The Gentle Birth Company

About The Gentle Birth Company




Sheena Byrom talks here and shares her experiences as a midwife in helping to facilitate womens choices, which were somewhat different to what Sheena was familiar with at the time in her career. We can all learn from this, both midwives and women making choices. Choices in pregnancy, labour and childbirth is definitely hot topic on my hypnobirthing courses, and you will begin to understand that nothing is off limits. Everything can be on your agenda, and you can factor into your experience. I will encourage you, and can point you in the right direction of information and up to date evidence to help you make choices about your care, regardless of how simple or how unusual you think your ideas may be. It may be as simple as wanting to understand why your care providers have discussed a certain care pathway, or it may be you want to choose a different care pathway to what your care providers are recommending. For more information on my hypnobirthing course please dont hesitate to get in touch.
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Im a huge advocate for delaying the cutting of babys cord, this is a fantastic short film explaining why this is important


Ted is 3 today, happy birthday smiler ­¤śŖ­¤Äé Read about how he made his entrance here, as his mum Emma shares her story ŌØż­¤¦Ī


The first Gentle Birth Hypnobaby is 3 today! Happy birthday Ted ­¤Äé


Can anyone help Milli Hill the founder of the Positive Birth Movement?


Congratulations to Meghan and Harry! Hopefully they will take advise from William and Kate and prepare in the best way possible ­¤ÆÖ­¤Æ¢ #royalhypnobirth


This is what I talk about in my hypnobirthing courses, and as a midwife its a really valuable tool and one of the many that I use to determine how far on a woman may be in her labour. Its really easy to see when the woman is in the pool on her hands and knees, and reliable to use if a woman isnt having any examinations.


In the US but worthy of a share all the same! Congratulations Mama ­¤Æ¬

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I can guarantee hypnobirthing will make a huge positive diffetence to your experience. So many people prepare for after the birth, they decorate the nursery, buy a pram, maybe buy a sling, a baby chair etc; but few people prepare for giving birth and going through childbirth. Hypnobirthing will prepare you in everything you need to know but also with practical techniques for labour and birth, as well as supporting your birth partner so they too know how to help and support you through labour and birth.


Another satisfied KG customer ­¤śŹ Congratulations to the happy couple ­¤¦Ī


Wow. Charlotte did a fantastic refresher course for us before my daughter was born and I can't thank her enough! We had a beautiful home water birth, less than 4 hours and it was amazing - all thanks to KG hypnobirthing. I can't recommend it enough!


We originally looked at Hypnobirthing following a recommendation from a friend who found it really helpful and worthwhile. We were pointed in the direction of Charlotte and we can safely say we're SO happy we decided to choose the Gentle Birth Company.

Charlotte provided us with many techniques that we needed to have a calm birth. The breathing, focussing and visualisations really helped and the midwives couldn't believe how far into labour Ashlea was due to how calm and relaxed she was.

Charlotte's classes covered all aspects of the birth and really educated us in the whole process. It also gave me plenty to concentrate on so I wasn't left with nothing to do and I really felt a part of the whole birth.

Away from the classes and the techniques, Charlotte has been brilliant throughout. Lots of supportive emails and texts and even came to visit us after the birth with a card and present. A really nice personal touch.

We are so glad we chose Charlotte as our hypnobirthing teacher and would highly recommend her. Thanks again for all your support and all the best for the future.

Dean & Ashlea


Really enjoyed the taster session on sat many thanks x


Hypobirthing helped me more than I initially thought it would with the birth of my daughter. I felt calm and ready in the lead up to the birth and much more informed. I listened to the CDs most nights and usually fell asleep as I was relaxed. Charlotte is a great source of information and answered all of my questions. I used the up breathing techniques during labour and didn't feel any real pain until the last hour of my surges, which I still managed at home with no pain relief as I felt calmer than I thought I would have! When I arrived at hospital was already fully dilated. Once my baby arrived we had skin to skin, delayed the cord clamping and she fed within the first hour. I was well informed in my choices thanks to Charlotte. Xx


Had the most amazing birth experience after hypnobirthing with Charlotte. I would highly recommend it. She showed us invaluable techniques and how to ask for and get the birth that we wanted. I can't thank her enough.


Charlotte left me feeling I had learnt new and interesting things. Having done hypnobirthing for my first labour and wanting a refresher session for my second child I was worried that I wouldn't gain anything - or that there would be too much to cram in and that I'd be left feeling bewildered (as I do have a bad case of baby brain!) but Charlotte was like a breath of fresh air and such a lovely lady to have in our home. She covered some new things that have made me feel excited to birth again, in a way I believe will be natural and comfortable, and she has restored my confidence that I can do it again. Charlotte was inventive, using images and videos to aid my visual style of learning, and she managed to clear me of anxiety about my upcoming birth. She did one relaxation exercise that had me under full hypnosis - which has never happened before - I couldn't believe it! She is knowledgable yet personal, which I think is important when talking about such a private thing as the type of birth you want to achieve. I would recommend Charlotte with no hesitation. Thank you, it was a pleasure to meet you and I will be in touch to let you know how my birth goes! Xxx


Charlotte is amazing, so well informed on hypno birthing and being a midwife she is knowledgeable on everything a mum-to-be needs to know. This was my 3rd baby and I learnt loads and feel I went into this labour really well informed and prepared - and it was my quickest, easiest birth despite baby being back to back.

The CDs and book provided really back up what you learn in the sessions, and I loved listening to the CDs when going to bed (or a nap..!)

My midwife commented my birth plan was the best she had seen and I credit this to Charlotte and the info she gave me (and my husband) on things such as delayed chord clamping, delivery of placenta, etc.

I was talking, laughing and even eating during my labour, I used the breathing techniques alone until I was passed 7/8cm when I had some gas and air.

I really do believe staying relaxed - and laughing - helped my labour to progress naturally and quickly, and me to feel in control.


More about The Gentle Birth Company

The Gentle Birth Company is located at WF14 8 Mirfield
07725 667672