The Priory Hospital North London



The place is an absolute disaster, I saw Dr! Rozewicz who fell sleep in the middle of conversation! And was intent to find out EXACTLY how much I earned!! It was not good enough for him to say “fine income” he demanded the exact number and not only for me, but for my husband! Then he basically made some more rediculus comments and I left completely shocked. I complained and had a long battle to get my money back, I guess he just loves money so much- he should really change carrer, disgusting human being..


My son was admitted here in the children's ward last October, I can honestly say, the care he received was beyond brilliant, the staff are incredible, it felt more like a hotel then a hospital, he was quite ill when admitted and the care he got from doctors and staff alike, was the best ever, we were both happy when he was released but very sad to say goodbye, a wonderful place, set in beautiful picturesque grounds, where patients are treated with respect, I know this because my son was there for quite a while, and I visited him daily without fail, spending alot of time with him, so I got to see how the place operated throughout the day and night


We can not thank the staff enough on Birch Ward Adolescent Unit. Our child spent 3 months here we took home a completely different child to the one that was admitted. They are more confident, sociable and happier in themselves. We know we have a long journey ahead but feel both our child and indeed us have been armed with the tools to cope with difficult hurdles in the future. The doctors, nurses, care staff, education, OT and therapists are all amazing but one in particular stands out for us and that is Lead Therapist Marie who in our opinion gave us our child back. She's never too busy to talk or reassure both the young people and the parents .Prior to our child being admitted here they had a horrendous experience in another unit making us all apprehensive to come here but as soon as we stepped onto the unit we felt it was a calm, caring and safe place. Although heartbreaking to leave our child we knew they would be safe and cared for. Martin who runs the ward deals with any issues that arise immediately and professionally and really cares for the young people . From the bottom of our hearts we couldn't be more thankful and will be eternally grateful for this unit.


This place seems to brush under the carpet the real purpose why someone is there for. No help twards their issues instead pop a pill n b good n go sleep! 😡.


Place is a joke! I went in on the addition programme which was funded by myself & can tell you now that it's not cheap! Anyway to cut a long story short the place was useless, no help whatsoever, i left still as addicted as the day i enrolled but left many thousands of pounds worse off! I advise anyone who has to fund going on the priory's program personally, if you don't have health insurance etc that will cover your costs for example, to research alternative services that can help you 100% better either for much much less money or even free of charge.


Receptionists are extremely rude. They need proper training. People who goes to Priory are very stress or mentally very ill. Patients need better service from the receptionists. I love Mier and Dr serfaty they are my angels. I give them 10 ********** stars.


The worst experience ever . Staff were so rude, they did not know what drugs I was addicted too . I was spied on in Bath by,male pervert ,it seems if you don't fit in and recover perfectly from day one you are looked at with so much suspicion and disgust. I left after enduring six days of hell . I could go on but won't .will never recommend this place.


a.b.s.o.l.u.t.e.l.y d.r.e.a.d.f.u.l
Never ever ever in my life would I ever go back there.
Only good side was SOME of the staff ere actually supportive. Other than that? It is absolutely horrible and I honestly dont recommend you go there.


I have visited patients at the Priory, but never stayed there.

There is a big staircase that everyone uses. The carpet has a large pattern of swirls or circles that is extremely disorientating for anyone especially if they're in a fragile state. I know someone who had to close their eyes when walking down the stairs.

Dear Priory Management,
Please remove the carpet and replace it with something more appropriate and less confusing. I'm sure your patients, visitors and at least some of your staff will be very grateful.


I spent 9 weeks as an in-patient and 28 days as a day patient at The Priory, on their addiction treatment program. It cost a great deal of money and some grief, and I believe I could have got better for much less or nothing.
If you are an addict or alcoholic and you are considering going there, I would suggest you consider very carefully what you would get for your money (bearing in mind that The Priory is very expensive indeed) and consider whether and how you could get as good or better elsewhere for less or for free.
If you are physically dependent you may be in urgent need of a detox. The Priory provides detox.
You will also need a definite, workable plan for long-term recovery maintenance. The Priory provides this by allowing (or forcing) you to attend 12-step (Anonymous) fellowship meetings each day. Thus they introduce you to fellowships that can and will help you maintain recovery for life, if you follow their programmes.
You should consult your doctor about how to get a detox, which should be available on the NHS. And you can get a free introduction to an appropriate Anonymous fellowship by calling their helpline, and taking it from there. Or just go to a meeting. Your doctor or other NHS worker should also facilitate your introduction to local 12-step and other so-called ‘mutual aid’ organizations (under NHS National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence clinical guideline 115).
On the positive side, what you get from The Priory, in addition to the detox and introduction to 12-step, is a lot of group therapy that may help you learn how to identify and manage your emotions, and to think straight about your relationship with your substance. 12-step programmes do this for you too, and in a better, more coherent, comprehensive, humane and well-paced manner, in my opinion.
Unfortunately, you may also suffer very forceful and unwelcome interventions, or attempted interventions, into your personal relationship with other people, such as a spouse, lover, friend or family member. I know of a lot of patients who suffered this. This happens because it is The Priory’s view that alleged ‘co-dependency’ relationship problems, along with sex and love addiction, are manifestations of the same disease as alcoholism and drug addiction. This idea seems to me to be completely incorrect and to run counter to psychiatric opinion and to contemporary addiction science.
You may also be subject to considerable direct or indirect pressure to stay on for longer than you wish to, or initially bargained for, or to buy their day-care program. It is quite unclear that such extended treatments can meaningfully contribute to long-term recovery, when what you need is a way of staying clean and sober after you have left. You could ask them, for example, for a comparison of recovery rates among their ex-patients at the one- and two-year mark, as compared to those among people who merely attend fellowship meetings regularly.
Two of my friends, both highly educated, high-functioning professionals walked out in disgust, against the advice of their Priory care teams. They remain clean and sober. Another patient was thrown out because she was, in the therapists’ opinion, smoking too much and refused to quit. When I queried them about what rules justified their expulsion of this lady (smoking being allowed at The Priory, but at limited times only), I was told that since they had no rules governing this situation they had no choice but to make one up on the spot.
It seemed to me also that people there in responsible positions of management seemed to have no training in management at all, and were quite unable to handle situations in anything resembling a proper professional manner. I speak as someone with four years experience as a senior manager. I would not have accepted such highly unprofessional and simply bad behaviour from anyone working under me and would have made sure it did not occur.
So I would suggest: look for a better alternative.

More about The Priory Hospital North London

The Priory Hospital North London is located at Grovelands House, The Bourne, London N14 6RA, UK
+44 20 8882 8191