The Deepings Methodist Church

About The Deepings Methodist Church

The Methodist Church covering Market Deeping and Deeping St James.

Find us at Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8HF

The Deepings Methodist Church Description

Our Sunday morning service is at 10. 30, with all age worship on the 2nd Sunday of the month, and Junior church provided on the other weeks. We have Messy church every 1st Sunday at 4. 00pm . On other Sunday evenings, the service is at 6. 00pm, and on 3rd Sundays, our worship band lead informal worship. Sunday Bible study is on every 4th Sunday at 9. 15 am.

Other house groups meet during the week at people’s homes. Lunches are provided for the elderly on Tuesdays, a fortnightly fellowship group meets on Thursday afternoons, mothers and tots on Friday mornings in term time, Wives group on Friday evenings, and a prayer group on Saturday mornings. ACTS (All Comers Theatre Society) drama group meets occasionally, and we have recently started a junior ACTS. There is also a newly established youth group. What with monthly coffee mornings, and use of our premises by U3A, craft group, blood donors and others, you can see that there’s always plenty going on.

The Deepings Methodist Church was originally built in 1880. In 1990 the previous Chapel was knocked down and the current building that we known and love was built to help meet the needs of a growing community. In 2015 we celebrated 135 of Methodism on this sight and 25 years of the new building.

More information can be found at the church. Why not come along and see us sometime, and find out what makes us tick?



Daily prayer:
God of unimaginable love, we give you thanks and praise.
For the love that welcomes the unlovely,... for the love that pardons the unworthy, for the love that knows no limit, we give you thanks and praise.
In the love that inspires our worship, in the love of which we would learn more, in the love we share in our caring, we give you thanks and praise.
As your love in us serves our neighbour, as your love tells its story through us, as your love calls us your people, we give you thanks and praise.
Jonathan Hustler, Secretary, British Methodist Conference
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Daily prayer (sorry for missing yesterday's):
Good-news God, when you promised Abraham a son in old age, Sarah responded to the gospel with laughter; when you promised Moses that you would deliver your people from slavery, he responded to the gospel by asking “Who am I?” and “who are you?”; when you promised Mary a son called Jesus, ... she responded to the gospel by saying, “Here I am, the servant of the Lord”; when you promised the disciples the coming of your Spirit, they responded to the gospel by waiting in prayer; when you promised Paul that your grace was sufficient, he responded to the gospel by finding contentment in weakness and hardship.
Good-news God, make me laugh, make me wonder, make me submit, make me wait, make me content. Give me new life, give me identity, give me Jesus, give me Spirit, give me grace.
Mark Slaney, Chair of Scotland and Shetland District
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Daily prayer:
Good-news God, when you promised Abraham a son in old age, Sarah responded to the gospel with laughter; when you promised Moses that you would deliver your people from slavery, he responded to the gospel by asking “Who am I?” and “who are you?”;... when you promised Mary a son called Jesus, she responded to the gospel by saying, “Here I am, the servant of the Lord”; when you promised the disciples the coming of your Spirit, they responded to the gospel by waiting in prayer; when you promised Paul that your grace was sufficient, he responded to the gospel by finding contentment in weakness and hardship.
Good-news God, make me laugh, make me wonder, make me submit, make me wait, make me content. Give me new life, give me identity, give me Jesus, give me Spirit, give me grace.
Mark Slaney, Chair of Scotland and Shetland District
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Daily prayer:
Merciful God, renew our hearts with the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
May we shine more brightly and share more boldly the treasure of good news through lives of radical generosity, unconditional love, faith-filled hope, merciful justice and liberating forgiveness.
... For your glory, we pray. Amen.
Leslie Newton, Yorkshire North and East District Chair
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Daily prayer:
Jesus says, “Love” and I say, “Who?” Jesus says, “Give” and I say, “What?” Jesus says, “Follow” and I say, “Where?”
... And Jesus says: “Whoever.” “Whatever.” “Wherever.”
Jesus, help me to respond to your call with everything that I am and everything that I have.
Let me hold nothing back in response to your great love for me.
Rachel Parkinson, Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District Chair
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Daily prayer:
Eternal beauty, who came in Christ and is present by your Spirit, we praise you for the love that birthed creation and thank you that we can never exhaust the goodness of your gifts. Enable us to hear your call and to respond to your prompting, that our hands may be the hands of your Son, Jesus Christ, and our lives become a perfect offering through your blessed Spirit.
May we flourish with your creation as we work with your grace for the good of all you have Amen.
Kerry Tankard, Yorkshire West District Chair
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Daily prayer:
God who reaches out to us in love, cascading grace to all creation, may we be disciples who respond to your overwhelming, unconditional, unbounded presence. May we each respond to your invitation to share in your mission with all our heart, will, mind and strength. May we respond to your Spirit who calls us to reimagine our communities in the light of your grace. ... And may the gospel enliven our spirits to see possibilities, to grasp opportunities and to travel in the way of Jesus.
Andrew Wood, Southampton District Chair
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Daily Prayer:
Gracious God, in a world where corruption, deceit, suspicion and ‘fake news’ regularly fill the headlines, we are full of gratitude for the gospel of Christ, which brings light, hope, truth and ‘good news’ into our lives.
May the confidence that we have new life in Christ make a difference to how we respond to the people and circumstances we encounter, so that our words and actions become ‘good news’ for others. In the name of Christ, Amen.
... Gill Newton, Sheffield District Chair
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Daily prayer:
Everlasting God, who calls us to be the Body of Christ, we pray for those who hear and respond to your gospel:
with their minds, that they grow in understanding; ... with their hearts, that they remain strong in you; with their lips that they sing and speak your love and praise; with their hands, that they serve faithfully; with their feet, that they continue to journey with you.
May all our being be totally committed to you and all that you offer through the life, death and resurrection of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen
Graham Thompson, Plymouth and Exeter District Chair
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Prayer for today:
God of all grace, we rejoice that your love is for all, unlimited and free.
May we, your children, have the same generous love for the world that you show us in Christ. For in Christ, we are all seen and known fully, redeemed and restored, and we need never be ashamed of failure.
... May we, in responding to all you offer us in Christ, learn to view others and see your world only through the lens of your love, which holds us, heals us and restores us to fullness of life. Amen.
Helen Cameron, Northampton District Chair
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Light a Candle in Hope
Lord, we light a candle in our window as a symbol of our unitedness in You. You are the light in our darkness.
We pray that during these difficult, strange, stressful and lonely times, that we will remain united in love, faith and hope. Be with all who need help and support.
... As candles are lit in our windows remind us that we are one body, shining in this world, here to serve you and be your light. May this symbol be a powerful word to all who need it.
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Here is a plan for the Live Streamed Services for the coming weeks...…/Stamford%20Ci rcuit%20livestream%2…


Below is the details for this morning's service including the order of service and a worship pack to help you follow.
The service is being streamed from Stamford Methodist Church Facebook page.…/22-March-2020 %20Mothering%20Sunda…

More about The Deepings Methodist Church

01778 422258