The Holistic Birth School. Paris Senior - Holistic Midwife

About The Holistic Birth School. Paris Senior - Holistic Midwife

Paris Senior - Holistic Midwife provides education & coaching on all things Pregnancy, Childbirth & New Motherhood - with a particular focus on natural resources & positive birth.
On-line courses, Pregnancy Coaching, Workshops & a likeminded community

The Holistic Birth School. Paris Senior - Holistic Midwife Description

Welcome to The Holistic Birth School, I am so glad to have you here. My name is Paris Senior - a little about me: I am first and foremost a mother to James- Daniel, and also a fully qualified UK Midwife with a special interest in antenatal education and holistic therapy. In particular aromatherapy, positive mindset, herbal treatments & massage therapy. I live in England on the East Yorkshire Coast with my Beautiful Son and 2 naughty dogs and am the founder at The Holistic Birth School. ​
As a holistic midwife, I help pregnant women wanting to avoid drugs & harsh chemicals, learn how to safely harness the power of Essential oils so they can support themselves through pregnancy and childbirth, live clean, and be the mother who cares for their family’s health and home naturally.
Having used essential oils and aromatherapy in my personal life and within my midwifery practice for many years, I am constantly amazed at the power of nature, and how, (with a little knowledge and education) these amazing pure oils can have such a positive effect in our lives.

Essential oils can easily be incorporated into your life to reduce the number of chemicals in our immediate and wider environment. With the right guidance, essential oils can be safely used to aid many ailments in pregnancy, for childbirth support and as a new mother caring for her family.
I find it comforting knowing that my son can pick up food from a surface, or bathe in a bath that is not coated in chemical cleaners polluting his future world or breathing their fumes into his lovely little body. I feel reassured that I am able to treat many ailments and health problems naturally, without resorting to drugs and antibiotics. I am extremely passionate about sharing these life skills with like-minded women who wish to go through pregnancy and childbirth and live life more naturally.

Being pregnant is time for self-reflection and great changes within & outside of our bodies. Essential oils can assist with many issues and problems during pregnancy, during labour and in the postnatal period and far beyond. From, easing nausea and vomiting, to managing anxiety and fears, to easing tired aching bodies, managing pain, inducing labour and aiding symptoms in the postnatal period for Mum, Dad & Baby.

Regarding preparation for parenthood, I wholeheartedly believe that knowledge creates self-empowerment and confidence within, which is why I feel that antenatal education is so vitally important. I believe that education should start early in pregnancy and the journey into parenthood in order to strive for the very best outcome for your new addition(s) and changes to family life. Preparation is key and I am happy to personally support you through this.

Having a baby is, no doubt, a life-changing experience, whether this is your first or your tenth baby. I fully understand that whilst pregnancy and new parenthood is an amazing journey, upon which you, your baby and your family have embarked, it can also be a bit scary. Feelings of elation, wonder, disbelief, amazement and excitement can be tempered with questions, anxieties, worries and concerns.

The Holistic Birth School is born from knowing that parental education should stem from quality research and current best evidence, however, that there is no 'one size fits all' when it comes to individual families. Each family is unique, each person within the family is unique, and no two pregnancies are the same, neither are their educational needs.
Local council / NHS parental education services have highly knowledgeable professionals, with a wealth of advice at hand. They are, however, massively overstretched, and through no fault of the professional, are unable to tailor the educational needs to a particular person or family as well as they might. Through my private Holistic Birth School Facebook group, I and a likeminded community provide continuing support for as long as you wish.
In The Holistic Birth School’s ‘Aromatherapy for Pregnancy, Childbirth and Motherhood’ on-line course, with my personal guidance, you will transform from novice to expert, safely using essential oils and other natural therapies to maintain wellness in pregnancy, to support yourself through childbirth naturally (both physically and emotionally), and you will gain lifelong skills when it comes to caring for your future family’s health and home, without the need for drugs and harsh chemicals!

I offer bespoke antenatal coaching specific to YOUR needs, YOUR family, YOUR time-frame, in the comfort of your own home. No crowded classes. No concerns about asking questions or going over things again. with on-going support, I am here to help and support you as long as you need it.

Please feel free to contact me to enquire about courses and support at contact@holisticmidwifery. co. uk or via Facebook messenger
I sincerely look forward to meeting you and helping you navigate your special journey into natural motherhood.

Love and best wishes, Paris x

More about The Holistic Birth School. Paris Senior - Holistic Midwife
