The Luna Hive

Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday: -

About The Luna Hive

The Luna Hive is supporting destination specialising in women’s health and wellbeing, including fertility, pregnancy, new mum and baby, and beyond 🐝

The Luna Hive Description

Mummas Wellbeing offers tailored therapies with specialist therapists who can work with you to achieve your goals. We specialise in fertility, pregnancy, the postnatal period and women's health. We currently offer: - Arvigo- CBT- Counselling- Massage- Nutritional therapy- Mindfulness- New mother home support- Osteopathy- Physiotherapy- Pilates- Psychotherapy- Reflexology. We have therapists working from therapy rooms and centres across Guildford, Godalming and surrounding villages. All our therapists are fully qualified, accredited and insured within their fields. We also offer a mobile service, where our therapies can come to you.



Reading and understanding a cosmetic ingredient label can be confusing and often difficult to understand. We’ve come up with five tips to help you navigate through and decipher your ingredient label.
... 1. Plant names are listed in their Latin names (always two words) with the common name in brackets. For example sunflower oil would be listed as helianthus annuus (sunflower) seed oil. If it isn’t listed as such, then it probably isn’t a natural ingredient.
2. By law all ingredients are listed in order of concentration. If you are buying something because it contains a specific ingredient, check out where it falls within the ingredient list.
3. It is completely legal for a company to market a product as natural or organic even if only a small percentage of the ingredient base comes from organic or natural sources. Look for a percentage to qualify the claim, e.g. 95% organic. Look for certification such as COSMOS ORGANIC, COSMOS NATURAL or certifications through The Soil Association.
4. If the item contains water, there is a preservative. As water breeds bacterial growth, a preservative is added to prolong a product’s shelf-life and ensure consumer safety. There are many natural preservatives commonly used and people have varying positions on the use of natural versus synthetic.
5. If you are buying a product with a fragrance, avoid those with the word parfum. By law the chemicals that contribute to a parfum do not need to be listed, so you could be inhaling or placing on your skin a cornucopia of ingredients, including phthalates which have been scientifically linked to a number of health ailments like endocrine disruption, cancer and allergies.
Finally, a full ingredient list is required on cosmetic product packaging, not on website listings. Some websites list ‘active’ ingredients and may focus on the popular and omit the controversial ingredients. To see the full list, you need to see the actual product, and possibly the container. If you think the ingredient list is too short or too good to be true, Google the product or contact the company prior to purchase.
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Are you starting to think about weaning and feeling a bit unsure about exactly what you need to do?
Download our weaning menu planner and get a nutritionist approved plan with what types of food to give your baby (and when!) from 6 to 7 months!
🐝 Tag a friend who might find it useful too! 🐝
... To download click here 👇 u_planner
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Have you ever considered having a birth or postnatal doula?
"Zara is by far the best money I have ever spent. She helped me achieve the birth of my dreams, I could never have done it without her. Her gentle non judgemental approach, sensitively offering options and helping me with the things I didn’t know I didn’t know and listening so acutely, all helped us have a fantastic HBAC (vbac at home). Whilst she was amazing during the birth with aromatherapy oils, massage and a re...bozo etc, she was even more incredible before in the lead up to help me and my husband get into the right state of mind. Afterwards she helped us settle gently into parenthood and was such a loving presence in the most wonderful hours after the birth. She even cooked up my placenta! Zara did a closing the bones massage which was bliss, a very helpful way to let go of the tension and ease into the transition of having 2 little ones. I am so grateful for meeting Zara, she made my 2nd birth an absolute joy and one of my proudest and happiest moments, I couldn’t recommend her more highly." Bethan
Find our more about Zara's (Doulabud) birth and postnatal doula services here:< br> See More


