The Mindful Eating Clinic

About The Mindful Eating Clinic

Welcome to our open page for everyone to share recipes and questions. The full Clinic operates with coaching and mindful eating resources on a monthly membership basis - click on our website to find out more!



Bacon! 🐖 I’m not a big red meat eater but I really like a roasted bacon joint, traditionally served with a parsley sauce - a classic béchamel, because if you’re going to have white sauce, I believe you should do it full-on, with butter, flour and non-skimmed milk - how can it really be the same with low fat or other ‘free’ alternatives? Certainly don’t make those choices for weight loss reasons because you’re compromising on something rich and lovely - if you’re concerned ab...out calories then just have a little less 😉. Mindful eating is about quality as well as quantity... 🐖 Foodie stuff: roast bacon, parsley sauce, boiled carrots & peas and a baked sweet potato 😋.
#baconjoint #boiledbacon #traditionalbacon #eatproperfood #baconroast #supper #mindfuleating #nocompromises #nofoodcompromises #eatwhatyoulove #lovefood #nutrition #foodie #loveyourselfwithfood #meat #pork #traditionalfood #properfood #meatandtwoveg #yummy #yummydinner #delicious #britishfood @ Ross On Wye
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Just add milk... 🥥 In today’s case it was coconut. I try to vary foods to get as wide a range of flavours into my diet as possible (what can I say, I bore easily). 🥥 Changing the milk you use on oats, cereal and in porridge is an easy way to do this and it’s really interesting to explore the different flavour it brings. ... 🌴 My milk choice is about the only thing that is tropical so far on this dreary start to the day in Herefordshire! 🥥 Foodie stuff: oats, homemade granola (recipe on website), blueberries, slices of banana, natural yogurt, chia seeds, extra sprinkling of sunflower seeds and some cacao powder 😋.
#coconut #coconutmilk #granola #mindfuleating #granolarecipe #fruitybreakfast #eatbreakfast #tastyflavours #tasty #eatwell #breakfast #milk #loseweightnaturally #overeatersanonymous #overeatingrecovery #nutrition #oats #yummyfood #lovefood #foodie #berries #bananabreakfast #loveyourselfwithfood @ Ross On Wye
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Rainbow rice... 🌈 Happy lunchtime Lovelies! 🌈 Foodie stuff: brown rice & millet, stirred up with cooked mixed vegetables (whatever you have in the fridge!), half an avocado, cherry tomatoes, feta cheese, toasted pine nuts and parsley 😋
... #loseweightnaturally #overeatersanonymous #overeatingrecovery #foodaddiction #mindfuleating #lunch #rainbowfood #eattherainbow #colourfulfood #colorfulfood #nutrition #eatwell #healthyfood #healthyeating #yummyfood #rice #vegetarian #happyfriday #lovefood Belazu Ingredient Company @ Ross On Wye
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Friday fear? ☕️ It’s the end of the week and you’ve been busy, which has helped you make sound eating choices. You’re feeling pretty good about your body and your health. ☕️ Then the weekend looms ahead of you with social events, friends visiting with sweet tasting gestures of gratitude, family expectations of specific meals and well-meaning friends who insist you have a few drinks with them. It can be hard to stay as mindful as you want to be!... ☕️ I remember the challenge being very so acute that for long periods in my life I adopted a regime of restricting all week so that I could completely abandon my eating at the weekend. It was just easier than having to ‘fight’ my reward instincts and argue against other people’s good intentions to make me feel included in the eating and drinking that was going on - even though I really didn’t want to take part to the same extent that they were. ☕️ Part of the problem here is the extremes of this type of relationship with food. The restriction leads to overeating and vice versa and it is a never-ending cycle. ☕️ We need to establish an equilibrium, where the approach to food is the same most of the time. If you don’t want to eat something with others then you have to ask yourself how important you are? How important is it that your eating is a positive thing in your life and not something that controls how you feel about yourself. How important is it to be balanced at all times rather than caught up in an up and down sequence of restrict and overeat? ☕️ You have to make a decision about what your own framework looks like and stick to it whenever you want to, irrespective of what others are doing or saying. If you decide not to then that’s fine too - embrace it - but do this mindfully so that you don’t panic about overdoing it or dread the following Monday’s weigh-in (you should ban that also, incidentally). ☕️ So understand this fear if it’s happening to you and eat according to your own framework and hunger during the weekend and into the week beyond and then next weekend... before you know it, this will just be how you eat. Your own mindful eating pattern which works to keep you happy and stable 😊.
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Passion....for passion fruit and for work. 💕 I’m very lucky to have a real passion for all the work I do (with both my eating and my corporate clients). Work is quite manic at the moment with people wanting training before Christmas and proposals for next year, so today’s lunch was light (not much appetite after the posh toast!) and on the go. 💕 Foodie stuff: homemade natural active yogurt from my lovely friend at @balmology - great for enhancing gut flora - with a driz...zle of lucious passion fruit. 💕 #yogurt #lunchatwork #gutflora #healthygutflora #loseweightnaturally #overeatersanonymous #overeatingrecovery #foodaddiction #mindfuleating #passionfruit #lightlunch #working #naturalyogurt #healthygutlosewieght #nutrition #passionplates @ Ross On Wye
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Posh toast. 🍞 This was a lovely toast combination this morning. Savoury then sweet (or the other way round if you prefer!). Lots of flavour and nutrients - great start to the day. Hope you’re treating yourself to something a little bit posh today.... 🍞 Foodie stuff: seed and walnut brown toast from Morrisons ; smashed avocado, tomatoes, chia seeds and parsley; cream cheese sliced pear (skin on for more fibre), cacao powder and sunflower seeds 😋.
... #toast #poshtoast #toastideas #goodfood #eattherainbow #rainbowfood #rainbowfoods #nutrition #micronutrients #breakfast #breakfastideas #eatwell #avocadotoast #morningfood #bingeeatingdisorderrecovery #goodfatsaregood #nutritiousfood #mindfuleating #pears #lovefood #foodie #foodaddictionrecovery #foodaddiction #overeatersanonymous #overeatingrecovery #loseweightnaturally @ Ross On Wye
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Chipper kipper! 🐟 Oily fish is an essential part of any non-veggie diet providing a good source of protein and good fats (omega 3). A breakfast kipper is very cheap (two kipper fillets cost £1.40) and quick to grill. (They smell though - so light a scented candle before you start grilling!) 🐟 Kippers are SO tasty and good for you, so if it’s been a while since you’ve had a kipper why not hook one for breakfast this week or at the weekend... ... 🐟 Recommendation is for at least two portions of oily fish a week. 😘 With a plate like this you’re guaranteed to feel full until lunchtime and perhaps beyond - easy.... 🐟 Foodie stuff: grilled kipper, half a slice of e toast with chia, 1 large buttery scrambled egg, some plum tomatoes and a sprinkling of parsley. 😋
#kippers #fish #omega3 #essentialfattyacids #essentialfats #bingeeatingdisorderrecovery #breakfastideas #bingeeatingrecovery #lovebreakfast #eatsomethingdifferent #foodvariety #cookedbreakfast #savourybreakfast #mindfuleating #eatwell #nutrition #nutritiousfood #pescatarian #micronutrients #tastyfood #eatfish #lovefish #eatfishlivelonger #lowcarb #goodfats #goodfatsaregood @ Ross On Wye
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Broccoli bonanza 🥦 ! 🥣 Sometimes it sits in the fridge looking a little bit past its best and it makes it even harder to entice the already reluctant in your household to eat it. 🥣 Cunningly made into a delicious soup for a cold day here in Herefordshire the bonanza vegetable that is broccoli is gratefully received.... 🥦 Nerdy nutri stuff : broccoli contains a glucosinolate (I can’t pronounce this yet by the way) called glucoraphanin, a powerful antioxidant, which research suggests may be particularly beneficial against inflammative and degenerative diseases. Oh and all the other stuff which we already know - one cup gives you more than your daily requirement of Vitamin C and K, plus lots of fibre, some Vitamin A, potassium, phosphorus and selenium. All that plus research based evidence that it can lower bad (LDL) cholesterol. Basically it’s a bonanza of broccoli benefits! 🥦 Foodie stuff: steamed broccoli, grated mature cheddar, vegetable stock, crème fraîche and seasoning. Blitzed to creamy perfection. 😋
#soup #broccolicheddarsoup #broccolisoup #leftovers #easyrecipes #winterwarmer #balancedmeal #nutrition #eatwell #mindfuleating #lunch #cruciferous #antioxidants #micronutrients #micronutrition #nerdynutrition #homecookedmeal #homemadesoup #lovefood #creamysoup #warmlunch #packedlunch
@ Ross On Wye
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Purple porridge... 🥣 Food can be fun if you do something a bit different with it. Keeping eating interesting and varied has been really key for me and many of my clients to maintaining a steady and nutritious eating pattern. Just add berries! 🥣 Foodie stuff: Oats, handful of frozen berries, coconut milk, topped with natural yogurt, flakes almonds and a sprinkling of cacao powder 😋.... 🥣 #porridge #porridgeporn #purplefood #breakfastideas #bingeeatingdisorderrecovery #bingeeatingrecovery #lovebreakfast #foodie #foodfun #makefoodfun #mindfuleating #berries #berrybreakfast #disorderedeating #disorderedeatingrecovery @ Ross On Wye
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Micro Monday! 🥔 Here’s a plateful of goodies to start the week and a nerdy rundown of what you’re getting: sweet potato - fibre, vitamin C, A and K; spinach - iron, vitamin C & K and fibre; mushrooms - polyphenols, selenium (a powerful antioxidant which supports our DNA production and our immune system) Vitamin D2 and fibre; eggs - (protein,) Vitamin B2 & B12, Vitamin D and antioxidants (to scavenge those potentially destructive free radicals in the body); tomatoes - A and C, fibre, lycopene (a phytonutrient which protects our heart and skin); pumpkin seeds - (protein,) zinc, essential fat (omega 3), manganese, copper and lots of phytosterols (beneficial against degenerative diseases), antioxidants and all the above assisting your heart, liver, immune system and even some menopause symptom relief! ☕️ Foodie stuff: slices of roasted sweet potato (skin on), cherry tomatoes, chestnut mushrooms and young spinach fried in a little coconut oil, one large egg (in fact my little white chicken produced a double yolker - that’s good luck in our house), pumpkin seeds and a little sprinkle of smoked paprika 😋. 🥔 If you’re gluten or wheat intolerant the sweet potatoes provide some welcome carbs and fibre. 🍳 So all in all the body really benefits from a plate of food like this, in some cases providing essential nutrients which we are unable to make ourselves and have to derive from food sources. 🥬 I appreciate that 9-5 working people would find this tricky during the week but perhaps the weekend is an opportunity to cook up some micros. 🍅 Love your food and eat to love yourself. Have a magnificent Monday everyone!
