The Marriage Workshop

About The Marriage Workshop

Building Intimate Marriage Relationships, Establishing Healthy Christian Homes

The Marriage Workshop Description

Not many people gave us much chance of making it beyond the first two months of our marriage, which was all the more telling because we both came from broken homes. But it won't be the first time that experts have been proven wrong when it comes to real life matters. Because here we are, 16 solid and delightsome years in marriage and still going strong. Hallelujah! Like most people, we've not been spared of our share of challenges in marriage but with each issue came a renewed resolve from us to make it work. We have learnt a lot from each other and about it other, and this has really shaped us into a formidable force. Over the years, we have helped young couples to overcome their challenges by showing them practical examples of how we've always come through when the chips are down. And we have seen homes restored and relationships rekindled as a result of this. Thus we are confident that many people out there who are hurting or broken hearted will find help, solace and restoration through this ministry. We have come through 7 years of childlessness without once blaming each other or disagreeing about anything. Together, we believed God, sought His face and eventually experienced His miraculous power over us. We believe that this puts us in a good stead to support couples who are going through this as well. We are "The Marriage Workshop".



What a fantastic time we had last Saturday at the annual singles conference "Blossom" hosted by Liberty Christian Connections, Ilford. It was truly a blast and we had the great privilege of speaking into the future of those young people. As you'd expect, there were loads of questions and below are responses we gave to some of them. Hope you find it useful!
1. How do I add value to myself as a single person? a. Value is a product of verity (the state or quality of b...eing true) b. Value is a product of refinement or training c. Value is determined by placement (what you are doing with yourself, where you are doing it and how you are doing it)
2. What are the do’s and don’ts during dating or courtship? Psalm 119:1-12 a. Healthy and robust boundaries b. Do things that are edifying c. Do things that are expedient l Corinthians 6:12 d. Avoid unnecessary touching e. Avoid kissing f. Avoid sex (oral, outer-course and intercourse)
3. What is role of the church during dating and courtship? Jeremiah 3:15 a. Counselling b. Hand holding and guidance c. Protection through prayers and accountability (protecting the couple from the enemy and from one another)
4. How do I identify the right person to marry? I prefer to twist the question around by asking ‘How do I become the right person to marry’? a. Be in the centre of God's will for you b. Be friendly c. Be interesting d. Be open minded e. Be attractive (physically and spiritually) f. Be informed g. Be generous
5. What do you think are the correct criteria’s for choosing a spouse? a. They must have the fear of God Isaiah 11:1-3, ll Corinthians 6:14 b. They should have a vision for their life and be purposeful c. They must be openminded d. They must accountable e. They must be honourable f. They must be pro commitment
6. How do I cope with issues, problems of hurts and bereavement as a widow, widower or single parents respectively? Philippians 3:13-15 a. Forgive yourself b. Forgive the person who hurt you c. Find a purpose bigger than yourself and pursue it with vigour and selflessness d. Your life is not on hold so don't pause it
7. Is it mandatory / a must that I get married? a. No, marriage is not compulsory b. Marriage is a choice
8. How does one remain patient with pressures from society, church and family to get married? a. Focus on what you have and not on what you don't have b. Know and understand God's calendar for your life Psalm 139:14-17 c. Sell yourself out to serving God by serving people d. Don't blame anyone or anything for your circumstances (negative energies are poisonous to your spirit)
The Marriage Workshop
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We're privileged to be speaking at this event tomorrow at Liberty Christian Connections, Ilford. And we look forward to enthusing singles on the need to blossom.


Yesterday at New Covenant Church Edmonton, London where I spoke about "The Root of Division in The Home". It was an exhilarating service.
As promised, below are excepts of my notes from speaking at New Covenant Church Edmonton, London on Sunday 19/08/19:
The roots of division in a family
... Exodus 3:1-10
1. When we chose to ignore God’s directives for us by pursuing those things that God doesn’t see fit to give to us a. Why do you want to eat what God has said is not fitting for you? b. Why do you want to be in a place that God has said is not fitting for you? c. Why do you want to do the things that God has said is not fitting for you? d. If God says it is forbidden then it must remain forbidden for you, your wife and children. It’s none negotiable.
2. When we neglect our individual responsibility a. When the husband who should watch over the family spiritually is a spiritual midget b. When couples fail to stand in the gap for one another c. When couples disagree about raising the children together in the fear of the Lord
3. When we allow the interference of third parties a. Who would you say is your best friend – your wife or your mum, your husband or your dad? b. With whom do you share your intimate thoughts – your husband or your brother, your wife or your sister? c. Who would you say is your priority – your spouse or your extended family? d. Some women would rather talk to their pastors than to their husbands (recount the man who questioned why you were speaking to his wife)
4. When a spouse despises the grace or gift of God in their spouse a. God wants married couples to be one but He doesn’t want them to lose their individuality and uniqueness, which is given to benefit the marriage in the first place b. If you keep shutting down the contributions of your spouse, they’ll never feel part of you c. Most times men think they know it all, but in most cases, women have proved to be smarter (recount about your wife’s input into your last book)
5. When we keep blaming our spouse for past mistakes or crises a. No matter how stupid your spouse may have been in the past, they don’t need you to keep reminding them of this b. With every finger of blame we point at our spouse, we are directly erecting a wall of separation between us c. Dealing with betrayal can be quite difficult, but not impossible if we are willing to let go of the hurt d. What makes it very difficult to deal with betrayal is that it comes from the person you trust and not your enemies
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This Sunday at New Covenant Church Edmonton, North London - I'll be speaking on 'Marriage & Relationship' as part of the "Family Month" events. Come and talk to us if you can make it in.


