The Free Range Work Co

Monday: 09:00 - 12:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About The Free Range Work Co

Life is too short not to do what you love and spend time with those you love.
Whether you’re at the beginning of starting your own business, a freelancer or solopreneur, we're all about working smarter not harder to find the right work-life mix for you.



From A Daily Telegraphy article: One in 8 working women in the UK wants to start their own business, according to research by FreeAgent and OnePoll, and yet here are some uncomfortable statistics:
The Entrepreneurs Network has found that just 9% of funding for UK startups goes to women-run businesses in the UK annually.
... Men are 86% more likely to be funded by venture capital and 56% more likely to secure angel investment than women, according to the Entrepreneurs Network and Beauhurst.
In a new study by the Federation of Small Businesses, a quarter of female small business owners cited the ability to access traditional funding channels as a key challenge, with many relying on alternative sources - crowdfunding, personal cash and credit - for growth. There has also been widespread research showing that women entrepreneurs, on average, have lower loan approval rates than men and can be charged higher interest rates.
No doubt there will be complex reasons for the disparity, but the figures clearly show a funding gap; one that we believe needs to be addressed at government level. With Brexit on the horizon, it has never been more important to back British businesses. Deloitte estimates that targeted help for early stage women entrepreneurs could provide a £100bn boost to the UK economy over the next 10 years.
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Have you heard of @the.wing ?
The Wing is a network of work and community spaces designed for women. They create spaces for their members feel safe and empowered to create, connect and generate opportunities. This image is of The Wing New York. The Wing’s mission is the professional, civic, social, and economic advancement of women through community. It is designed as an incubator for connections and networking, friendships and support, mentoring and finding shared experienc...e. They have events which are designed to introduce you to your next business partner and newest friend, plus our community managers are always on-hand to cultivate connections and host intimate gatherings.
Sounds very similar to Mumming's mission but on a larger scale and minus the childcare, but we love what they are about! #Fleximumming #Flexiblework #coworking
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Many of us have behaviour patterns today that were programmed into our brains at a young age. The information that was recorded by our brains could have been completely inaccurate or cruel. The sad reality of life is that we will continue to hear negative information, but we don’t have to allow it to control us.
The loudest and most influential voice you hear is your own inner voice, your self-critic. It can work for or against you, depending on the messages you allow. It can... be optimistic or pessimistic. It can wear you down or cheer you on. You control the sender and the receiver, but only if you consciously take responsibility for and control over your inner conversation.
Speaking from experience, it takes serious work to examine the roots of a harmful attitude, but the rewards of ridding ourselves of this heavy baggage can last a lifetime. #Fleximumming #selfcare #mumlife
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Lovely to get out today to refresh my brain and see things from a new perspective. Meanwhile back home Leo’s hanging out with daddy being silly and playing. Nice he’s at an age where I can just go out for the day with no worries- not like the early days with breastfeeding and serious mum guilt- I felt horrible just for leaving him for an hour! Seems silly looking back now, but very real at the time. I honestly have no idea how it works in the US where mums typically head back to work after a few weeks... #Fleximumming #mumlife #selfcare


We’re excited to be running a Startup Bootcamp with Dahlia and Elena of @destartuplab at the co-working session on 17th June covering: . . - Looking at your personal skills and values to ensure your business idea aligns - Finding your zone of genius - Defining your why... - Briefly going over the lean business plan and how to get started. - Committing to 3 goals to get going
It will be an interactive workshop format with Dalia and Elena guiding you through the exercises. You don’t need to have an established business or exact idea to come along- it will help you out at the early stages to build a solid foundation to go forwards with. Regular co-working will also be available. Book in via link in bio or at
We are really looking forward to this one! Crèche will be run by the fabulous @supersitterskt open to 3 months to 3 years. #Fleximumming #coworking #flexible work
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Have you heard of or encountered synchronicity before?
I heard a story once about a lady who was having a hard time changing careers. The process was clearly causing her a lot of stress with all the doubts, twists and turns, and unanswered questions. She’d been offered a new job but she wasn’t sure if she wanted to leave the security of her existing job where she’d worked for years. One day as she was driving to work in a state of indecisiveness, she asked himself the questio...ns that had been churning in her mind: “Should I take the new job? Will I be happy? Am I doing the right thing?”
At that precise moment she looked up and saw a bus drive by. The billboard on the side of the bus had a Nike advertisement with the slogan: “Just Do It!”
These are not just coincidences! It is times like these that you should ask yourself: “What am I supposed to be learning or doing right now?” #fleximumming #mumlife #workthatworks
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What would you tell your pregnant self?!
I would say to give yourself time - don't expect everything to fall into place right away. It will be OK. #fleximumming #selfcare #mumlife


We're excited to have had 10 awesome ladies book in for our workshop next Monday! Five spots left!
The mega offer: join for just £10 including food and coffee expires at midday today. Discounted creche spots available as well.


