The Morning After Pill

About The Morning After Pill

Find a Morning After Pill near you and let's break down the stigma around unprotected sex.



Did your contraception fail? Did you have unprotected sex? Stop shaming yourself and being afraid! 🛑 17% of women in the UK have used the morning after pill. You're not alone, and we are here to help and support you 💊💪🏽


You should take the morning after pill as soon as you can after unprotected sex or if your contraception failed. The pill is most effective when taken within 72 hours. ⚠️CAUTION: you should only take one pill and not mix it with any other kind of emergency pill!


Did you know? You don't need a prescription to get the morning after pill! Find one near you, check the selling points on our website 🇬🇧


For a better effectiveness of the morning after pill, you should take it as soon as possible after intercourse if you had unprotected sex or if your regular contraceptive method failed. The morning after pill is only 58% effective if you take it between 48 and 72 hours after sex.


Morning after pill VS Birth control pill 💊 The birth control pill is a contraceptive method, and you have to take it every day (21 or 28 days according to the pill you chose). The morning after pill, on the other hand, is an emergency contraception; you should only take it when you regular anti-conceptive failed.


"How can I find a morning after pill near me?" If you live in the UK 🇬🇧, connect to our website and put your location. You will get a list of the closest pharmacies selling the morning after pill, and for some of them, you'll even get the price before you go. 💰 You can also download a morning after pill questionnaire to know what to answer before your consultation with the pharmacist 💊


“Don’t worry baby, I’ll come outside” 💋 Have you ever heard of the withdrawal method? It consists of ejaculating outside the vagina. This option is often considered as a contraceptive method, but did you know that it’s unsafe? There is a fluid coming out of the penis before ejaculation that contains sperms and thus makes pregnancy possible. Getting to know your body and his are the best ways to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. 💪🏽


Did you know about the morning after pill side effects❓
Don’t worry if after taking the morning after pill you start feeling sick.
Here are the most common side effects:
... ⚪️nausea or vomiting, ⚪️dizziness ⚪️fatigue ⚪️headache ⚪️bleeding before periods, late periods or heavier periods ⚪️lower abdominal pain
Even though those side effects are normal, you should visit your doctor if you feel very sick.
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How many types of contraceptives do you know❓
There are many ways of avoiding an unwanted pregnancy and there is surely one that will fit your needs! Here are some of the most commonly used:
... ✔️hormonal methods: such as birth control patch, pills, injections. ✔️barrier methods: condoms, spermicides. ✔️intrauterine devices, also called IUD. (copper and hormonal). ✔️natural methods: fertility awareness method (FAM). ✔️emergency contraception.
🔴Please note that emergency contraception such as the morning after pill should not be taken as a regular method of contraception!
Which one best fits your needs?
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Morning after pill VS Birth control pill 💊 Did you know that if you have unprotected sex after taking the morning after pill you still have risks to get pregnant? The morning after pill is an emergency contraception that doesn't work as a regular birth control pill.


Did you know that you can find a morning after pill near you from your mobile phone? Get into our website and receive valuable information about the morning after pill at any time and anywhere. 📲💊


Did you know that❓ You probably know someone who has been through this! So let's normalize the use of the morning after pill together 💪🏼


Myth VS Reality about the morning after pill. Did you know that the morning after pill is easy to find? Get to our website and we'll help you find one near you.🙌📲


Hi, my name is Jessica and I'm 18 years old. I have been dating my boyfriend for 3 months now, and yesterday while we were doing it, the condom came off. We didn't realise it until the end. I felt very scared and I started to cry. My boyfriend told me we could buy the morning after pill, so we went to the pharmacy, we explained the situation and they recommended me to take it. I am young and I have so many plans for the future. I don't feel like getting pregnant in at least the next 10 years or so.
You also can choose what's the perfect time for you to become a mother, and we are here to help you! 🙌


Do you know when you should take the morning after pill? 💊 You can take it if :
👉🏼 you had unprotected sex 👉🏼 you forgot to take the pill... 👉🏼 the condom broke or came off 👉🏼 you have been sick (vomiting or diarrhoea) while you were taking the pill
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The best way to break down the stigma is to talk about it! 💁🏻‍♀️ You're not alone, and we are here to help you find a morning after pill close to you. 💊📲


Did you know❓ If that's the case, no need to worry! In case you don't get your period 3 to 4 weeks after taking it, we recommend you to take a pregnancy test. 🌀

More about The Morning After Pill