The Prehab Box

Monday: 07:00 - 20:30
Tuesday: 07:00 - 20:30
Wednesday: 07:00 - 20:30
Thursday: 07:00 - 20:30
Friday: 07:00 - 20:30
Saturday: 07:00 - 20:30
Sunday: 07:00 - 20:30

About The Prehab Box

Personal Training, Rehabilitation and Sports massage sessions in a private gym in TRAIN Heald Green, Manchester - from a highly qualified Physiotherapist and REPS L3 Personal trainer.

The Prehab Box Description

Unique private personal training or rehabilitation therapy sessions from a personal trainer with a Physiotherapy background. Within the past 6 years I specialised in corrective exercise, movement and imbalance optimization, strength and mobility training, core strength, Pilates and weight loss. I believe in client education so I do my best to teach you about nutrition, healthy lifestyle, anatomy of your body and the basics of biomechanics so you will understand why we are doing certain things during your programme. This way I assure that my clients stay independent and gain the knowledge they need to sustain a healthy lifestlye on a long term instead of getting a quick fix.





It's that time of the year when everyone's getting stuck in bed with a cold, sore throat, fever and other bugs that are flying around in the air!
What can you do to help your recovery? Well first of all, REST. You get sick because your immune system is sacrificed due to work overload, accumulated stress, anxiety, prolonged periods of sleeplessness, personal problems, and all the other things that causes you to get your system out of balance. Your body is basically forcing yo...
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When you're trying to make changes in your life to get healthier, fitter and feel better it's important to start with things you know you CAN manage to implement into your life RIGHT NOW. These are things we have total control of. 💁
This differs from person to person so while someone might feel comfortable for a bigger jump and let's say able to leave out refined sugary foods from their diet for good, for someone else that may be a very difficult task that they don't have muc...h control over (eg. they emotional eat and that's their comfort food).
Think about what is it that you can do now, at this stage of your life. 📝 Something which may be a little out of your comfort zone, but you have control over. Eating more veggies? Reducing how much you eat out? Cook more often? Eat less junk? Increase your daily activities? Implement tough workouts?
Before you start following someone's set in stone fitness advice and then end up feeling miserable, out of control, unhappy and restricted - think about what you CAN comfortably do to start your journey with. This way your success is guaranteed as you're working WITH your body and soul, and not against it. 😉 Despite what you hear, there are no rules on what you need to do first or last or even just simply "do" to get fit. There are a million ways to achieve your goals - but the only way to succeed is to find the way the works for YOU.
Now get a piece of paper and write down 3 things you can make a change to and how you are going to achieve it!
Mine is this: ➡️ Cook and prepare my food so I don't end up buying ready meals on the go when I'm busy working.
➡️Reduce my refined sugar intake (that's my comfort food) by finding alternatives with natural ingredients or choosing savoury snacks instead.
➡️Getting at least 3-4 workouts in a week by not limiting myself on what I do or when I do it - rather going with the flow and do whatever I have time to that week to make sure at least something gets done and I don't stress about it.
What is your 3? 😉😍 ⬇️⬇️
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The importance of sleeping well is HUGE. 😴
Most of the day we are watching our phones, computer screens, we are exposed to artificial lights and when we get home we watch TV - and we don't understand why can't we have a good night sleep even if we go to bed on time. 🤔
The blue light that all these electronic screens produce can highly affect our brain and eyes. They make us more alert (which is good at day time - not so much before you're going to sleep) and don't let our eye...s and brain relax. Hence we get tension headaches, difficulties falling asleep or just simply relax, our vision can deteriorate and we feel that we just can't function properly.
Sometimes it's impossible to avoid using these appliances especially if you work with / on them, BUT you can make some changes to have a healthier, deeper sleep if you follow these few steps:
▫️Put "eye comfort" mode on your phone. Most smart phones now have this option and it will make your screen a bit more "warm" in colour instead of that bright light. If you don't have it, simply lower the brightness of your screen down and enjoy the reduced tension you feel behind your eyes. 👀
▫️Do the same on your computer. See the picture? My computer's screen is basically orange. 😁 It looks weird at first but you get used to it, and gosh it makes such a massive difference! Just go to display settings and either lower the brightness or change the "warmth". Makes a difference!
▫️Stop watching screens around 2 hours before you go to bed! Most of the time it's not necessary anyways (unless you need it for urgent work) and you can rather enjoy a nice book, listening to a podcast, or just talking to a loved one. 💁
▫️Spend more time outside! Although in England we don't get much sunshine but still if you're spending time in the fresh air you'd still catch some good waves and your body will be able to relax more. Also looking into the distance will help your eyes relax too.
▫️Take frequent breaks. If you're working on a computer all day, make sure you stand up and move around at least hourly to reduce the possibility of tension headaches, dry eyes, body stiffness or back pain.
▫️Buy blue light blocking glasses - there are plenty of affordable choices out there and it's definitely worth investing into one! 😎
Hope this helps a little to survive the office days and give you a better sleep! ❤️
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A super comprehensive article about why and what should you change in your diet when you become pregnant! 😊
Don't forget that your body goes through a lot of physiological changes and especially in the first trimester make sure that you're listening to your body and don't push your workouts too much! Maintenance is the key for these 9 months!🤰


Let's eat our emotions shall we 😁


This week's new menu 🤤
▫️ Beef bolognese with diet pasta from ▫️ Boneless baked chicken thighs in BBQ sauce ▫️ Baked sweet potato and carrots... ▫️ Steamed broccoli
All ready in 63 minutes (I timed myself)! 😉
Watch the whole video of how I made all these so fast (it's 1kg beef, 1kg chicken, 1kg sweet potatoes, 750g carrots and 500g broccoli so it's a tonne of food!) id=517614745418301&id=29617704089540 7
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A full meal prep process from me 😉
Tips on how to make a lot of healthy food in a very short period of time!


