The Lizard, Wymondham

About The Lizard, Wymondham

The Lizard Pastures, managed by The Lizard Charity as a piece of informal, natural countryside for the general benefit and enjoyment of the people of Wymondham.



More hedge planting happening at 10am today near Station Road. Our volunteer group meets on the second Saturday of every month. Come and join us sometime.


The Lizard this morning. Merry Christmas all.…/status /1077492049031647238…


Delighted with our lovely new website:


One of the many reasons why it is important to clear up after your dog. Thank you for keeping the Lizard clean and safe.


From Monday 17th September, vehicular access to the end of The Lizard road may be difficult. Parking may be restricted.


This small piece of land is by the black gate, at the bottom of the track leading to Rightup Lane. It is a mystery who owns it!
It looks like access to the Lizard might be getting a little more tricky for a while!


Delighted to say that the work on the boardwalk, steps and disused railway starts next week, which means that the circular walk will be closed for 3 weeks, from July 9th.
EDITED: Unfortunately, we have just heard that this work is no longer starting on Monday due to some technical hitches. Watch this space for further information as it becomes available.


Regarding the tower on the Lizard, we are pleased to report that South Norfolk's contractor has inspected the tower and will get the repairs carried out to make it safe.


The meadow is looking good - I love the red of the sorrel with the buttercups and grasses.


Unfortunately the tower on the Lizard has recently been vandalised. Please let us know if you have any information about this. the Police and South Norfolk Council have been informed.


The Lizard is part of a County Wildlife Site (CWS). CWS do not have a statutory designation, like Sites of Special Scientific Interest or National Nature Reserves but are currently acknowledged by local planning authorities as high-quality sites for the conservation of wildlife and can be taken into account when developments are proposed. However, The Government is proposing to take all reference to County Wildlife Sites out of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). which will make it much harder for local authorities to refuse planning permission that will damage our County Wildlife Sites. Norfolk Wildlife Trust are campaigning to ensure the protection of these sites and this link will take you to their website for further details of how you can add your support to the campaign.


Walking the dog, early this morning, I heard the call, "A little bit of bread and no chee-se". A yellowhammer. I recalled that I had just been reading about them in the British Trust for Ornithology magazine: they are a red-listed bird, in decline in England that 'are strongly associated with cereal farming, although they will also breed in more natural habitats such as bushy scrub or woodland edges'. Here's a picture from the internet.


Views from the bridge over the Tiffey this morning.

More about The Lizard, Wymondham

The Lizard, Wymondham is located at The Lizard, NR18 9BH Wymondham, Norfolk