5 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT... BIRTH PARTNERS By Claire from Mummas & Beans Haslemere
Birth partners can be a huge support in labour and can help to make a woman’s birth experience more positive. It may be your partner, mum or perhaps a friend supporting you as your birth parent, but whoever it is, there are a few things that you can both do to prepare.
... 1️⃣ Antenatal classes and labour. It’s a good idea for your birth partner to have an understanding of what happens in labour so that they are prepared for it. If you’re attending antenatal classes then invite them along, or encourage them to do their own research.
2️⃣ Know the birth plan. It’s important that your birth partner understands what your wishes are during labour so that you can be an advocate for you. Equally, if you decide to go off plan then they need to be fully supportive.
3️⃣ Logistics. Ask your birth partner to make sure that they know the route to the hospital, how long it’s likely to take, where to park and make sure the car has fuel in it if you’re going to be driving there. Also ask them to make sure they have their phone on and don’t travel too far out of the area around the due date.
4️⃣ Partner techniques during labour. There are a number of things that your birth partner can do during the labour to try and help you. These include offering you water to keep you hydrated, reminding you to empty your bladder, encouraging you to rest in the early stages of labour and offering comfort and reassurance throughout. Chat about what works and doesn’t work for you with your partner, while a shoulder rub might relax one person, another might find it irritating.
5️⃣ Mental health. It’s important that your both partner is aware of both your and their own mental health. Just because it’s not them giving birth, this does not mean that they won’t feel impacted by the birth, both before and afterwards. It’s not uncommon for partners, as well as mothers, to suffer from pre and postnatal anxiety or depression. If you are worried about your own mental health or your parents, then please seek help and support.
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Yes, generally we're all about women's health and wellbeing, but as its fathers day I wanted to dedicate a post to the men in our lives! . The men who understand we need space when we feel totally touched out. . The men who get up at the weekend and make breakfast so we get an extra hours sleep (well, maybe for one of the days, lets not get carried away!) .... . The men that encourage us to take time for ourselves even when we struggle to do it. . The men that co-parent and never 'babysit'! . The men that appreciate how bloody brilliant you are! . 🐝 What would you add to the list? 🐝
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This is Catherine Lippe, Registered Nutritionist and Luna Expert.
Catherine has over 10 years’ experience as a paediatric nutritionist her area of nutrition expertise includes pregnancy and pre-conception, breastfeeding and new mums, weaning, fussy eating, early years’ nutrition, kids and family nutrition.
She is also a consultant Registered Nutritionist for the @eyn_partnership who strive to improve nutrition standards in nurseries.
... But did you know she has also partnered with The Luna Hive to build a comprehensive, evidence based online course?
There is a 1 hour workshop packed full of practical, realistic, useful information and then 8 weeks of support, through checklists, recipes, meal planners and guides... you even get to email her directly with any questions!
If your baby is coming up to 6 months or you feel stuck with weaning and want some help, sign up for the course today using the link below!
Use the code lunaweaning40 for 40% off!
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How do I get rid of my knots?
Ali Chambers - Guildford Massage Therapist has written a brilliant blog on how to get rid of knots. Yes, massage will help but she also recommends some ways you can help at home too!
🐝Have you found you are more knotty since having children?🐝
... (When Eliza was about 6 months old I had a massage and the woman who did it seemed slightly horrified at the state of my shoulders! Feeding and picking up baby for 6 months had made my shoulders SO knotty. she worked on them and, whilst is was a bit painful at the time (but good pain - do you know what I mean?) it felt amazing after!)
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Did you know that 1 in 3 women are likely to have pelvic floor health issues in their life? But do not fear! There are many ways to ensure your pelvic floor is fit & healthy for years to come!
...Continue Reading