When we think about weight loss, there are quite a lot of different opinions... Some coaches say it's literally just the maths (in vs out) while some beleive you don't need to count anything if you eat the right foods for your body type and genetic code. Confusing, isn't it?! 😳
So here's the answer. They both matter. 💁 Everything in our body is regulated by our cells in a molecular level. Foods are broken down to raw materials by bazillions of enzymes so if you eat a lasagna ...or a broccoli they'll both end up in your cells being broken down to tiny molecules to then be used to produce energy for the body, build up structural or functional proteins (for example hormones, enzymes or tissues are made of proteins!) and stimulate a lot of hormonal reactions. And THIS is why it does matter WHAT you eat, not just how much you eat.
If you eat quality food and a balanced diet, your body can create more energy and don't have to waste it's time getting rid of the toxins. It will not stimulate unnecessary hormone reactions and will not cause metabolic problems as the system is working as it should be. Think about it as a machine - If you use cheap oils to run it it will still run, but chances are that it will damage the parts, make it corrode sooner or cause other problems. 💁
⭐✨If you think you may have some issues with your diet and would like to make it better with FREE COACHING from me - it's time to join my closed group as I'm running a 30 day challenge there! ✨⭐
Click click click
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Client shoutout! ❤️
When we started working together, Jane's goal was to look her best in a wedding which took place this November. Although she was travelling for months she still managed to squeeze her workouts in and did a wonderful job paying attention to those muscle gainz!! I think we definitely reached her goals, just LOOK AT THIS GIIRLL 😳💪😍❤️
She looks gorgeous, healthy, balanced and 🔥😁
... Not to mention how much stronger she became, how much experience she gained with exercise and nutrition and how many man are approaching her now in the gym hahaha! 😁
Amazing job hun, proud of you!! 😘
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"I turned fat into muscle!" Did ya? 🤔


🤷🤷🤷 😁
Have a great day peeps ❤️


Easy peasy meal prep:
➡️Carrot & swede mash 🥕 ➡️Veggie stir fry 🍲 ➡️Chicken breast chow mein 🐔 ... ➡️Whole chicken in the oven 🍗
All ready in 30 mins with prep time! Except for the whole chicken but I can do other things while that one's ready 😉
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Summer bodies are made in the winter!
Would you guys like me to run a 30 day health and hotness challenge? I have some good ideas..😉
... Comment below if you're interested! 💕
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Health is not only about what we put inside our body, but also what we put on it. 😉
I have to say I've found THE BEST deodorant of my life (this is not a paid ad just my personal experience) - which is aluminium free, pure natural, and works like magic! ✨
I've never in my life didn't get at least a little smelly after a full day of coaching, massaging, working out etc.. until NOW! 😐 I mean it's incredible. 100% natural product so I won't even have to worry about breast cancer... or axillary lymph node issues! 🙌
It smells a tiny bit like lavender due to the oil in it, but when you put it on it doesn't smell so it's gender neutral. Consistency is perfect, easy to apply and you only need a pea size which melts into your skin so it's very cost effective as well! 💕
Ingredients: arrowroot, shea butter, activated charcoal, coconut oil, baking soda, rosehip oil, lavender oil. That's it!! 🙏
Get one if you care about your health and the environment! 😉…/ref=cm_sw_r_ cp_apa_i_BrWYBb3049Z…
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This week's menu:
Proteins:... ➡️Marinated pork loin steaks ➡️Minted lamb steaks ➡️Chicken korma
Carbs: ➡️Fried brussels sprouts ➡️Steamed mixed veg (carrot, swede, cauliflower, broccoli)
Set for a few days 😉
Who wants to share their menu in a comment? 😁🙊
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"I will start cooking, eat more protein, count my macros and drink more water from tomorrow!"
"I will go training 5x a week, fit in weight training and also my cardio!"
"I will spend time on my recovery and self development, take my vitamins daily and sleep better"
... Blablabla....
You decide to do it (because we all think it's needed to be "fit"), and you'll last about 2 weeks. Why? Because it's all too overwhelming.
It's not something you're used to. It's not something your life have been set around for the past 10 years. It's all new, it takes time from your already busy schedule and sometimes you have to make some sacrifices to make it happen.
So why not focus on what habits you already have, and adjust them to be better? Let's say start by being more organised. Let's see one example.You probably do grocery shopping. From now on, plan ahead what you want to cook and only buy the ingredients needed for those meals.
This way you: - Won't be wandering around the shop and see something you'd really fancy or crave
- Save money as you won't have waste
- Save time by not having to go to the shops all the time (and again end up getting something naughty because you were hungry) AND spend the extra time on maybe a workout
- Set yourself up for success
Doing lots of workouts, trying special diets, having supplements and other stuff are usually associated with the only way to accomplish your fitness goals - but in reality it's just a way for the fitness industry to make more money on you. It doesn't have to be painful or complicated, it's actually quite easy if you know your whys and willing to do a tiny bit more effort on simple things on a daily basis 😉
Make your foundations strong before you start building a fancy castle on it! 💪❤️
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Why not to worry if you don't fit into your jeans once you started lifting...
Have you experienced this before??

More about The Prehab Box

+44 7752 176945
Monday: 07:00 - 20:30
Tuesday: 07:00 - 20:30
Wednesday: 07:00 - 20:30
Thursday: 07:00 - 20:30
Friday: 07:00 - 20:30
Saturday: 07:00 - 20:30
Sunday: 07:00 - 20:30