the birth of my baby.

How to poo - a completely unexpected revelation!

How to look incredibly sexy when walking round a room ... haha!

I also learned to have a more positive outlook on birthing and although Kayleigh has a wealth of birthing knowledge the most valuable thing i gained was the confidence to believe in myself and my bodies ability to get the job done.

I would highly highly recommend these classes and Kayleigh as a teacher as she is amazing.

Looking forward to meeting up more with the lovely mums that I met while doing the class.

Thanks again Kayleigh!


I joined Daisy birthing classes in my second pregnancy, I was unsure if birthing classes would be for me after doing NCT with my first but I’m so glad I have and have signed up for a second block of 6 weeks! The sessions are a wonderful start to the weekend and give you a solid hour and a half to focus purely on your new baby and relaxation, something you don’t get a lot of time to do 2nd time around! It’s lovely to meet other ladies who will be due around the same time as you and Kayleigh is so knowledgable, you leave each week feeling more prepared/refreshed on what’s to come. I’d really recommend Kayleigh’s classes and will be signing up to some of her tinies classes once baby arrives! X


I have really enjoyed the Daisy Birthing course, I'm already booked on to do the six week course again!

I did a lot of reading on pregnancy and birth before starting the course and have done various meditation classes before so I wasn't sure if it would be worth it. However there are so many movements and tips that you learn from the class you couldn't get from a book or blog. It's also a really good opportunity to ask questions and have a chat with Kayleigh and the other mums, everyone is local and it isn't just first time mums so there is a mixture of experiences.

Also I have heard that some classes can be hugely pushing natural birthing methods but it is a open minded approach to support whatever works for you. The relaxation sessions at the end are really nice and hopefully when I do go into labour all of the practice will come back to me and help me stay calm. Kayleigh also sets up a whatsapp group and arranges meet ups each month so it's a good way to get in contact with other people at the same stage as you.

I would definitely recommend and I'm looking forward to the Active Birth Workshop with my husband in a few weeks time

Thanks Kayleigh! x


I have just had the most wonderful birthing experience that I never thought would be possible. Little Jasper arrived in such a lovely calm manner, he didn’t hang around but we were able to have a water birth and through the breathing exercises and labor positioning we learnt from Kayleigh everything went perfectly. I had a very out of control, long and traumatic labor with my first so thought labours like this were not possible. I’m incredibly grateful to these classes for helping me staying calm and allow such a relaxed delivery


I have just finished a six week course with Kayleigh at Tadcaster Riley Smith Hall an d absolutely loved it! Full of information, techniques and relaxation. Still nervous as it is my first but feeling so much more confident. Great way to meet new friends, I feel I have a little support network around me. Kayleigh is lovely, so patient and happy to answer any questions not just in the class but anytime day or night. Highly recommend :-)


I have just finished a 6 week course with Kayleigh in Tadcaster, she’s so lovely and helpful! I was quite nervous as this is my first baby but Kayleigh has made me feel so confident and now I’m really looking forward to the birth. I’ve made 3 lovely new friends and can’t wait to meet up with our babies.

I also attended Kayleigh’s breastfeeding workshop. She has so much knowledge and experience and I feel so confident about feeding now too. She also sets up a great network so that the support continues after the classes which is very reassuring.

I’m starting the active birth workshop with my husband on Friday and really looking forward to it.


I have completed 2 terms of active birth (which is just for the ladies), and both the active birth workshop and breastfeeding workshop with my husband. I have been attending classes with Kayleigh since November. I am now 35 weeks pregnant and feeling confident about managing birth and breastfeeding, for which I am extremely grateful. I would recommend repeating the terms of active birth, which helped consolidate learning for me. The classes bring a good mix of yoga/ active birth movement and breathing combined with appropriate birth education that is drip fed and built on week by week. There is plenty of follow up support through emails and what’s app groups for attendees. Kayleigh is truly passionate about her Daisy role and being a mum, and is genuine and honest in her approach/ support. Great to hear there are baby classes in the pipeline too!