1️⃣ You don't need to know what you need! If you have a bad back, are struggling with your mood or are struggling to conceive, you don't have to know exactly what treatment you need - just ask us! We can (confidentially) take some key pieces of information and if necessary, consult with our experts about the best types of treatment. Sometimes you might need a quick call with one of our experts to confirm, but we can help yo...u, even if you don't know what you need!
2️⃣ Our blog is brilliant. Not quite ready to work with an expert 121, or want to find out a bit more about their approach before you book? Our experts write our blogs, so not only are they useful and evidence based, but they can also help you decide who to book with! You can browse through the blog section, or go to an experts profile and click the 'blog posts' button, or scroll to the bottom of their page.
3️⃣ Our experts are verified We check the qualifications and experience of all of our experts and we also chat to them on the phone before they join. We want a team of experts you can trust and who are all passionate about women's health and wellbeing.
4️⃣ We have a Facebook group too! We have a Facebook group called @TheMotherHive which our Luna Experts are part of. They share information, answer your questions and do live Q&A's. If you are pregnant or a mum and have a quick question or you want to understand more about how to eat/sleep/feel better - this is the group for you!
5️⃣ Sophie and Jo are here! We work with women who want help and also the experts who provide it - so we are in a unique position to be able to match you up! We love it when you email or message us and ask us for recommendations. We love finding out that a treatment has made a big difference.
We are so passionate about women prioritising themselves and we know that if if feels to hard or complicated, it slips down the list - so we have made it easy - DM us and we will match you with the perfect expert for you!
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You spend most of your life trying not to get pregnant and then suddenly you want a baby and you don't know where to start! These 5 tips will help you start to get to know your cycle and give you the best chances of conceiving!
... 1️⃣ Track your cycle This is so important. Make a note in your diary every month of when you start your period, when you think you ovulate and when you come on again. Write down any symptoms you notice and use it over a few months to see any patterns.
2️⃣ Ovulation Sticks If you have a very irregular cycle these will really help you. The tests detect the surge of LH hormone that occurs 12-36 hours before you ovulate. Once you get a positive test it’s time to get going with the sex! Sometimes this surge can last for a day or two, or sometimes only a few hours. It’s best to do 2 tests a day leading up to ovulation. If you think you will be ovulating soon don’t wait for the test result to have sex – sperm can survive for up to 5 days after all.
3️⃣ Physical signs These are things you probably wouldn’t have notice normally! Cramping pains the day of ovulation, your mucus will become thinner and stretchier, your tummy might bloat, and you might you actually feel like having sex! The signs are subtle but very helpful.
4️⃣ Temperature This isn’t very helpful for predicting ovulation but it can confirm it has taken place. Take your temperate first thing in the morning before you get out of bed for the few days leading up to ovulation. Once you have ovulated you will notice a slight rise in the temperate. Make a note and look back at your diary dates to confirm a pattern.
5️⃣ Track your period The period of time between ovulation and your period is really consistent (between 13-15 days)- it’s the first part of the month that varies hugely. If you don’t ovulate until day 20 you should still get your period 2 weeks later. Once you have started your period, look back 2 weeks to see what date that was and if you had any other symptoms.
🐝Anyone else need a bit of an education when it came to stopping *not* wanting to get pregnant?! 🐝
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Started weaning and feeling a bit unsure about exactly what you need to do?
Download @catherine lippe nutrition weaning menu planner and get a nutritionist designed plan on what types of food to give your baby (and when!) from 6 to 7 months!
🐝 Tag a friend who might find it useful too! 🐝
... u_planner
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Always have sore shoulders at the end of the day?
Luna Expert Sally from Surrey Osteopathic Care has given her tips for the best ways to sit at your desk.
Personally, my shoulders were always so sore until I got a laptop stand and separate keyboard/mouse - such a big difference!
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Navigating the world of fitness when you are pregnant can feel like a bit of a minefield. With one side telling you to ‘take it easy, don’t lift anything’ and the other shouting ‘no excuses! Beast mode!’. So who is right? The truth is, as usual somewhere in between. Below are 5 things you definitely need to know about pregnancy exercise:
... 1) It’s never too late to start. You may not have done any formal exercise at all before pregnancy and might be worried you have left it too late now. That isn’t the case at all, you can begin exercising during pregnancy. You might not be breaking any records and I wouldn’t recommend throwing yourself into a high intensity training programme... but you can make gains in strength and stamina that will stand you in good stead for the birth (and the recovery afterwards).
2) Exercise won’t harm the baby Many women worry about partaking in exercise, believing that exercise could be harmful to the baby and even cause miscarriage. In a normal pregnancy exercise will not increase the chances of miscarriage and there is even some evidence that it might help to reduce them. Miscarriage can happen for multiple reasons beyond anyone’s control but exercise is extremely unlikely to be a factor.
3) Exercise in pregnancy has multiple benefits for you The feel good hormones released during exercise can have a beneficial impact on your mental health, even helping some women to reduce or avoid anxiety and mild depression. Strengthening and stamina-increasing exercise during pregnancy can help you to avoid some of the aches and pains of pregnancy, may help reduce your chances of gestational diabetes and help you cope better with the potential marathon of labour.
