The Haven Healing Centre - Cheddar

Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:00
Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About The Haven Healing Centre - Cheddar

The Haven Healing Centre is a small therapy practice in Cheddar. Wellness through touch and healing

The Haven Healing Centre - Cheddar Description

Phil is a complementary therapist and healer. He is qualified in Spinal Touch, Sports Massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Emotional Freedom Technique, Healing, Reiki, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Counselling, Bio Stress Release and Ultrasound Treatment. His art of delivery is in combining the various aspects of these modalities to bring you the best and most successful outcome possible. Please visit the website for more information.



Hi everyone, I'm trying to do some research into chronic pain and the different treatments that do or don't work. The main research seems to concentrate on pain, medication and surgery. Very little is mentioned about alternative methods of pain control except to put it in the speculative category.
If you have a minute, can you reply with how you relax? For example: resting with a hot cup of coffee and warm dressing gown, a chat with a friend on the phone, sitting by the... fire with your favourite book.
We all know that relaxation can switch off the pain response and I would be most interested in what works for you. Thanks.
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Food packaging chemicals linked to chronic disease.
As if we didn't know, or perhaps we choose to ignore it, but the Phthalates (chemicals found in food packaging and pharmaceutical drugs) have been linked to a range of chronic diseases, from heart problems, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.
... Every one of us with a chronic health problem is likely to have these plastics in our bodies. Phthalates are mainly used as plasticizers (substances added to plastics to increase their flexibility, transparency, durability, and longevity).
it's hard to get away from them, and researchers from the University of Adelaide, who carried out tests, say there is a direct connection between the chemicals and chronic diseases.
Phthalates interfere with the endocrine system, which controls the release of hormones that regulate growth, metabolism and sexual development, as well as showing increased biomarkers of inflammation, the main warning signs of other chronic conditions, including obesity and some cancers.
How do these things enter the food chain? Foods wrapped in packaging containing these phthalate esters leach into the food and the environment. Processed foods and carbonated drinks, fatty foods such as milk, butter, and meats are a major source.
I'm not telling you to carry everything home in your pockets, but while the food manufacturers refuse, or resist telling us about these risks, we must educate ourselves and find ways to deal with it.
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Always a good idea to keep a close eye on these things.


