The Mini Smallholder

About The Mini Smallholder

The aim of The Mini Smallholder is to allow everyone to have a slice of the good life. Whether you have a large country garden or a windowsill in the city. It is a way of life and hopefully we can inspire each other here.



This is definitely how I feel about our smallholding goals right now but I am trying to look back at what we have achieved too! So far so organic is my biggest achievement and creating a wonderful space for wildlife. What are some of your goals that you have achieved?


I just had to share this! Our No Spend Challenge is going very well and I can see that this is true already!


What do people think of this? Would it work on a larger scale? Could we learn to adopt the small changes needed?


A quick visit to Birmingham's Rag market today has been very rewarding. Total cost including paint to upcycle 4 tired old brown chairs is £32. So well worth it for good quality furniture that lasts! what zero waste projects have you all got ont eh go this weekend?


Oh dear yet more use for my poor male friends to not want to visit! Which reminds me we must fix that hole in the fence to next door! Jonathan 'Paddy' Tranter I will make you many more cups of tea when I get home xx


I was meant to have this written up in time for meat free Mondays, but I sort of lost track of the days. Working away from home makes me miss the warm comfort food I love to cook! What are your go to recipes for a meat free meal?


This is me trying to keep up with all of the upcycling projects I have on the go as well as work and trying to keep the garden under control!


Just something a little light hearted


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A little bit of positivity for our early morning start! This really is as simple as it looks. Stop using sprays that kill them, start planting things that feed them and give them habitat to sleep in! We have started using pesticides and seen no drop off in wildlife as they are natural and don’t use any chemicals! So coupled with our cute big hotels and log piles as well as our wonderful flowering garden I think we are pretty much ticking all the boxes! Could do more though!!


We have already reported back on the cuckoo spit in our own garden!


The little steps are getting bigger! I may feel confident enough to trade my hybrid soon for a full blown electric car!! Just need the cost of cars come down to more middle sized pockets!


A lovely looking info graphic for us all!


Today has been a battlefield, between me and the farmer ants! So hopefully now I have won and they have gone off to find other areas of my garden to destroy. Fingers crossed when the ex-battery hens arrive they will have a liking of garlicky ants. Give it a go though as even non-organic gardeners can see it is cheaper and a simpler solution for food crops. Let me know your tried and tested eco-friendly methods too!


Just sharing all of the positive news tonight!


These seem like natural connections to me!


This is real progress and fantastic news! No beaver jokes though please!! 😉


Another post from me around how we vote I'm afraid! But very well put and much more enjoyable than just hearing it from me!

More about The Mini Smallholder