4) It can help build better babies Exercise doesn’t just benefit you, it can help make your baby healthier too! A 2011 study found that babies born to mothers who had exercised at least 3 times a week during pregnancy had lower heart rates at birth - a sign of good heart health. This continued when tested again at one month old, they also had better heart rate variability, which is a sign that their nervous systems were better controlling their hearts. Researchers at the University of Montreal also found that mothers who exercised for at least 20 minutes, 3 times a week had babies with more advanced brain development at birth. So your exercise could even make your baby more brainy!
5) You will recover from birth more easily. However your baby is born, your body goes through a lot to grow and birth a baby. If you maintain your fitness and strength throughout pregnancy it will help you to recover more quickly after birth. Strong, healthy tissues heal more quickly and the fitter you are the more natural energy you have. That can only be a good thing in those sleep deprived first months!
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Do you buy things based on recommendations? Holidays? Choosing a restaurant? Clothes? Cosmetics? Knowing that other people have had a good experience always makes me feel much more confident and less scared of wasting my money!
So, we thought it might be helpful to start sharing all the amazing testimonials and reviews of experts get! We'll share a few a week and if you think they might be useful to your friends or family, please do share them!
Our first testimonial is abou...t The Positively Birthing Space: UK.Hypnobirthing and Positive Birth Group
"We can't even begin to explain how grateful we are for the Positively Birthing Course! For most of the pregnancy we had been burying our heads in the sand about the actual 'birth' part of what was to come, but after meeting Megan and taking the full private course we were left feeling so capable and walking on air about what was to come. We feel very lucky to have had a straightforward birth at the birth centre for our first baby, though knowing what I know, I realise a lot of that wasn't down to luck at all, it was down to the preparation we did. I don't even want to think about what it might have looked like if we hadn't done the Positively Birthing course!"
Mae and Ben, Private course.
For more information about Hypnobirthing and Antenatal courses, take a look at Megan's profile: and if you're not close enough to take a course, keep an eye out for the new online course launching soon!
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Becoming a parent is thrilling and exhausting, it’s terrifying and joyous, it’s going to have you feeling on top of the world and tested to your limits. All in the same chaotic, heart melting, button pushing journey.
... 1️⃣ No matter how prepared you are there will still be things that you weren’t prepared for (and that’s OK)
2️⃣ It’s normal to feel out of your depth. Completely normal. We ALL do at times. Becoming a parent is messy and chaotic - it’s part of the experience. Forget feeling in control for a large portion of your day!
3️⃣ Nobody’s doing it perfectly. If they say they are, they’re probably not being entirely truthful and if they look like they are, you’re just not seeing the whole picture. It’s alright to muddle through at times and feel like you’re winging it. Remember that when you start comparing yourself to other new parents or feeling like you’re not doing a good enough job
4️⃣ Not everyone feels the rush of love for their child in the same way. Or at all to be honest. For some it’s more of a slow build that comes over time rather than a bolt after birth. Not everyone feels they’re a natural and not everyone feels at peace straight away with the shift in identity that comes with becoming a parent.
5️⃣ Becoming a parent is a transition. Keep that in mind when you feel stuck or overwhelmed. Life with your child will be evolving and developing. You’ll be getting used to this new way of being and you’ll be learning new skills as you go. Give yourself some time to adjust.
Remember that there’s support out there if you need a helping hand or someone to talk to. Join some Facebook groups (like Resilient Mums or The Mother Hive!), talk to your GP or contact The Luna Hive if you feel that things aren’t getting any easier.
And brace yourself for the ride - that’s parenthood!
🐝 Hands up who has felt stuck and overwhelmed and like it's never going to end... and then it does and a new phase begins?! #thatisparentood🐝
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Eliza wasn't really a 'routine' kind of baby. She slept on me for naps, fed throughout the day and night and generally kept me on my toes! But after the initial shock, we got in to a rhythm that suited us both.
Then, we had to start weaning! And the thought of fitting food in alongside naps, milk, nappy changes and actually leaving the house made me feel quite anxious. Plus, I didn't want to get it wrong! It felt like such a big responsibility to set her up with a good relat...ionship with food!
Then I went to a weaning workshop with Catherine Lippe Nutrition and it all felt a lot more manageable! I started with a floret of broccoli and took little steps every day until suddenly, she was eating 3 meals!
So when we were looking to make an online weaning course, Catherine was an obvious partner because I have tried and tested her approach!
If you have been been wondering: What on earth do I need to buy? If I don’t do baby led weaning will my baby become a fussy eater? How will I find time to make food and do mealtimes as well as fit in milk, naps and actually leave the house? What if my baby has an allergy, how will I know? How do I stop my baby choking?!
We have the course for you! It's a 1 hour online workshop along with check lists, meal planners, recipes and easy to follow tips and advice.
Access it whenever you want and go back to it whenever you need it!
Sign up now and get 40% off using the code lunaweaning40
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Calling all mums and mums-to-be!
I just wanted to share with you our wonderfully supportive Facebook group where you can access support, information and advice from local, trusted experts about your health and wellness through pregnancy, birth and motherhood.
A thriving community of local, like minded mums-to-be, mums, midwives, doulas, physios, nutritionists, breastfeeding experts, sleep consultants and mental health consultants in a a space to ask questions (no question i...s too silly!), seek out support and connect with each other
Plus join us for our live Q&A's every week! hive
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If you are pregnant or a mum (no matter how old your children are!), based around the Surrey/South London area and want access to The Luna Hive experts (lots of info, advice and live Q&A's!) as well as lots of supportive women... join our brilliant group!

More about The Luna Hive

Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday: -