I did the 6 week daisy birthing classes & loved them. The combination of education & relaxation was just right. I enjoyed the course so much I then booked on to Active birth workshop so my partner & I could feel even more prepared for the birth. Kayleigh is an amazing teacher providing a caring & supportive environment. The breathing techniques really helped me stay calm during my labour. Being aware of my choices definitely reduced any worries for me & my partner. I would recommend these classes & Kayleigh as a teacher to anyone who is pregnant. Thanks Kayleigh. 😀


I decided to sign up for Daisy Birthing classes mainly because, if I’m honest, I was told to!

I thought I would cringe at sitting in a circle and talking about babies and birth, pregnancy and pains, placenta and poo but as a first time child carrier I realised it might be better to be a little clued up than care free and crapping it!

And let me be honest was the best decision I made.

I started the classes feeling clueless and with an attitude of ‘it will be what it will be’ and ‘I’ll just let the medical boffs get me through this’. And whilst I do still carry with me a slightly laid back outlook of not wanting to plan too much, I do feel very empowered to make choices about what I would like my birth experience to be and how to get through some of the ‘it will be what it will be’ calmly and confidently.

Kayleigh made us all feel relaxed with her warmth and genuine interest in each of us. She had the perfect balance of sharing her first time experience as a yummy mummy alongside educating us and helping us discuss things you might just not want to talk about …or have even heard of!

I have met some lovely ladies who have shared their fears and excitements and I am so looking forward to meeting each of their mini-me’s in the very near future.

I would definitely recommend this class to anyone wanting to feel confident about their upcoming adventure and wanting to meet other new mummies’ to call in the night!

Thank you Kayleigh and the other girls for a fab 6 weeks x


I booked my 6 week course of Daisy Birthing Classes if I'm honest because I had a friend who had booked on.

I am a second time mum having already given birth to our daughter 2.5 years ago, I had a pretty good labour with my daughter (having nothing to compare it to but the horror stories everyone likes to share with you whilst your pregnant) so did question is the Daisy birthing classes for me and what will I get out of them? Are they not just for the first time mum?

Well having done the classes I can honestly say the classes definitely were for me, and definitely not just for the first time Mum.

The hour and half spent with Kayleigh each week was lovely, yes educational in what Kayleigh was telling us, empowering and encouraging but most of all for me relaxing. Working and juggling home life with a toddler whilst heavily pregnant meant I just didn't get to relax and concentrate on my unborn baby as much as I did first time around so the weekly class gave me that time.

When it came to labour day I used the birthing techniques from the classes instinctively, the knowledge that Kayleigh had given me on how to move my body to give baby the best possible position for birth all worked for me, and the breathing techniques helped me through each and every contraction. I was also able to ask more questions of the medical staff and express my preferences for my birth.

I never believed before attending Daisy birthing classes that you could breath a baby out, well I do now!

Despite my second labor not being 'natural' due to being induced I had the most lovelst experience with very mild discomfort and I thank Kayleigh for giving me the knowledge and belief that labour doesn't have to be painful.

I know also have a new circle of mummy friends too who are on hand to message with questions and offer advice to when our newborns are keeping us on our toes!

Thank you x


I booked a block of 6 weeks Daisy classes as a second time mum to be, after a not great first labour/birth I was determined to have a better experience second time around and found these after a bit of searching online. To be honest I didn’t really know what to expect and if they would even be my kind of thing but I went with an open mind and thought they were absolutely brilliant! Kayleigh was fabulous and the sessions were a perfect mix of movements, education and relaxation, with a full time job and a 4 year old I looked forward to my weekly ‘me time’ to just focus on the up coming new arrival.

What ever type of birth you are planning you can use the techniques taught in these classes, I got the positive birth I wanted (even though it didn’t go as planned again!) and I believe 100% it was because of what I learnt from Kayleigh. Would recommend to anyone whether you’re a first time mum or have done it all before!


Having been afforded the opportunity to become a Mum after being diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Failure, I knew that I wanted to fully embrace and engage with my pregnancy journey and play as active role as possible in the birth of our precious one, when the time comes. I therefore set about looking for a class that was non-judgmental, educative, informative, practical, interactive, participatory and engaging. I thought this might be a tall order! Alas, Kayleigh's class at Monk Fryston Community Centre has provided me with all of the above and much more. Each week I leave Kayleigh's class feeling empowered and even excited about giving birth. Not to mention feeling relaxed and re-energised following the movement and relaxation sections of the class. Kayleigh is a fountain of knowledge and ensures that everyone who attends her class are catered for regardless of their circumstances or intentions. This level of detail and care also extends beyond the classes themselves. Kayleigh provides follow up emails, relevant articles, shares anecdotes and uses personal experience to support the work done in class. She has set up and regularly communicates with the group via various social media applications which means that help and support is never far away in the shape of Kayleigh or the community of women with whom connections and friendships are been formed. I have thoroughly enjoyed the course and have learned a great deal. So much so that I have signed up for another six weeks and my Husband and I are attending the couple's course.


As a third time mum, and after a very long gap (my daughters are 17 and 15 years old), I decided to join a local class to help me relax and enjoy my third pregnancy and also to meet other mums. I did my research and was recommended Kayleigh and the Daisy Birthing classes.

I was initially unsure whether the classes would be applicable for me as I am having another planned c-section, on medical recommendation. But Kayleigh reassured me that the techniques could be applied for all birth types and above all else, the classes encourage relaxation and meeting others locally. Plus, Kayleigh is a font of knowledge and the post class information has been so useful to read.

I’m so glad I booked onto the 6-week course. It has been exactly what I needed! I now feel relaxed and comfortable in the run up to my impending arrival. The breathing and relaxation techniques will definitely help me when I go into hospital and throughout my delivery.

I really looked forward to my Friday evening, end of week wind down. And now that the course has finished, we have a lovely friendly WhatsApp group with some really lovely mummies and we are already planning to me up, both before babies and after!

Thank you so much Kayleigh, what a wonderful experience.


As a second (&last time) pregnancy I wanted to embrace a holistic approach to labour and birthing and looked at yoga & hypnotherapy but couldn't justify the prices of some of the courses available to attend both. When I stumbled across daisy birthing classes I was delighted to see it encompasses yoga, breathing techniques meditation and educational supporting information to help shape for a healthy and positive end of pregnancy aiming for the smooth birth we all hope for.

I attended the 6 week block and this was a fantastic end to a busy working week, allowing time to focus on me and my baby only which is a lot more difficult to facilitate second time around. The music is Incredibly soothing and I used the muscle memory of this to aid relaxation and sleep at home and Continue to play it for my newborn on a night too.

My husband attended the active birthing classes with me - it was a fun environment and it gave him the chance to remember and reflect on our last labour experience and learn where we could make changes to influence a better outcome this time.

Although I didn't get my 'birth plan' I know the things learnt across the weeks enabled me to have a speedy, effective, in control labour and delivery and gave my husband a real supportive role reminding me to utilise breathing techniques and keeping moving.

For me I have had the best start to being a new mummy, I have bounced back from the physical impact of pregnancy and delivery and that in turn has impacted on a happy healthy developing relationship with my newborn. I know this is the impact of everything I have learnt across the courses and having confidence in my body's ability to birth effectively.

Can not recommend daisy birthing but more specifically, kayleigh highly enough for her dedication and passion to babies and mummies. This is a must book for anyone expecting a baby, first, second or 10th - you will learn so much! :-)


As a first time mum, I was initially really anxious about labour and after some research, decided to book the Daisy Birthing classes. I'm so glad I did. They have really helped me change my mindset about giving birth and I now feel so positive, informed, and empowered. Kayleigh is a wonderful teacher; knowledgeable, passionate, and engaging, so much so that I also booked the Active Birth workshop so my partner could also improve his knowledge. This was fantastic and I can't wait to try out the massage, breathing, and rebozo techniques out! Thank you so much, Kayleigh!x

More about The Daisy Foundation Garforth, Selby & Tadcaster: West/North Yorkshire

The Daisy Foundation Garforth, Selby & Tadcaster: West/North Yorkshire is located at LS25 6 Leeds