The Global Business Clinic



. When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. Lao Tzu. When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve. .... Here’s wishing you all a super successful week !
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. Super excited to host our next high-level mastermind event in Geneva, Switzerland. It’s designed to bring together CEOs/Founders of the most dynamic businesses globally for a unique opportunity to talk business face-to-face, develop a roadmap to scale their company and come away inspired… with a plan. ▪️ There are many events for start-ups or early stages in business, but very few that focus on the challenges and strategies needed when you are ready to scale your company we...ll into the 7 and 8 figures, until now. ▪️ Planning for growth up to high 6 and 7-figures is one thing. Planning to scale beyond 7- figures takes a completely different approach and strategy altogether. If you are serious about real growth, not the basics, PM for details and applications for the next event. (Feb 2019)
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Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.... To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Happy Sunday folks .


Business not a sprint. It’s a marathon. Stuff happens along the way in life both personally and professionally, but don’t let that stop you. Perseverance is imperative! Find what you love. Set your sights on your BIG goal. Don’t stop until you achieve it!!! Remember, if you want the success, the money, wealth, the fame the legacy …then be prepared to endure the failures, the work no one else wants, the early mornings, the late nights, the times when no one is there to pat you on the back. Embrace the whole process, not just the results. 😀


. Excited, anxious, happy…maybe even a little scared…but those feelings drive us towards the starting line of something fresh. There comes a time when we want something more, and there comes a time when we need something more. It can build up slowly, or catch you by surprise. Either way, you know it’s time to skip to the next scene, press play, and let the magic of the unknown excite you. Happy Monday folks !


. Excited to announce that I'll be contributing thought leadership articles on Business and global Leadership - Please let me know if there is an issue you'd like me to address! . . .... . . . . . .
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Our time is on this planet limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. . Don't spend the best hours of your best days pursuing things that won't matter in the end. Are you present in your life, with your family, friends and teammates? Are you standing firmly in your truth? Representing the truth and speaking up even when your voice shakes? Speaking up for both yourself and the voiceless? Are you speaking up even when you know no one has your back? When you star...t to embrace this You will start to lead with integrity and authenticity. Not all leaders are created equally. . What are the most important lessons you've learned from the hardest times in your life? . Here’s wishing you all a splendid weekend.
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. To do great things in the world, you must first know who you are and what gives you meaning in your life. When you start to understand that no one is coming to save you and this life is 100% YOUR responsibility, you set yourself FREE. . .... . . .
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Super excited and truly honoured to be featured in INC.!!!!
In this article I share with you my 7 tips when scaling your business ! A must read.
...…/7-tips-for-growin g-your-business-quic…
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I hear salespersons/ business owners/Entrepreneurs complain about their industry and marketplace all the time.
They say their market is too small, its grossly oversaturated, too much "competition" and anything else they can use as an excuse to place blame on anything but themselves.
These are ALWAYS the same people who are failing to hit goals, financial targets and deadlines... failing to create the BIG wins and they refuse to put in the effort.
... If you’re reading this, and you’ve been playing the "marketplace" victim, it’s time you take self-inventory and ask yourself why YOU are to blame for the situation you’re in.
Until YOU take personal responsibility and seek massive improvement, the "marketplace" will always treat you badly, because you are not acting accordingly. One needs to change Ones attitude!!!!
As a high impact business mentor, I’ve seen countless business owners, entrepreneurs and Salespersons.... a few things remain always... Some win big while the other give up before they've even started!
Same resources, similar products, same marketplace, yet one wins big and the other quits and the business never takes off!!!
In a vast majority of cases this is an internal challenge, Mindset issue !!!!
The sooner a person takes personal responsibility and seeks a solution, the sooner the "marketplace" doesn’t matter.
If you’re tired of blaming others, tired of feeling defeated and directionless, and you’re ready to take personal responsibility and invest in yourself and your future, join me on a Skype call! You deserve to live a Wealthy life !
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There is so much truth in this ! So many people get in their own way to success. You already have what it takes. The challenge usually lies in the skill set required. If you don't have the skill set yet, remember, the skills can be taught !!!! Find yourself a mentor and get to work !


⭐️Invest in yourself - Investing in yourself does not necessarily mean spending a gaggle of money.
⭐️It means take the time to learn something that will make you smarter than you were yesterday.
⭐️The internet offers a plethora of free information for just about anything you can think of. In many cases there is funding available to go back to school and earn a degree.
... ⭐️Hire a business strategist/ Mentor/ coach ....learn from those already walking the talk! Those who have achieved the level of success you're aspiring towards.
⭐️Get on your social media sites and see who is putting on a webinar in the field you are interested in. Whether it's business, fitness, health, art...... Contact some connections and ask them questions. That is what connections are supposed to be connect!!!
⭐️There are so many avenues you can take, but excuses will lead you straight into a dead end!!!!!!!!
⭐️Learn everything you can from anybody that will teach you. Find a mentor that resonates with your values! Someone who will hold you accountable and is supportive.
⭐️What you can't do is afford to NOT to invest in yourself!
⭐️I'm taking national and international business strategy calls this week. If you want to see a massive difference in your life and business, if you're prepared to take action under the expert, no nonsense, practical and strategic guidance of myself ... just PM me to arrange a Skype Call ! ⬆️⬆️⬆️
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FEAR OF FAILURE IN YOUR BUSINESS !! ***************************************** ** "What if my business doesn't work out?" ***************************************** ** ⭐️"I'll lose my savings, a year or two of my life, and a whole heap of other opportunities will pass me by!
... ⭐️Some people are motivated by fear. They use fear to push, prod and propel them forward into clear, definitive action.
⭐️Some people despise fear. They freeze, give up and return to the daily grind. Back to their 9-6pm job ....They lock their dreams into a corner of their mind and throw away the key. The price of inaction is far more than the cost of not starting.
⭐️In business, there are no guarantees. Fact !!!!! You commit your money, time and passion, and you walk straight into the unknown. Yes !!!!
⭐️So, first things first, you can immediately reduce the risk by finding a mentor and following a path that they may have travelled to create their 6 or 7 figure business.... A mentor who has already achieved the level of success you're wanting to attain. Learn from the best. Success leaves clues!
⭐️You must also find a deep passion in your work, or in business itself. Something has to get you up in the morning .... something that sets that soul on fire, so that you will be disciplined to take action every single day. Remind yourself of your vision and the meaning you apply to your work.
⭐️Ask yourself, "What is the worst case scenario that could happen?" and come up with 10 answers. Then ask yourself if those are really likely. Chances are they are not and it's not as scary as you think it will be.
⭐️Finally, sit quiet and close your eyes. !!! Remove all doubt and worry for a moment and listen to your heart. What are you being told to do? Listen intently, because no matter what anyone convinces you of, your intuition usually will be the best advice for you to follow. Take a moment or two in your day to listen in the stillness.
⭐️The fear of business failing, and not working out the way we want, is just another story we tell ourselves.
⭐️Good news.... the story can be changed !
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⭐️I'm offering 2 ambitious, driven, action takers, 1-1 High Impact Mentorship starting September!!!! This is open for those who really want to change their lives and are both ready and willing to take control of their life. ***************************************** **** The select candidates will receive personal mentoring from myself and my team. ***************************************** **** Please PM me to arrange a strategy call. ⬆️📩
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More about The Global Business Clinic

The Global Business Clinic is located at Mayfair, London, United Kingdom