We are off to a well deserved holiday... Hoping to have a well rested period.


When a child get's constant words of affirmation from those they trust: father, mother, teacher, uncle and peers - there's no telling the weight of confidence that lights up in their soul. Because someone they trust gave them the permission to be the best they can.
Daddies, mummies, uncles and aunties - don't talk down your child, talk them up instead.


Today, our world has glamourized divorce.
They've made divorce to look trendy and cool that, at times, it seems and feels like a mere change of clothes the way some people disdain marriage through their unchecked desires. It’s a state of affairs that's largely encouraged by the growing number of relationship charlatans who pose as counsellors, lawyers and expects - but rather than mend hearts and restore relationships, they promote separation. However, what they usually don'...
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I enjoyed signing my books and engaging with the audience after the wonderful meeting at RCCG Liberty Connections in London yesterday. We got a very warm reception and enjoyed the service. Great stuff!


Yesterday morning at RCCG Liberty Connections in London where I spoke from my book "Don't Get Married Until You Are Single". What an amazing service it was.


As we celebrate 18 years in marriage today 14.07.18 we cannot but thank God for the 3 wonderfully blessed children He has given to us. They are an epitome of God's beauty and evidence that "what He says He will do, that is what He will do".
Lord, your word says "children are a heritage from God and the fruit of the womb His blessings", so we pray asking you to hear us concerning every couple who is waiting on you for their own children. Remember them today o God and give them... this joy of holding their own bundles of joy. Lord, let your mercy and faithfulness sweep through every hindrances in their lives that they may receive your promise of fruitfulness. Amen!
Lord, as it's written in your word, "by this time next year" let everyone who truly believes in your promise of fruitfulness come to testify of your goodness. Amen!
You have done it before, so we know you can do it again. You did it for us after 7 years of waiting, so do it for every couple waiting on You - o God. Give them this joy, give them this bliss - please make it happen for them o God! Amen!
So, "We give thanks, we give praise, for we know that all things work together for our good."
Pastor Sam & Liz Opeche The Marriage Workshop
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We are feeling very thankful to God for 18 years of marriage today, the 14th day of July 2018. Oh how that time flies! Blessed be the day that we met. It indeed proves that God sees the end from the beginning and nothing is impossible with Him.
We are not perfect, but complete, wholesome, progressively single and madly in love. The thing is this: some people thought we wouldn't last more than a year, but see what God is doing.
Thank you Lord for using our walk with You as a... means to encourage and equip others who desire the same walk with You. You Lord are the centre of our joy. Thank You Lord!
We are blessed to have found fulfilment in God and in each other, thus, our hearts desire is to see every marriage have the same experiences. So we pray Lord that you enable every marriage going through a challenging time to find that expression of Your Love that'll bring them fulfilment in marriage. God, we know You are able to do this because you make all things beautiful in it's time.
"We give thanks, we give praise, for we know that all things work together for our good".
Pastor Sam & Liz Opeche The Marriage Workshop
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Whatever you are doing with your life reveals your passion and conviction...!


Before You Say 'I Do'
I will never forget how my wife made me to wait for 3 months before she said yes to my marriage proposal. Nearly all my friends were unsettled on my behalf because they just couldn't understand why this babe (my wife) was keeping this brother (me) waiting for so long. But she could not be rushed! I have to say that at some point I felt like 'what's the meaning of all these, why have you just kept me hanging'. But she could not be rushed! So, after some t...
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Whatever be your job, career or profession do it exemplarily but never forget that it's your footprints of fatherhood that's most valuable.


"Singleness is the true path to fulfilment in marriage" - Sam Opeche


"Singleness is the progressive pursuit of completeness..."


"Singleness is the progressive pursuit of completeness through the cultivation of godly characters, so that you can become an asset to your world" - Sam Opeche


Wonderful work. May God bless the works of your hands.


This is so educative,the short movies answers most of the worrying questions.


The teachings are real. This has made me look at things from a different vantage point. God bless your marriage & keep inspiring many people out there.


May The Good Lord continue ministering through you.


Married is a blessing not a choice so as it happens please be in the position to sacrifice because married is also to sacrifice not only to love that is love some time wept away.


Marriage is very important. The marriage workshop is doing a great job helping marriage.


Its so informative. TThanks so much. I'm glad I got informed


I love your inspiration

Ur morals

And mostly ur faith in God

God Continue to keep u so u can accomplish ur good works, the best so far



More about The Marriage Workshop