The Diet Doc Lancashire

About The Diet Doc Lancashire

Tailored weight loss, fully supported and one on one personal training.

The Diet Doc Lancashire Description

If you've struggled with losing weight and dieted your way toward a sluggish metabolism, The Diet Doc gives you new hope for success!

The majority of adults begin a diet at least once a year. Yet statistics reveal almost 95% of us gain back any weight we lose. Why? Most books and programs start out with a single plan that may work for someone. You're not "someone" – you're YOU! You have unique genetics, a distinctive body type, different goals, and a one-of-a-kind life.

Someone else's plan isn't going to fit. Complicated exchange lists, “easy-to- follow” menus, and cookie-cutter diets aren't the answer – they lead to a high failure rate. The answer is to work with a qualified professional who can help you understand nutrition and what's best for YOUR body. Imagine having that expert help you through the whole process.



In need of finding your motivation. Have a look at this online 14 week course from Dr Propst of The Diet Doc. ion


An interesting article on cleanses/detoxes from an authentic and unbiased scientific based research website. If your PT has offered you one of these or someone is claiming they will help you lose weight.....have a read of this first. undefined-scam/


Whilst all the negative attention is being banded at the bodybuilder who did the shaming post has anyone stopped to consider how the young lady on the treadmill feels about continuously and involuntarily being brought into the public eye? Does SHE really want all this attention when it was not her doing in the first place.
I really can't believe how viral this thing has got which is why I've not tagged or named those connected or involved. If anyone reading this doesn't know what I'm talking about.....nice one ;-)


The social media post that triggered me to share my previous thoughts with you about not judging someone unless you know their journey to date appears to have gone viral!
The random inconsiderate act by this female taking a photo of a lady on a treadmill and turning it into a "joke" which she obviously thought would get her much attention has indeed got her lots of publicity and no doubt not in the manner she wished for. Not only has it appeared in The Daily Mail, it has bee...n shared on The Lads Bible and also discussed on TV!!
Anyone making an effort to improve their life and health should never be put down. Everyone has their struggles in life and if their struggles co-incide with your success no matter what field that may be in then use your experience to help and encourage not ridicule. Make a living out of it by all means but never shame someone you consider not to be as good as yourself, you never know, one day you may need their expertise!
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Imagine you're out and about and you see a lady dressed like this. What thoughts come to your head? Be honest.....
How many of you are thinking....she needs to lose weight? Or perhaps "she needs larger size clothing"? Or maybe even "how on earth dare she go out dressed like that?"
I bet only a few if any are thinking "wow, I wonder how much weight she lost to look that good?" For all you know last year that blouse may not have even met at the front for her to be able to faste...n it. She could well have lost a HUGE amount of weight and today has reached one of her goals and that was to get that blouse to fasten. Imagine how euphoric that feels....I know I've been there.
So before you're quick to judge ANYONE on their size think carefully what they may be going through or indeed have gone through to be where they are today.…/overweight-woman- in-a-tight-fitting-s…
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There are some people who give our industry a bad name. Please make sure you check a programme out thoroughly before investing.…/6ad75b009d adb66652bf8cf0808b91…


I gave a simple tip to one of my customers this week who is getting to grips with portion control. She told me she misses that "full feeling" after her meals.
Consider these 3 points.
1) Feeling "stuffed" after a meal, you are highly unlikely to be in a state of weight loss
... 2) Feeling satisfied when you've finished a meal you are more than likely maintaining weight
3) Feeling like you could eat a little more but certainly no longer feeling hungry, chances are you're more likely to lose weight.
Remember it takes a while for the signal from stomach to brain to tell it you've eaten enough. After number 3, wait for 20 minutes and you're more likely to feel like you've eaten sufficient.
Of course there are many other factors at play such as calorific content of the food you're eating but that's another story!!
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Dr Joe talks about the advantages of tracking your food.


Don't get pulled in to believing nonsense!! -diet-founder-arre…


Here is part 3 of the low fat v low carb debate :-)


Part 2 of carbs vs fat from Dr Joe's latest vlog


Dr Joe is vlogging. If you really want to delve more into the science without bull, these blogs will be well worth listening to. Get your facts straight and forget the hype.


Merry Christmas everyone. Just a little laugh from one of this years dearly departed funny ladies. I so miss this humour. x


I have just seen a profile description on a different social media site that stated "I'm on my way to have a perfect body".
What is "perfection"? What does the image of a perfect body conjure an image up in your mind? Do you see a supermodel? An athlete? A bodybuilder? Marilyn Monroe (females)? Arnold Schwarzenegger (men)?
Striving to achieve a certain look sets us up for a downfall before we've even started. If you're only 5'2" you're never going to look like a supermodel long limbs. If you don't work out with weights you'll never look like Arnold.
Take a good look at yourself and be honest. Set realistic goals for yourself, give yourself a realistic time frame. Keep a food and mood diary, take progress photos, record your weight. You may not notice the changes week by week but over time you will see the improvements. You don't learn to play a guitar in one lesson. It takes time.
There really is no secret in improving your own body and being well on the way for your body to be perfect in its own right. Find an activity that you enjoy that gets you fit and helps burn off any excess calories. Eat a healthy diet that's sustainable for life with the occasional treat.
Don't waste your time on miracle pills and fasting programmes that don't work in the long run and set you back even further. Start on day one on the right path and you'll reach the finishing point before you know it, and hey, if you fancy a few diversions along the way there's no need to take a permanent break, just hop back on the trail as soon as you can and keep going.
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How many people have been mis-sold products because they are informed by someone selling the product on a MLM scheme that they can lose weight? BBC Watchdog questions one such company (yes, there are others) after their products are sold by some of their distributors under such pretence. Glad to hear they admit the weight loss claims are not justified. Don't be fooled because you're desperate.…/item/c6357f0b-07 a0-431e-adb0-05414f1…

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