The Laughing Cow Uk- Official Page

About The Laughing Cow Uk- Official Page

Laughing Cow Facebook Community rules

We encourage comments made on Laughing Cow related subjects in an intelligent and constructive manner. We reflect a wide range of interests for the benefit of all of our users.

* Keep your comments relevant to the topic. Off-topic comments will be removed so we can keep discussions focused for all of our users. New discussions may be started on new topics and all relevant comments should be directed there.

* Treat others as you would like to be treated. Be polite, even if you disagree. Abusive language, aggression and bullying are not allowed (whether aimed at users, individuals, Laughing Cow or other companies). Distressing content is also banned.

* We will try to help you with any queries, but to respect your privacy we cannot ask for personal contact details on this page. It may be necessary to ask you to contact us privately.

* To safeguard the privacy of individuals any postings including information that may identify individuals offline will be removed.

* Constructive criticisms of The Laughing Cow which we can act on or respond to are allowed.

* Repeated duplicate postings (spam) by the same user or groups will be removed as they clutter up discussions for other users.

* Comments subject to legal issues (slander, defamation, contempt of court) or publicising / encouraging / endorsing illegal activity will be removed.

* Content with overt religious or political bias intended to incite others will be removed. Aggressive lobbying that disrupts the community for other Laughing Cow users will be removed.

* Impersonating brands or other users or featuring licensed or copyright material is not allowed.

* Content containing unverified or false claims about products will be removed.

* Images and video where consent from those featured is not clear will be removed.

* We do not allow links to non-Laughing Cow sites as we cannot guarantee the content of those sites.

* We reserve the right to remove user content that is considered likely to provoke or offend others or that is defamatory or vulgar. If a user persists to violate our Facebook Community Rules, then we may have to ban them from further participation on this Page.

* By posting comments on our page, you give us the right to share them on any support and media. We will only disclose your first name and your comments.

Please respect all of Facebook’s terms and conditions: http://on. fb. me /hix5Xa

The Laughing Cow Uk- Official Page Description

Laughing Cow Facebook Community rules

We encourage comments made on Laughing Cow related subjects in an intelligent and constructive manner. We reflect a wide range of interests for the benefit of all of our users.

* Keep your comments relevant to the topic. Off-topic comments will be removed so we can keep discussions focused for all of our users. New discussions may be started on new topics and all relevant comments should be directed there.

* Treat others as you would like to be treated. Be polite, even if you disagree. Abusive language, aggression and bullying are not allowed (whether aimed at users, individuals, Laughing Cow or other companies). Distressing content is also banned.

* We will try to help you with any queries, but to respect your privacy we cannot ask for personal contact details on this page. It may be necessary to ask you to contact us privately.

* To safeguard the privacy of individuals any postings including information that may identify individuals offline will be removed.

* Constructive criticisms of The Laughing Cow which we can act on or respond to are allowed.

* Repeated duplicate postings (spam) by the same user or groups will be removed as they clutter up discussions for other users.

* Comments subject to legal issues (slander, defamation, contempt of court) or publicising / encouraging / endorsing illegal activity will be removed.

* Content with overt religious or political bias intended to incite others will be removed. Aggressive lobbying that disrupts the community for other Laughing Cow users will be removed.

* Impersonating brands or other users or featuring licensed or copyright material is not allowed.

* Content containing unverified or false claims about products will be removed.

* Images and video where consent from those featured is not clear will be removed.

* We do not allow links to non-Laughing Cow sites as we cannot guarantee the content of those sites.

* We reserve the right to remove user content that is considered likely to provoke or offend others or that is defamatory or vulgar. If a user persists to violate our Facebook Community Rules, then we may have to ban them from further participation on this Page.

* By posting comments on our page, you give us the right to share them on any support and media. We will only disclose your first name and your comments.

Please respect all of Facebook’s terms and conditions: http://on. fb. me /hix5Xa



Join the Good Housekeeping Facebook Live today NOW to build the snack you'd most like to eat with The Laughing Cow #snacklikeyou inguk/videos/?ref=page_internal


Can you create a prize-worthy snack? Rustle up your own Laughing Cow creation, post in the comments or on our Facebook page and be sure to tag #SnackLikeYou… You could be in with the chance of winning amazing prizes from £100 vouchers to creative cookery experiences! [T&Cs apply]


Want to WIN tasty prizes in return for sharing a #SnackLikeYou? Whether you like to dunk it, dip it, or spread it, sweet or savoury, share a picture of your personalised Laughing Cow snack in the comments or on our Facebook page and you could win £100 grocery voucher weekly or even a star prize of a creative cookery experience! [T&Cs apply]


Who knew Tuscan chicken with penne pasta could be so delicious ? Creamy and loaded with flavours, this Chicken Tuscan Pasta Bake is perfect for a family lunch or to snack on with friends before a party ! #snacklikeyou


With another great summer of sport on the way… why not try making some of these sweet potato nachos for munching on while you cheer for your favourite teams or athletes? They also make a great side for your BBQs , and work well as an appetizer for a dinner party! #snacklikeyou


Easy and delicious, these Hasselback Mini Potatoes are an ideal option for a dunkable and delicious snack, family meal or even formal dinner party. Whatever the occasion… why not try this original and cheesy recipe next time you have guests over? #snacklikeyou


Sweet or savoury ? The Laughing cow cheese is the perfect snack partner, no matter how you snack!


However you snack, discover a world of creamy possibilities with NEW tubs from The Laughing Cow !


Whether you’re sweet or spicy, snack like you with The Laughing Cow cheese !


Sweet or savoury? The Laughing cow cheese is the perfect snack, no matter how you snack.


Snaccidents cause Brits to eat an average 700 extra calories per day… avoid them with The Laughing Cow!


Snaccident and emergency! We need our Extra Light 20 cal per triangle stat.


Ever feel you’re eating on autopilot? That’s a Snaccident! Here’s how to avoid one…


Caution! Snaccident ahead. That brown banana just won’t do as your mid-morning snack.


Snaccident = Accidently eating a snack without thinking and therefore, not enjoying it.


There’s been a snaccident! Stale crisps eaten without enjoyment at 4pm.


Snaccident in the workplace? Mindless nibbling opportunities lurk everywhere




love laughing cow cheese, it tastes so creamy, but mild


Love Laughing Cow triangles, favourite snack is two digestive biscuits with a red cheddar triangle squished between them

More about The Laughing Cow Uk- Official Page