OK here it is- Mega offer!
For 24 hours only- until midday tomorrow we're offering the Co-Working / Workshop / Brunch /Coffee for just £10 on 17th June. Plus four FREE creche spots!!! So you could get half a days childcare, food and a workshop for just a tenner!
Why are we doing this?
... We want to help you make your idea into a business success.
We want to reach as many people as possible.
We know it's not easy starting out on limited funds.
We want to empower mums to go for their dreams!
We'll have the ladies of De Startup Lab with us. Great to get some clarity on your business or if you're starting out from scratch. Will be co-working after the workshop finishes (will be around 90 mins). Creche open 9:30-12:30 and run by the fabulous Super Sitters
First come first served! Any Qs ping us!
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June Newsletter: Wanna join the flexible work and childcare movement? Virtual Co-Working open to register your interest! -…/reminder-thursday- coworking-session-33…


Freelancer? Remote worker? Own a business? Starting a business?
Simply need a good cup of coffee, a few hours of quiet, and a community that understands you? Pop along to one of our sessions:
11th June at Royal Oak ... 17th June at Alexander Pope 28th June location TBC #mumboss
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Hi #fleximums! We want to learn a bit more about you! Can you tell us which option best fits your current scenario? (Add another option if needed!)
Not working- SAHM On Mat leave- planning to return... Working part time Working full time Setting up a new business & working Setting up a new business full time Running a business more than 1 year old
#Fleximumming #Mumboss
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One of my passions... creative writing- writing a story just to write the story. Not to write a best seller or to necessarily even share with anyone, but because stories are fun. It gets your brain working in a totally different way than my job requires.
One of the things I would love to do with Leo when he is older is write stories together- to explore ideas and our imaginations and just see what we come up with. He currently loves looking through his picture books, so hope... this is a positive sign for future story writing!
What passions do you want to share with your kids? #Fleximumming #Mumlife
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Wanna join the #fleximumming movement? It’s all about working (and child-caring) flexibly.
Currently in Twickenham, but we’re working on new locations, plus a virtual Co-Working Club. Stay tuned if you’re not local!
... Working from home as a mum has many benefits, and also many challenges- one of which is feeling lonely and isolated. We’re here to create community and support mums to know they’re not alone!
Join us and get some focus time, meet other local work-from-home mums, have a chat, coffee, ☕️ (or three) ☕️☕️☕️ tick a few things off the to-do list. Then carry on your day with when you pick them up from the pop-up crèche. ⭐️❤️
#Fleximumming #Coworking #Mumssupportingmums
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From an article about employee wellness:
"Full-time employees spend a majority of their time at the office. Which is why work relationships are so important to employee well-being. These relationships can either positively or negatively affect an employee’s stress levels, productivity and general feelings of happiness. These factors not only affect an employee’s work performance, but it affects employee health too." ******* What about if you work remotely, or work for yoursel...f from home? Often we need to act as our own HR department. We need to think about how we can set ourselves up to win- that includes staying sane and creating some happiness in our every day life. We were designed to live in community so it's no wonder it can be hard to work in a role that involves little or no external connection... not a status update but real connection.
What do you think if you work from home? Do you struggle with feeling lonely and isolated like I did (and still do sometimes!) #Fleximumming #Flexiblework
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Hi #fleximums! Would you like a free webinar on how to grow your Instagram Business profile? If you are interested could you let us know when works best timings-wise?
Wednesday morning 10am Thursday morning 10am Monday evening 8pm... Wednesday evening 8pm
#Fleximumming #workthatworks
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I love trying products... it's just a part of my personality that I like trying all the options before committing... I think that's why I got married a bit later on in life! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ So here I am trying out something to help me sleep. More product reviews coming soon. I only review products that I find genuinely interesting and useful so I hope the reviews are useful too. Anything that potentially helps with sleep has to be a winner for parents with babies / toddlers especially! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀…/ow-putting-on -weight-helped-me-sl…


Quote from an article by @kazzagilchrist on
I truly believe we are at a point in time where the workplace as we have known it is coming to an end- commuting, being at your desk 'to be seen' - and why? Because we don't trust people to work unless they are at their desks? Get the job done wherever there are the tools available to do it- for many of us that simply means wifi and our laptops.
I think this generation has been brought up with a bit of idealism in our blood...... and to question things - why should we just accept things the way they are if they aren't working for us? #Fleximumming #workthatworks
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More about The Free Range Work Co

The Free Range Work Co is located at TW11 0JR
Monday: 09:00 - 12:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -