The School Of Life

About The School Of Life

The School of Life is an organisation devoted to helping people lead calmer and more resilient lives.

The School Of Life Description

We believe that the journey to finding fulfilment begins with self-knowledge. It is only when we have a sense of who we really are that we can make reliable decisions, particularly around love and work.

Sadly, tools and techniques for developing self-knowledge and finding fulfilment are hard to find — they’re not taught in schools, in universities, or in workplaces. Too many of us go through life without ever really understanding what’s going on in the recesses of our minds.

That’s why we created The School of Life; a resource for helping us understand ourselves, for improving our relationships, our careers and our social lives - as well as for helping us find calm and get more out of our leisure hours. We do this through films, workshops, books and gifts - as well as through a warm and supportive community. You can find us online, in stores and in welcoming spaces around the globe.



Knowing how to get the most out of the people we meet, live with and work around is fundamental to our chances of a fulfilled life. Find out more about our class here:


The Challenges of Choosing a Career: "We must learn to tease out insights concealed in apparently tiny movements of satisfaction and distress scattered across our lives. Once we see how vague our minds really are – and how naturally tricky it is for us to piece together the answers to complex but highly important questions about our futures – we can gain a new perspective. We start to appreciate that our career analysis is going to take time, that it has many stages, that the reach for an immediate answer can backfire – and that it is a strangely magnificent, delicate and noble task to work out what one should most justly do with the rest of one’s brief life on earth."
Read more:…/chall enges-choosing-care…/


How to Tell the Story of Our Life: "At our death beds, we will inevitably know that much in our life stories didn’t work out, that there were dreams that didn’t come to pass and loves that were rejected, friendships that could never be repaired, and catastrophes and hurts we never overcame. But as good story tellers, we will also know that there were threads of intense value that sustained us, that there was a higher logic we sometimes followed, that despite the agonies, our lives were not mere sound and fury; that in our own way, at select moments at least, our stories made sense."
Read more:…/how-t o-tell-the-story-of…/


Calm has a deep and natural appeal. Most of us long to be more patient, unruffled, at ease and capable of reacting with quiet good humour to life’s setbacks and irritants. But if calm is an ocean, most of us are still in the shallows. Book our class here:


On Wisdom: "The wise know that turmoil is always around the corner – and they have come to fear and sense its approach. That’s why they nurture such a strong commitment to calm. A quiet evening feels like an achievement. A day without anxiety is something to be celebrated. They are not afraid of having a somewhat boring time. There could, and will again, be so much worse…"
Read more:…/ wisdom-a-short-guide/


Why Stoicism is so important in today's world.


On Flirtation: "The ideal flirtation is a small work of social art co-created by two people; it is civilised artifice. It acknowledges limitations, it is worried about consequences, it knows you shouldn’t let a momentary impulse damage a long standing relationship. So it invents a safe version of seduction. It constitutes a wise accommodation with reality, while working out how to have the nicest time with another person. We should flirt more."
Read more: life/on-flirtation/


The Origins of Everyday Nastiness: "The temptation is to get stern and cruel back, but the only way to diminish the vicious cycle of hate is – of course – to address its origins, which lie in suffering. There is no point punching back. We must – as the old prophets always told us – learn to look upon our enemies with sorrow, pity and, when we can manage it, a forgiving kind of love."
Read more:…/the-o rigins-of-everyday-…/


Next month our Classroom events will be taking a short break . Make sure you book your class before the summer is over:


There are only 24 hours left to get a Conference ticket at our Early Bird rate. Make sure you don't miss out on our memorable experience:


What are rescue fantasies and do they benefit our real world relationships?


How to Dare to Begin: "Perfectionism gives rise to worries. If I make a start, I’ll make a mistake and then something terrible will happen. Inside one’s head there are half-formed fears which run along lines such as: If I don’t get the presentation exactly right, I might as well not have done it at all. If I don’t write the ideal report I’ll never make partner. Our minds are deeply irrational in the way they generate fears. Write down the litanies of terrors and then submit them to rational and benign scrutiny."
Read more:…/ how-to-dare-to-begin/


Our classes are for everyone - including those who are looking for things to do alone in London. We encourage conversation between strangers and all of our classes have a socialising opportunity with refreshments at the beginning. Look at our calendar:


