The Roseberry Church Music Singers

About The Roseberry Church Music Singers

Established in 2016, The Roseberry Church Music Singers is a friendly choir of over 40 members of all ages specialising in the singing of sacred music from 16th to 21st century.



Shocked and saddened to witness events in Paris in the last 24 hours. Thankful however that there appears to have been no loss of life and that Notre Dame wasn't completely destroyed by the terrible fire. The historic Grand Orgue (heard in the link below) also appears to have survived and will hopefully be heard again in a restored cathedral by generations to come.
The city of Paris and all who have been affected are in our thoughts and prayers.


Some photos from today's Chrism Mass at St Helen's Carlin How featuring a few of our younger members and some other familiar faces. It appears that the church was only one bishop short of a full chess set!!!


We are now collecting items for Reuban to take to Ghana in October 2019 so that his efforts are not just about raising money to cover his costs, but to also make a little difference by taking donated items with him.
We are looking for - SANITARY PRODUCTS for the young girls as so expensive to buy - BOYS & GIRLS new or used & clean underwear ... - FOOTBALL SHIRTS / KITS used clean or new - FOOTBALL BOOTS / ASTRO TURF BOOTS used clean / new
Please feel free bring items to choir practice or I can collect - any donations would be very welcome.
Another way to help ... next time you shop online, please go via Reuban's EASYFUNDRAISING page - where all money raised will be buying sanitary products and underwear for the children. There are no costs to you or your company to register & donate every time you shop either at work or home. Just a couple of extra clicks before you buy online could make a real difference. /reubangrossett/
Reuban will be going to Ghana with Sacred Heart School in October 2019. He has been fundraising to cover his £1460 travel, accommodation & immunisation costs - but would also like to take a suitcase full of items to help make a difference. Any donations however small would be very gratefully received.
GHANA DONATIONS LIST We now have the following to start off our donated items - Football kits - 7 - Astro turf boots - 1 Football boots -1 - Children's underwear - 1 Sanitary products - 1 packet
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Just a quick reminder to singers that we have no Choir Practice this Sunday 14th April. Practices resume on 28th April.
Enjoy your night off!


Many thanks to an anonymous member of our tenor department for drawing our attention to this instrument, which appears to have everything that an organist could possibly require!
We suspect that this organist's favourite hymns must include "Muscat the name of Jesus", "Pinot Noir God Reigns", "Merlot Jesus I have promised", "Sauvignon Jordan's bank the baptist's cry" and "Shiraz with gladness". Cheers!!!


Great to have some young members of the Choir of St Leonard's Loftus Parish Church with us to sing Choral Evensong at Holy Cross Swainby yesterday.
If anybody spotted a wild cat round and about the village, there's no need for any alarm. It will have been choir mascot Leonard the Lynx enjoying his first "away" trip with the choristers. Thankfully though, there were no cat like sounds during the service!


For anybody interested in matters organ related (no sniggering at the back there!) Holy Cross Swainby, where we enjoyed singing yesterday, possesses a very fine 2 manual 1899 Harrison and Harrison with an ineresting history.
Originally built for the old St Luke's Hospital, Middlesbrough it was restored with some changes and transferred to Swainby in 1992. It's predecessor at Swainby travelled considerably further when it was moved to Australia.
The instrument has obviously been well looked after and is capable of some lovely sounds. Hopefully it will continue to serve Holy Cross well for many years to come. Further information and photos can be found in the link below.


A real joy to sing Choral Evensong led by our Chaplain, Phillip, at Swainby today. Many thanks to all at Holy Cross for your warm welcome and hospitality, it was great to see such a good turnout from the village.
Well done to singers for some beautifully expressive singing which made for a reflective and moving start to the Passiontide season. A big thank you to you all!


Looking forward to seeing you all this Sunday, 7 April, at Holy Cross Church, Swainby (NB, not nearby Old Holy Cross Church, Whorlton):
Rehearsal for singers 13:45 - 15:15 Choral Evensong 16:00-17:15 - all welcome!
... Choir Members, please bring your New Church Anthem Book and, in your Choir Folder, Smith Responses, Sumsion in G, the Order of Service and the Hymns & Psalm booklet.
Looking forward to some fantastic music for this Passion Sunday. Also known in as Carlin Sunday in our part of the world, the third collect will be particlarly approriate (..... "give unto thy servants those peas which the world cannot give"!).
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There have been some lovely servces of Choral Evensong broadcast on Radio 3 in the past few weeks. Last week's service from Salisbury featured some lovely early music by Byrd, Gibbons and Purcell.
The service from Westminster Abbey broadcast a couple of weeks ago is also well worth catching and features music by John Joubert and Herbert Howells which singers will recall from our recent visit to Christ Church, Great Ayton.
You can find it through the link below.........


Congratulations to all of the young Choristers who were promoted at St Leonard's Loftus today. Well done and keep up the good work!!!


Sumsion in G Magnificat (Loose Copy) also from Gloucester Cathedral..............


Sumsion in G Nunc Dimittis from Gloucester Cathedral (Loose Copy)...........


Smith Responses (Loose Copy).......


Farrant's Hide not thou thy face (New Church Anthem Book) from Clare College............


Many thanks to singers for an enjoyable and productive rehearsal last night (and a good turnout in the Royal Oak too - singing must be thirsty work!). It was great to welcome new members Olna and David to the soprano and tenor departments and also to have a Pair of Palmers on the alto line.
For singers who were unable to make last night's practice we'll put up some recordings of the Swainby music so that you can put familiarise yourselves with it in advance. Here's the Mozart Ave Verum Corpus (New Church Anthem Book) from King's College, Cambridge.......


A service of Choral Evensong for Passion Sunday led by Revd Phillip Bishop.
Music before service: J S Bach - Herzllch tut mich verlangen BWV 727 Howells - Preludio 'Sine Nomine'
... Introit : Hide not thou thy face (Farrant) Responses : Smith of Durham Psalm : 130 (Purcell) Canticles : Sumsion in G Anthem : Ave verum corpus (Mozart) Plus Passiontide hymns for all to sing. Voluntary - Leighton Prelude on Rockingham
Rehearsal for choir members at 1.45pm. Service is at 4pm - all welcome!
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Many thanks once again to choir members for your beautiful singing last Sunday.
Our next RCMS Choir Practice is on this Sunday, 24 March, at The Friends Meeting House, Great Ayton, 19:30-20:45. Please bring Smith Responses, Sumsion in G and your New Church Anthem Book.
On Sunday 7 April we meet at Holy Cross Church, Swainby (NB, not nearby Old Holy Cross Church, Whorlton):
... Rehearsal 13:45 Refreshments provided 15:15 Choral Evensong 16:00-17:15.
We are delighted that our own chaplain, Revd Phillip Bishop, has been asked to lead our Evensong at Swainby. Hard copies the Order of Service and the Hymns and Psalm will be available at Choir Practice this Sunday.
See you on Sunday!
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More about The Roseberry Church Music Singers

The Roseberry Church Music Singers is located at High Green, TS9 Great Ayton
(01287) 634429