Painful Swollen Legs? • Do you suffer from painful legs? • Is the hot weather playing havoc with your legs, or cause your legs to itch like mad and swell like crazy? • Do your legs burn with pain by the evening, or irritate and need a good scratch? • Do your legs feel restless and need to move (Restless Leg Syndrome, or do you feel like something is crawling under your skin?... • Is your skin hard beneath the surface, or tough and feeling board-like? • Do you spend long periods of time at a computer or office desk? • Do you spend long hours on your feet?
I currently have a few treatment slots available for lymphedema and fibrosis of the thighs and legs. Manual Lymphatic Drainage provides a highly effective treatment for any of the conditions and symptoms listed above. For more details please visit:
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Vitamins or No Vitamins? Doctors are sceptical about whether we should take vitamins to supplement the modern diet. They will argue that hundreds of years ago there were no vitamin tablets and people were healthy.
Sugar is now the no.1 enemy as it suppresses your immune system and stimulates yeast overgrowth in your bowel. But sugar has all the healthy bits stripped out of it before you eat it, just as white flour and rice has all the bran polished off before we cook with... it.
The Standard Average Diet or SAD, is now significantly depleted of vitamins and minerals, also due the the processing of foods like meats and vegetables.
So Doc, just so you get it. Hundreds of years ago, sugar was very expensive and not readily available. King Henry might have liked it on his breakfast, but he had to send someone to the West Indies to buy it.
Your average farmer and his family ate whole-grain, fresh produce, field or forest raised meat, and probably very little sugar or refined flour. So this argument is virtually null and void.
And besides, does it really hurt to supplement with high quality vitamins and minerals? It might be expensive urine, but the body will take what it needs first.
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Prescribed osteoporosis drug is making bones weaker.
A recent study, by scientists at Imperial College London, reports that patients taking bisphosphonates for osteoporosis for long periods seem to be developing more micro cracks in their hip bone than other people of the same age.
The drugs are routinely given to treat osteoporosis and bone loss in cancer patients. So a drug that is supposed to reduce the risk of fracture, seems to be making the problem worse the longer you... take it. Visit the NOS website for more information:…/media-reports-abou t-long-term-bisphos…/
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P.R.I.C.E Therapy. It is not unusual in a moment of absent mindedness for any of us to injure ourselves, causing bumps, bruises, strains and sprains. These types of injuries can be initially treated using P.R.I.C.E. therapy which stands for Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation.
Protection Protecting the area from further injury is extremely important. Use a support and adopt non-weight bearing or non-pressure techniques will assist rapid recovery.
... Rest Reducing your daily physical activity will help speed up your recovery, as will accepting any help that may be offered by others. If you need to move, a walking stick may help for leg injuries and a sling may help for arm and shoulder injuries.
Ice Applying an ice pack to the injured area for 15 - 20 minutes, every 2 - 3 hours, will help ease the pain and help reduce swelling. The cooling effect constricts blood vessels and reduces any inflammatory fluids reaching the injury. Always use an ice pack cover to prevent the ice touching your skin directly and causing a burn.
Compression Elasticated compression bandage on the injury helps to limit swelling and will ease pain. Make sure you use the right compression bandage for the job.
Elevation Keeping the injured body part elevated above the level of your heart will help reduce swelling and help speed up recovery.
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Problems with Insomnia? Try these ways to fall asleep quickly and easily. Taken from the website:
Home Techniques 1. Always go to bed when you are tired and refrain from fighting it. ... 2. The bedroom should be used for sleep and sex only. It's not a TV or games room, restaurant, library or a counselling/marriage guidance chamber, or somewhere to vent your anger. 3. Refrain from taking naps during the day. 4. If you can't go to sleep within 20-30 minutes, get out of bed and move to another room. Sit in the dark, or listen to music (soft, low music), or read something light. Avoid eating late or raiding the fridge. Avoid heavy metal, punk rock (showing my age now) or that ridiculous crap, sorry rap. Avoid sensational books and newspapers, and instead pick a shopping catalogue, magazine, love story or hobby book. Loud, violent, horror or bloody films or TV programs arouse the senses unduly and will delay the onset of sleep. 5. Wake up at the same time each morning and get up, including at weekends. 6. I know of a few people who do ironing, or dusting, or polishing the silver. The idea here is not to reward sleeplessness with treats, but to do something mundane and boring. The brain soon gets the message that there is no reward for staying awake.
The SleepSoundlyNow CD and mp3 (a Haven Healing Centre product) have been good sellers over the last couple of years. But as my Facebook friend I'd like to offer you the chance to download the mp3 for £3 off the normal price. I haven't done this before, so I hope it works ok.
Facebook offer:…< br> Please let me know what you think and if it help you recover from insomnia. Lots more information about sleeplessness is available from the website dedicated to this audio product. Visit:
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Are you a frequent runner, or already training for a marathon this year?
All serious runners have a massage therapist. Massage feels great! Runners tell me massages help lessen muscle tension and improve range of motion, while also helping them heal faster after injury or a hard run.
What does massage do? ... It applies pressure to muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia, which softens the tissue and makes tight muscles relax. Running causes tissue to clog and glue together, something we call adhesions. When fascia and muscle stick, you get pain and restriction in muscle movement, which dampens your performance.
Studies published in the Journal of Athletic Training and the British Journal of Sports Medicine discovered that massage after exercise reduced the intensity of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)—that is, the peg-legged feeling you get two days after your big run or marathon.
Make massage a regular part of your training routine. More information can be found here: orts_massage.htm
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Do you struggle with forgiveness?
I find forgiveness a strange concept, because if you don't forgive someone, you are the one feeling all the pain, and if you do forgive someone, it seems to imply that you somehow have a hold over them, when in reality, they probably don't even know you are tied up in knots over whatever the issue was, nor do they care.
Holding on to past memories can be both painful physically, and traumatic emotionally. They bring you down, instead of gi...ving you power. You manifest the pain of being a victim, which takes away your ability to grow, move on and move forward.
Many cannot forgive because they worry that the perpetrator will not get their just punishment, when in reality it is they who are being punished, usually for being the innocent party.
Forgiving someone is not about condoning what they did. Sometimes the things done to us are unforgivable. But to 'forgive' someone officially is merely an ego trip on our part. It means nothing, universally, or to the individual; nobody cares.
A truely conscious spirit realizes there is nothing to forgive, you were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. If that person betrayed their own conscious spirit, karma will get them in the end.
Your inner consciousness has already let go and moved on. If you can also do this consciously, you will be as one with your spirit and not at odds. This will bring you to a place of peace faster than any thought of 'I forgive you'.
To learn more about letting go and cutting cords of attachment, please visit:
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It wasn't that long ago that allergies were quite rare, but it seems that if you don't have at least one allergy now, you are in the minority. Is it possible it has something to do with the junk, chemical laden 'food' we are palmed off with at the supermarket?
You might even think that is a little harsh. But how many can you think of? Peanut, lactose, eggs, gluten, wheat, shellfish, just to name a few. Is it possible this colossal rise in food allergies in the general po...pulation could be caused by food additives? A recent study would suggest so.
Exhibit one: the synthetic food additive tert-butylhydroquinone, or tBHQ.
Approved by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1972, tBHQ is a preservative in many foods, such as cooking oil, nuts, crackers, waffles and breads. Often tBHQ is not even listed on the label.
Cheryl Rockwell, an assistant professor of pharmacology at Michigan State University discovered that when tBHQ enters the digestion and blood stream it triggers the immune system to hijack your T-cells which then release a set of proteins that puts the immune system in hyper-vigilent mode, triggering the surge in allergies.
Thankfully, she has the funding to continue this research, which is just as well, because none of your food producing companies gives a damn.
You can read more about this story here:…/common-additi ve-may-be-why-you-h…/ and here: ydroquinone…
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Do you have swollen or painful legs? If yes, then you might like to know there is probably much you can do about it that does not involve risky medication and/or surgery. As more and more people seem to be having difficulty walking and suffering with lymph oedema, pain and muscle/joint dysfunction, I would invite you to read more information here:


