The Saint George Educational Trust

About The Saint George Educational Trust

The Saint George Educational Trust engages in numerous, diverse, projects to facilitate the growth and spread of the Catholic Faith.

The Saint George Educational Trust Description

Registered with the Charity Commission in England and Wales - charity no. 1043158 - to:

a) Advance the Catholic religion in communion with the canonically elected Pope of Rome in its Traditional form by the promotion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the United Kingdom

b) Advance public education i) about and through the Traditional practices of the said Catholic religion, and ii) by means of supporting and providing facilities for the study and practice of the said Catholic religion.

How the Trust can be of service to you

Over the years The Saint George Educational Trust has engaged in numerous and diverse projects to facilitate the growth and spread of the Catholic Faith.

This has included things such as the building and renovation of small oratories and chapels; the publishing of Catholic devotional, educational and apologetic materials; the sponsoring of young British and Irish Catholics to deepen the knowledge and practice of their faith by participating in a travelling rosary crusade throughout Eastern Europe; and the hosting of conferences.

As well as pursuing projects of its own the Trust is also very open to helping Catholic lay apostolates, parish organisations, and religious communities, who do not benefit from the financial advantages made available to registered charities, to raise funds for the projects they wish to pursue.

By working with the Trust to restore all things in Christ we can help you raise one fifth extra revenue towards a proposed endeavour - providing that it falls within the aims and objectives of the Trust and the legal requirements of the Charity Commission.

For example:

A Catholic rosary or prayer group wishes to turn a spare room in a house or a large garden shed into a small oratory for the public use of the association. We can help.

An association of Catholics wants to construct and plant a Mary Garden to provide flowers for the Altar and the parish May Procession in honour of Our Lady. We can help.

A Catholic apostolate concerned with the spiritual and material good of souls organises soup kitchens for the poor and needy, or provides shelter for the homeless, or arranges hospital and prison visits. We can help.

The list of worthy projects that could be undertaken for the public benefit of souls, with the aid of the Trust, is only limited by lack of imagination and the will to act to restore all things in Christ. If you think that SGET may be of service to you in this regard, then please contact us and we will be happy to discuss your proposal.

How you can help the Trust

Remember the Trust and its work in your prayers

Consider becoming a Friend of Saint George

Consider making occasional donations to the work of the Trust

Volunteer to help organise or attend future activities of the Trust

Purchase books and other materials produced by the Trust

Tell your friends and family about the work of the Trust

Consider a bequest in favour of the Trust

More about The Saint George Educational Trust

The Saint George Educational Trust is located at 225 Andover House, George Yard, SP10 1PB Andover, Hampshire, United Kingdom