#vegetarian #vegetarianbreakfast #micronutrients #micronutrition #goodforyou #mindfuleating #prettyplate #eattherainbow #colourfulfood #colorfulfood #nutritionnerd #eatwell #eatwellbewell #lovebreakfast #starttheday #startthedayright #disorderedeating #feedyourselfwell #bingeeatingrecovery #bingeeatingdisorderrecovery #breakfastideas #veggie #foodie @ Ross On Wye
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Bake a bagel... 🥯 I love baking on an easy Sunday afternoon. It’s very relaxing and therapeutic - especially when it’s pouring outside! 🥯 These are sweet potato and nut bagels - sounds crazy but they are absolutely delicious and you can have them with savoury or sweet additions. I ate one as an afternoon snack today, still slightly warm, with some goats cheese and sliced apple. ... 🥯 Sweet potatoes are packed full of fibre, vitamin C and with carotènes which are precursors to vitamin A, plus potassium, calcium, vitamin K and anti-oxidants. 🥯 Recipe now up on the website. Do let me know if you make them and how you get on! 🥯 #sweetpotatorecipe #bagel #homebaking #mindfuleating #healthysnacks #healthycarbs #easyrecipes #carbs #eatwell #nutritioncoach #nutritionfacts #healthybaking #bakinghealthy #walnuts #delicious #deliciousfood #donut #healthydonuts #micronutrients #micronutrition #goodforyou @ Ross On Wye
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Pear pancake! 🥞 Hubby has had his sausages and is now outside wielding a chainsaw in a northerly direction, so I have had some peace and indulgent quiet to create this! 🥞 Hope you find a quiet indulgent moment for yourself today. ... 🥞 Foodie stuff: fluffy quark pancake (recipe on my website), sliced pear, crème fraîche, pumpkin seeds, agave nectar, walnuts and a sprinkling of ground cinnamon (because it’s nearly🎄!). 😋 🥞 #delicious #yummyfood #mindfuleating #breakfast #pancakes #lowfat #lowsugar #eatbreakfast #indulgeyourself #taketimetocook #cookforyourself #timeforyou #foodyoulove #deliciousfood #sundaybrunch #perfectbreakfast #weekendbreakfast #quark #quarkrecipes #relax #sundaymorning #breathe #prettyplate #prettyplates #foodphoto #foodporn #balancedmeal #nutrition #eatwell @ Ross On Wye
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Wrap it up! 🌯 I really enjoyed this wrap for a change at lunchtime. Quick and easy, portable for a working lunch and you can put inside whatever you want - what’s not to like? (but err on the cautious with wetter ingredients if you’re storing for eating later!) 🌯 Foodie stuff: wholewheat tortilla wrap with sundried tomatoes and seeds ( Morrisons ), generous spread of hummus, tuna in sunflower oil, spinach and sunflower seeds for a little crunch. That’s it, simple, cheap... and very tasty indeed. 🌯 #wraps #lunch #easylunch #cheaplunch #packedlunch #packedlunchideas #mindfuleating #eatlunch #eatwell #balancedmeal #pescatarian #nutrition #healthyfood #enjoyfood #easymeals #yum #yummyfood #delicious @ Ross On Wye
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Home... 🥑 Food is so closely associated with how we feel. It creates and evokes memories and feelings of security and comfort. Coming home from a business trip is always cemented for me by a familiar and favourite breakfast. So, with no apology, here is yet another photograph of scrambled eggs and avocado 🤣. 🥑 Foodie stuff: rye toast, buttery scrambled eggs from those prolific 🐓, smashed avocado, pumpkin seeds and smoked paprika. 😋 ... 🥑 #breakfast #comfortfood #eatwhatyoulove #familiarfood #loseweightnaturally #lovefood #enjoyfood #eattherainbow #colourfulfood #colorfulfood #avocadotoast #scrambledeggs #homefood #homecomfortfood @ Ross On Wye
