The Fitness Concierge

About The Fitness Concierge





Sometimes the grass IS greener on the other side. Because it is fake ­¤śü­¤æŖ­¤ÅŠ
If you are working on a healthy lifestyle transformation. Celebrate your own successes no matter how small AND PLEASE stop making comparisons with others.
I meet so many people that have achieved or are in the process of achieving amazing things. Yet they instantly look for somebody to compare themselves to that has (or appears to have) achieved more. Just keep the comparisons to where YOU were at when y...ou decided to set out on YOUR journey. Then double down on whatever has worked and got YOU the progress that YOU have achieved so far.
Keep going. You are already a step closer to YOUR goals ­¤śü­¤ÆÜ­¤æŖ­¤ÅŠ
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If you want different outcomes you will need to start to be different. You will need to live differently. Eat different things. Do different activities. You may even need to find different environments from time to time. You will have to be different and do different things from your partner, your best friend, your kids, your work colleagues.
If the outcomes that you want are different. You need to start to be different. What's the first thing that you can do d...ifferent to get you closer to the outcome that you want?
#bedifferent #justdoyou #lifestyletransformation #100daytransformation #thefitnessconcierge
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Being a beginner is a daunting prospect. So much so that it is often what stops people taking the first step towards their goals. Stop thinking about the end goal for a moment and focus purely on the very next step.
Make that small step your main goal for now. Maybe you can do that today or tomorrow. Get it done and then go through the process again.
Very soon the ultimate goal is closer than it has ever been. The task becomes less daunting and the vision becomes a reality.
... So what's your very next step? It could be as simple as making an enquiry. It could be booking an appointment. It may be buying a pair of swimming shorts. Whatever it is. Go do it and start your journey ­¤śü­¤æŖ­¤ÅŠ­¤ÆÜ
#icandoit #lifestyletransformation #100daytransformation #thefitnessconcierge #henleyonthames
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Check out the latest from my client Mike on his journey to 7 marathons on 7 continents in 7 days. Plus meet the stunning new training buddy ;-)


Another excellent check in this week with Laila from Yoga with Laila ­¤śü­¤ÆÜ
Week on week progress. Strength and Endurance improvement is evident. So much more athletic.
The balance between frequent Yoga and Several high intensity workouts each week has really made the progress come more quickly for her.
... I highly recommend that you try and mix up the balance of your training and lifestyle. It's the best way to get great results that are sustainable. All while loving the process.
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Aim to Relax and Strive
RELAX - make or become less tense or anxious.
STRIVE - make great efforts to achieve or obtain something.
... Achieving amazing things doesn't have to mean you can't smile at the same time.
Set a realistic plan (seek support if necessary) Commit to it (seek support where necessary) and Love the process (celebrate every success along the way. no matter how small).
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I'm always inspired by people that find a passion and go for it. At the recent Ideal Home Show I was lucky enough to meet Chef Bernie from Chef Bernie's Sauces . The sauces I tried were in a league of their own. All created and bottled by Bernie himself ­¤æÅ­¤ÅŠ­¤æÅ­¤ÅŠ­¤ÆÜ­¤ÆÜ.
I had to take some away to add some excitement to my pretty samey Chef Benson seasoning routine.
Check out the link below and get tasting at your first opportunity. I'm sure you will see them in a lot of places soon
­¤ÆÜ­¤æÅ­¤ÅŠ­¤æÅ­¤ÅŠ­¤æÅ­¤ÅŠ­¤æÅ­¤ÅŠ­¤æŖ­ ¤ÅŠ­¤śü­¤īČ’ĖÅ­¤īČ’ĖÅ­¤īČ’ĖÅ­¤īČ’ĖÅ­¤öź­ ¤öź­¤öź­¤öź
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Making a healthy lifestyle transformation is hard. When you get it. Once you are feeling the benefits. Share your experiences with others that are just starting out.
Help them get what you once thought was out of reach. You'll be an inspiration and find yourself progressing even further through helping others.


­¤æĆ Love the process ­¤ÆÜ




Chin Up Peeps. The weekend is over. Let's crack on ­¤śü­¤ÆÜ


If you don't stand for something. You will fall for anything ­¤śü­¤ÆÜ
Decide on YOUR goal and go for it ­¤æÅ­¤ÅŠ­¤æŖ­¤ÅŠ


Once you grasp this simple concept. Amazing things happen ­¤śü­¤ÆÜ


Wishing absolutely everyone an amazing Easter Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday ­¤É░­¤ÉŻ­¤ÆÜ


If you have to grit your teeth, combat mood swings, smile less and the people around you that you care about suffer. Just so you can get to a weekend or a special occasion and go "OFF PLAN". You really should consider looking for a different plan.
To get a significant change in anything. It requires some behaviour change. However, unless you are competing for a living. Or you really have a definitive deadline that means more to you than your happiness or sanity. I recommend f...inding a plan that allows you to have some of what you want when you want it.
My experience with my 100 day transformation clients is that by having a day to day flexibility to enjoy the odd cookie, pizza or have a meal out without boring friends to death with calorie calculators. Means that they don't feel the need to have WHOLE DAYS or WHOLE WEEKENDS off plan. They certainly don't need CHEAT DAYS. There's no cheating on our plans because it's a plan. Not a punishment.
Funnily enough. The clients that achieve the most amazing SUSTAINABLE results are ALWAYS the ones that spend less time trying to justify their lifestyle choices to people (at work, home and social media). The ones seeing the changes they want don't feel guilty if they bump in to an old mate and skip the gym for a glass of wine and a natter instead. They also have the most positive attitude towards training and eating. They 100% smile more 7 days a week, rather than just when they are OFF PLAN ­¤żö
Your results are a reflection of your lifestyle and not just your workouts ­¤ÆÜ #lovetheprocess
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Your results are a reflection of your lifestyle and not just your workouts ­¤ÆÜ
My clients live all over the UK. We have regular face to face in depth check ins at the club. Once a month or once every 2 weeks depending on distance. We then work together EVERY day to adjust the plan in real time to life's terms. Most have home workouts and plans to do at facilities near their home or when working away. I even source some clients other professionals to work with them on certain areas such as Yoga, Pilates, Massage and Rehabilitation.
I'm there day to day to support the process and keep the plan alive ­¤śü­¤ÆÜ #lovetheprocess


Amazing gesture from my good Pal Kevin ­¤ÆÜ­¤śü. Your donation is gonna put smiles on lots of Young Carers faces mate. Much Love ­¤ÆÜ­¤æÅ­¤ÅĮ
Between everyone's kind gestures to Yoga with Laila and with my HIIT class collecting tomorrow. I think we will break the 200 Eggs mark ­¤æÅ­¤ÅĮ­¤æÅ­¤ÅĮ­¤æÅ­¤ÅĮ­¤æÅ­¤ÅĮ


Everyone Welcome ­¤æÅ­¤ÅĮ­¤ÆÜ­¤śü

More about The Fitness Concierge

The Fitness Concierge is located at HP13 5ES
07846 219755