The Naked Midwives

About The Naked Midwives

A positive birth story begins with good antenatal education. Know your choices and understand how labour and birth starts and continues. . . . Taught by midwives providing you with the naked truth. Private classes 1-2-1 available.

The Naked Midwives Description

We are practicing Midwives who are committed to providing alternative and unique birth preparation classes in lovely locations with like-minded people : -)



MYTH MONDAY LADIES... ‘If you have a high bump, you’re having a girl.’
The shape of your bump is determined by the muscle tone in your stomach and the number of babies. It definitely isn’t a predictor of gender.
... This is a fun quiz based entirely on common myths...The only true way to find out a baby's gender is through an ultrasound scan, however, it would be interesting to see just how accurate this is? If the gender of your baby has already been confirmed and you take the quiz please comment 👍 if right and 👎if wrong...…/pregn ancy/am-i-having-a-b…
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B R E A T H I N G......It can be easy to forget to breathe when you are experiencing contractions and feeling unsure and tense... . However, just by focusing on the in-breath and slowly counting to four.....then exhaling for a count of eight can help you remain focused and calm in labour and birth 🤰 . It won't take the pain away but will ensure you do not hold onto any tension...... if we are all uptight and tense, everything hurts more!... . It is our aim to take the fear out of childbirth and empower you to have a positive birth ❣️ Realistic not idealistic antenatal classes.
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Love this woman Amy Schumer. Talk about keeping it real ❤️


That's a relief....🤯…/Baby-brai n-really-does-exist-…


Sarah is blooming.... 30 weeks, into the final quarter 🎉 The baby weighs around 3lb and is about the size of a large cabbage. Feels like the size of a small elephant if I'm being honest. Struggling much more with heartburn and turning over in bed is fast becoming an Olympic event. My saving grace is my 12 foot pillow. Every pregnant woman should have one!


WELLNESS WEDNESDAY LADIES... Preparing a 'tool kit' for your labour and birth can be a great way to address hopes and fears and thinking about your environment can be key!
Essential oils not only smell good; they have the potential to tap into your emotions, heal and soothe your body, and promote spiritual connection.
... And...Don't forget aromatherapy massage is available at both the New Forest Birth Centre and Broadlands at Princess Anne Hospital for women past their due date and during labour.
Here's a short article with great tips...…/re…/es sential-oils-for-labour
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This is brilliant!! and pretty much true to life....... sorry ❣️


Why we do what we do...... 😍 . We cannot promise you a straightforward, intervention free labour and birth but we can promise you’ll be prepared for whatever path your labour and birth may take 🤰 . Straightforward birth, how to cope in the latent phase, labour, c-sections, instrumental births, life at home with a new born and everything in between 💗... . All that and I promise you’ll have a great laugh too! 🤣 Realistic not idealistic antenatal classes. Find out
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29 weeks and wondering how I'm going to last to the end 😂. I have seen a wonderful physiotherapist at the Princess Anne hospital who recommended a maternity belt, it arrived yesterday and really does help. The baby is so active now, my placenta is anterior so I wasn't expecting to feel such powerful kicks and punches. Finding the days with my energetic 2 year old a bit tough at times, we've had a busy day today so finally managed to convince him to relax on the sofa with me for 10 minutes 🙌 #winning


We’ve shared this before but worth seeing again ❤️


I think no comment necessary........


So true......


I so hope Meghan kicked off her heels, put her pj’s back on and climbed back into bed immediately after this ❤️


Birth education that is realistic not idealistic..... The Naked Midwives ☺️


And so it begins...... your new adventure, new life, exciting, scary and the best rollercoaster of a journey you’ll ever be on ❤️ . #Repost with @get_repos . This incredible 3D rendering captures what we can only imagine an egg looks like when surrounded by sperm. 🥚🏊‍♂️... . Then - in an instant - 💥BOOM💥 one little guy makes his way through and one of the most miraculous things in the universe all begins... . . . . . 📷@renderburger.
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