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One meal at a time. ☕️ We take a decision to lose weight once and for all, to address our disordered eating and to find a normal life with food. Bravo! ☕️ Then all of a sudden this can feel very daunting indeed. There’s so much to put right: All those pounds to lose, all those temptations, all the future opportunities to slip up which are frightening. Confidence can dip and just staying where we are can seem a whole lot easier and more comfortable. We’ve lived with it ...for a long time in many cases. ☕️ My biggest tip is to try to keep the target small and don’t think about the size of the struggle. In other words, just take it one nutritious meal at a time. Then you’ll get through a day, then a week and then a month. Habits begin to form and even if you slip occasionally, this approach will work, slowly and surely. Trust me and more importantly trust yourself. ☕️ #mindfuleating #trustyourself #trustyourintuition #stepbystep #slowapproach #onemealatatime #progress #loseweightnow #loseweightslowly #loseweightnaturally #loseweight #staystrong #relaxintoit #takeitslowly #beconfident #confidence #littlesteps #positivethinking
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Pretty plates... 🍽 I’m thinking that I might buy myself a very pretty plate for those days when I’m a bit fed up (we all have them don’t we?). Food feels very special indeed when you’re eating off something that looks like it belongs at the Palace of Versailles! 🍽 This is my sumptuous lunch before the flight home. Gosh I look forward to Fridays back at the farm... ... 🍽 Foodie stuff: crispy salmon, lime and cheese risotto, asparagus and a champagne sauce with a green salad and pomegranate seeds & pine nuts. 😋 (I think I might add lime to my own risotto next time.)
@Schiphol #lunch #salmon #mindfuleating #feelspecial #prettyfood #foodphotography #foodporn #mindfuleating #airportdining #risotto #goodfood #finedining #tastyfood #qualityfood #eatwell #prettyplates #positivethinking #yummy #yummyfood #delicious #deliciousfood #delicious😋 #eatwellfeelgood #eatwellloseweight #loseweightnow #loseweightnaturally @ Cafe Coco Schiphol
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Berry Bircher. 🥄 I’m on the run this morning to a coaching session in a neat little meeting venue in Utrecht station. 🥄 Increasingly food outlets are offering tasty but healthier options. We know that Pret A Manger is a good spot but here Starbucks provides a delicious vegan berry Bircher pot. It’s packed full of goodness and very filling. ... 🥄 Foodie stuff: Greek yogurt, oats, cranberries, raisins, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin kernals and blueberries. 😋
Starbucks #bircher #birchermuesli #ontheruntour #eatingontherun #takeawaybreakfast #mindfuleating #listentoyourhunger #hungercues #intuitiveeating #eatwell #startthedayright #yummyfood #yummybreakfast #easybreakfast #fruitybreakfast #eatbreakfast @ Starbucks Utrecht
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Buon appetito! 🇮🇹 I have found a gem of a restaurant in Utrecht. It’s a terrific combination of Italian flavours served in a tapas format. 🇮🇹 I do have the luxury of eating out when I’m working abroad and I am very lucky to sample delicious cuisines and combos.... 🇮🇹 Foodie stuff: scallops with cauliflower purée, smoked pancetta, black olives and micro salad; rolled pasta filled with butternut squash, nuts and sage with flaked almonds and a drizzle of almond butter. Oh my! 😋 🇮🇹 An interesting thing happened this evening. I’d had such a fantastic day working today I was on a real high and after eating these two plates I felt comfortably full but then I heard a distant but familiar little voice in my head. That greedy gremlin telling me I ‘deserved’ dessert or a plate of cheese and a glass of red wine. I’ve not heard from him for a while but with a mocking laugh I sent him packing! Didn’t need anything else, didn’t want it and didn’t have it. 🇮🇹 By detaching ourselves from the temptation we can resist far more easily and keep within a mindful eating framework.💪
#italianfood Piatto #eatwell #italiancuisine #gastronomie #foodie #flavour #naturalweightlossjourney #bingeeatingdisorderrecovery #eatproperly #overeating #overeatersanonymous #overeatingrecovery #disorderedeating #resisttemptation #goodfood #foodpresentation #foodporn #mindfuleating #intuitiveeating #listentoyourhunger #hungercues @ Piatto
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More about The Mindful Eating Clinic

The Mindful Eating Clinic is located at Ross On Wye