Guess when I move, if all works out as planned, i'll have to change THHC's header picture from this tranquil scene of Blagdon lake to the healing energies of Glastonbury Tor and the Somerset levels.


How bacteria become resistant to anti-biotics. A 2ft by 4ft petri dish was divided into differing amounts of antibiotics with the E. Coli starting on either end. See what happens when they spread and hit the first antibiotics. The first band has just enough to kill them. The second band has 10x the amount, the third 100x and the final band has 1000x the amount of antibiotics as the first band. It only takes the bacteria 11 days to invade the whole plate.
... What do you think is the logical conclusion for overuse of antibiotics in society today?
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I've noticed a curious thing about our own supermarket habits recently, probably because I've got nothing better to do than wander around (doing the wine and dvd sections) while Jill does the real shopping. Have you noticed how supermarkets lay out their stores, with fruits and vegetables, fresh meats and fresh fish, as well as the bakery, are all around the perimeter of the store? Once we've done these areas, we seem to engage less and less with ANY of the other aisles, mayb...e except for cleaning, hygiene and toilet products. We decided a couple years ago that anything with more than 3 lines of ingredients would stay on the shelf, now I'm leaning more to 2 lines. One of the worst ingredients currently to watch out for is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) which does all kinds of unspeakable things to your body and should really carry a government health warning. UK and European supermarkets not so much, but ones with US connections are bringing the stuff over here big time! You know who they are.....
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More about The Haven Healing Centre - Cheddar

The Haven Healing Centre - Cheddar is located at The Orchard, Draycott Rd, Cheddar, Somerset, BS27 3RU Bristol, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:00
Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -