The Debbie Gannon Clinic. Tai Chi Qigong Studio & Shibashi Training Academy

About The Debbie Gannon Clinic. Tai Chi Qigong Studio & Shibashi Training Academy

Tai Chi Qigong classes, Acupressure, Holistic Therapies, Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapy, Posture Analysis, CPD Workshops & Tai Chi Instructor Courses

The Debbie Gannon Clinic. Tai Chi Qigong Studio & Shibashi Training Academy Description

Tai Chi Qigong classes, Acupressure, Holistic Therapies, Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapy, Posture Analysis, CPD Workshops & Tai Chi Instructor Courses



Fatigue/Fibromyalgia, using qigong success story :) So I have finally learned how to ride my electric bike using chi and not depleting myself. This in itself is wonderful and given me back some outdoor fun as I can no longer walk very far.
Yesterday we went further than planned and my bike battery ran flat. Disaster for me with fatigue.
... I don't have the reserve energy to fuel my muscles to push the pedals. If I try then my body has no alternative than to create adrenalin as fuel.... the result is fibromyalgia pain, which can last for days, even with almost permenant bed rest.
My first reaction was slight panic as we were at least 20 mins cycle from home. No point in panic so I decided to explore my breath, body, chi relationship instead.... what could I lose!!
I put all of my Qigong knowledge into practice. I focussed on my lower Tantien and filled myself with every in-breath. With the out-breath I sent that chi into my legs and arms. I sat into my centre and made my legs as light and empty as possible as they circled with the pedals. I had to concentrate and remain as relaxed as possible.
As soon as we got back to our campervan I lay down and meditated giving myself a deep self healing. I could feel slight burning in my thighs and had no idea how I would be the next day. Mark cooked a nourishing evening meal for us both.
Next day.... I woke and did bit of body scanning to assess the damage. I still can't believe that I have no fibromyalgia pain, like I have done in the past . I did it.
My body is tired today so I can't risk anything other than rest, food, qigong to restore but I am sooooooooo pleased at my success.
If I had known Qigong from an early age I wouldn't be in the health overdraft that I am now but I would never have understood it as the level that I do and be able to help others with similar conditions.
My bike battery is fully charged now and I will be soon too :)
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Lee Family style Tai Chi Form at sunset, a little faster than normal but Mark had to hold my phone still so I did a quicker version :)


Such a luxury to do my morning Qigong here this morning. It is just outside Le Mans. 8 Pieces of Brocade today and I had the time to do each movement until my body responded before I moved on to the next. Healing holidays ♡♡♡


Additional Thursday Eve Personal Instruction Class
As from the next block, starting on 4 October, the new Thursday evening timetable will be as follows:
6.30-7.30pm class (sorry no tea) (£10 or discounted to £8 if whole block paid upfront) ... 7.30pm Form Training (around 20/25 minutes) (an additional £2) 8pm to 9pm class (tea served until around 9.30pm) (£10 or discounted to £8 if whole black paid upfront)
Class numbers are limited to 8 so all places need to be booked.
The next block of classes is 4 & 18 October, 1 & 15 & 29 November, 5 sessions @ £8 = £40.
You need to book a place but you dont need to attend every session in each block. If you continue to miss sessions I may need to offer your place to someone else but I will always contact you first.
Please ask me any questions or contact me to book a place.
Best Wishes Debbie
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Holistic Clinic Appointments, as from 1 September: 1 hour session: £30 1 & 1/2 hours: £45 2 hours £60
... Private Tai Chi Qigong sessions remain 1 hours £30
Tai Chi Qigong Classes & Sessions remain unchanged: £6.50 for the pay as you go relaxation sessions £10 for the personal instruction classes (discounted to £8 if paid for in a block) Places limited, all places to be booked
Thank you Debbie
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Great article about Qigong in The Times last Saturday. All of our sessions and classes include Qigong. The instructor course that we offer is Qigong. If you haven't tried it then perhaps you should :)


Very apt messsge today as I am running my monthly mini retreat this evening. I have my own aromatherapy blend in the diffuser which I call "nurture" ♡♡♡♡♡♡


Today's message :)


There are 2 places available. Please message me if you would like to come :)


We had great fun teaching some of our Instructors the Tai Chi Fan Form on Monday. We concentrate on a few steps at a time and learn them in depth before moving on. Quality rather than quantity. We shall see them all again at a the next Fan training workshop later in the year :)


Sunday 12 August Today's Instructor Training Module is ENERGY ​ Energy was introduced in the Shibashi Qigong Instructor Course.This module takes both the theory and practice of energy work development to the next level.
The module covers:... * Energy development exercises to be able to feel energy
* Introduction to Yin and Yang Energies
* Techniques to able to see energy
* Introduction to 'partnered' energy exercises
* How to deliver energy exercises within sessions
* How to ensure people are harmonised and replenished at the end of an energy focused Qigong session.
* Positive and negative reactions to energy work
* How to help someone who has had a reaction to energy work
* Key energy points within the Shibashi Qigong set
Mark and I are looking forward to delivering this today :)
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This weekend at the Shibashi Training Academy we are running 3 workshops for some of our instructors. Following their initial instructor course we provide further training modules. Each instructor will follow their own path and we guide them towards the modules that are most suitable for them. Today we are looking at Body Alignment in detail, looking at the issues poor body alignment can cause and the implication for people when practicing Tai Chi Qigong. Mark has just picked... a load of sweet cherry tomatoes for everyone to enjoy during the day. Sunday is an Energy module, exploring, seeing and feeling the energy points, energy centres and the energy field, but also looking at how this works within the 18 movements of the Shibashi Qigong set. Monday morning we are running a short workshop to begin teaching the Fan Form so our instructors can start to share that within their sessions too. Tuesday is a day off before starting back to my usual classes and clinics on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday :)
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A lovely gesture from the students completing their Shibashi Qigong Instructor Course today :)


My lovely lamps have found their way into the studio. I have always loved them and they fit in perfectly :)


It is important to support and belong to organisations who work hard to offer the public a form of security in an area (Tai Chi) which has no regulation and where every club, association or group, has its own syllabus and grading structure. The Tai Chi Union for Great Britain provides a grading standard which allows every member to maintain their own structure and avenue of expertise whether it is in martial arts and/or health and well-being. I have just renewed my membership with the Tai Chi Union for Great Britain. :)


Tai Chi Qigong is often described as a health art, moving meditation or a Chinese internal art.
What does this really mean?
It means that it massages your internal organs, eases your body joints which all helps your body systems to work more efficiently, leaving you feeling better within yourself and more peaceful.
... It's not magic internal woo woo. It's a physical internal and external moving massage.
Students of Tai Chi Qigong soon realise that what they see is not what they do. They think they need to lift up an arm but what is really happening is a slight gentle spiral and rotation of a wrist in time with an in-breath. Moving the body from the inside out.....
It can't be learned by following a DVD but people still feel better even by just doing that.
A teacher will help you learn the techniques and you will reap the health benefits providing you practice.
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This has been postponed. Alternative date will be arranged soon.
Mini retreat for self care and finding peace within.
Bring closure to the month and reset yourself for the weekend and month ahead.
All places to be booked and paid for in advance.
A general guide to this mini retreat session:
2.30pm: Questions answered or mini lecture on health, energy, healing or spiritual path.
3pm: Gentle Tai Chi qigong movement to relax and open the body. I will vary this and it will be suitable for complete beginners and for those who need to sit.
3.30pm: Seated or lying guided meditation, providing help to those who can't meditate and a meditation suitable for those attending and the season. 9pm: Refreshments served and further personal quiet time can be taken or questions answered if required.
4.30pm: Finish, and hopefully leaving feeling restored and more at peace.
If you wish to lie down during the meditation session then please bring a mat, 2 pillows and a blanket if needed.
We have a "no outdoor" shoes policy at the clinic/studio. You can leave your shoes in the quiet entrance area.
Please message me to book. Details will be on the website soon.
2.30pm to 4.30pm. Please arrive around 2.20pm ready to start at 2.30pm.
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What is a Holistic Clinic Session? It usually takes 1 & 1/2 hours and I start by asking you lots of questions. You may book in to see me because of a sore back but I will still ask you about your digestion, sleep, breathing, your reproductive cycle and much more. I discovered that what some people think is acceptable is a sign that something is not quite right. In the last month I have helped several people who thought their 'digestion' system was ok but were using various la...xatives (some natural and some not). A deeper discussion around that allowed me to offer my clients different ways to help their body function more naturally. For one this involved drinking more fluids, for another it was a specific Qigong exercise and another client was very short (under 5ft tall) and all they needed was a foot stool so the body was in the correct position.
None of these people came to see me about their "digestion system" but they are all feeling the benefits because I looked at them as a complete person and not just for the reason they came.
It's amazing what tiny adjustments you can make to improve your overall well-being. Not all change is massive and overwhelming.
Ps. I also help you with the reason you came!
I charge £40. I can't say that you will need several further sessions because I won't know until you have been. We decide at the end of each session. For some I need them back within the month, for others it could be 6 months.... everyone is unique.
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Very relaxing , always get a good night's sleep afterwards


I so enjoyed a wonderful private lesson in Tai Chi with Debbie. It was so different and made so much sense. I love it!

More about The Debbie Gannon Clinic. Tai Chi Qigong Studio & Shibashi Training Academy

The Debbie Gannon Clinic. Tai Chi Qigong Studio & Shibashi Training Academy is located at The Debbie Gannon Clinic 3 The Horsefair, LE10 0AN Hinckley