Two Reasons Why You Might Still Be Single: "Practising imagination is not a compromise, it is the key to love, for we all have to be considered imaginatively in order to be tolerated and forgiven over the long term by anyone. By thinking imaginatively, we’re not being disloyal to the true ambition of love; we’re stumbling on the essence of what love rightly has to involve."
Read more:…/two-r easons-why-you-mig…/…


This is a class, intended both for people who are single and who are in couples, that explores the question: what is a good enough relationship? Discover more:


Introducing The Marriage Box.
This beautiful gift box contains all the secrets to a successful long-term union. This treasure-trove of wisdom is an excellent gift for both newlyweds and long-married couples.
The Marriage Box is now available online and in store here:


Confidence: "It isn’t unfortunately enough to be kind, interesting, intelligent and wise inside: we need to develop the skill that allows us to make our talents active in the world at large. Confidence is what translates theory into practice. It should never be thought of as the enemy of good things; it is their crucial and legitimate catalyst. We should allow ourselves to develop confidence in confidence."
Read more: life/confidence/


Preparing for Disaster: "It is, at least, on the basis of off-script events that we develop our deepest friendships, surrender our self-righteousness, acquire the right kind of gallows humour – and grow up. Newly aware of the ubiquity of random disasters, we start to appreciate the bits that are on-script. We can know just how much to cherish the quiet days in which nothing much has yet gone very wrong. And when the off-script event comes, we can at least say that we knew – and realised a while back that this what it means to be human."
Read more:…/pr eparing-for-disaster/


Many of us have a strong (and sometimes maddening) feeling that there is a job out there that could properly satisfy us, allowing us to develop our potential and talent. Take the first steps to discovering what that could be at our class:


We are delighted to announce that our next special event will be Annie Lennox in Conversation with Alain de Botton. Together they will discuss culture and emotional intelligence. Book here:


my soul craves to feel a decent ammount of pleasure by giving you guys a rating of beyond Excellent


Very interesting... I watched a video on your YouTube channel, and then I kept watching your videos for hours!


The missing piece in our life understanding puzzle. Thx a lot!


Stumbled across The School of Life in Amsterdam! So glad I did! Over iced coffee I asked some of the family question cards to my teenage daughter - and it really made us think and communicate together! Looking forward to visiting the London one soon and maybe doing some courses!


My son and I discovered this by fortunate geography. The Melbourne shop guy (sorry i didn't get yr name) was so incredibly lovely and generous he even gifted us some books. I was feeling shaky before entering the ahop and after a chamomile tea and some excellent communication i left feeling hopeful and grounded. Gratitude for your work excellent humans!


Love your articles and short films. Hope to visit some day. Your work is needed.


If I was an alien, I would have no problem knowing this world. Thanks SOL for all your effort on making such marvellous educational source. This is simply worth more then anything I have ever seen.


Greatest YouTube Channel to ever exist. Thank you very much for all your hardwork.


Great, well thought-out advice for life. It’s helping me as a single parent navigate the world and raise my children with enlightenment.


Great school about self knowledge, great books and videos


Discovering #TheSchoolOfLife is One of the most interesting things that happened to me in recent years. Perfect for a Student who wants to explore the world in Diverse areas in Philosophy


Conveying the consolidation of philosophy better than any other sources, School of Life provides us huge public service through extremely thoughtful contents


Came across the school of life through their amazing videos. Started reading the book of life,( some chapters) and attended last April the workshop "How to make relatioships last", which I highly recommend, high quality content and presentation. Amazing work available to everybody.


Attended their work-shop named “The Steps to Calm” last weekend.

Crash course on Stoicism that I’d honestly recommend everyone to take. Loved the whole experience.


An amazing project with a great central idea of living our day to day using culture, philosophy and psichology theories to deal with our daily problems and existential doubts.


Amazing project! Keep up the great work, guys!


A home self-health DIY Kit for the aspirant self-actualising person.

Over my years of engagement with Alain's work, it has helped deeply root my need to love Myself & my Neighbour more. I believe we differ on a few issues in Politics & Economics, but this has never detracted from the utter gems to be found here. Enjoy x


Why aren't any of the works/materials/books in your store attributed to/signed by the folks who wrote them? Why are Alain de Botton's books the only attributed works of writing in your store?

More about The School Of Life

The School Of Life is located at 70 Marchmont Street, WC1N 1AB London, United Kingdom