The Pure Peach

About The Pure Peach

I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Hypnobirthing based Birth Preparation Teacher and Coach.

I help Mums prepare for an empowered and positive birth experience, manage anxiety and take control of their worry so that they can enjoy more of Motherhood.

The Pure Peach Description

Straight talking, evidence based support for birth and motherhood.

Birth Preparation
- Hypnobirthing based birth preparation to take the fear out of birth, build your confidence and help you to trust and work with your body for a positive birth experience.
- Breastfeeding support, how to prepare to get breast feeding off to a good start, feeding cues, normal newborn feeding behaviour
- Hypnotherapy /EFT for more in-depth fears or anxieties, morning sickness, phobias, belief changes and unhelpful behaviours and habits such as giving up smoking.
- Weekly pregnancy relaxation classes
- Reiki for complete mind and body relaxation which can help you to sleep better, feel more energised and alleviate any physical aches and pains.

Postnatal support
Hypnobirthing clients will get a free postnatal visit from me (if you’d like one), for whatever you need, whether it’s someone to hold your baby while you have a shower, breastfeeding pointers, to do the washing up, to talk about babywearing, to talk to about your birth, to make you a cup of tea and tell you how amazing you are… you get the idea!
- Reiki is again such a nice gift to yourself as you are recovering from birth physically and mentally. It’s an opportunity for you to have an hour to yourself or for you and your baby to have a treatment together.
- Breast feeding support to get things off to a good start, help you overcome any hurdles, reassure you that you are doing a brilliant job which I’m absolutely sure you are!
- Hypnotherapy /EFT can help in lots of positive ways, keeping positive while you’re going through the baby blues, reframing negative thoughts, getting rid of self-doubt, relaxation, weight loss, the list is endless really so we can discuss specific issues or concerns and identify together the best possible solutions.