The Seaside Ceo

About The Seaside Ceo

I assist dynamic Visionaries, Creative Entrepreneurs, Transformational Leaders, Performers and Change-Makers to unleash their wild creativity, and live FULLY.

It's time to stop trying to fit into life 'templates' that don't fit you!


The Seaside Ceo Description

My clients love being in the group and working with me because –
They feel the excitement right from day one of being IN. The connection, combined vision and collaboration possible. They KNOW that they will make big changes and shifts and are ready to do it, with support and energy.
 They feel truly supported
 They are seeing a totally new world and way of living
 The universe has their back, so do I and the group!
 They see what they are truly capable of
 They are letting go and streamlining in all areas
 They feel like THEM, aligned and expansive, the TRUE them
 I am their light, guide, the wind beneath their wings
 They love my wild creative spirit and are energised by it
 I guide their way, living in faith and flow
 I walk the talk, travelling, expanding and evolving and experiencing along the way
 I have knowledge, belief, insight and intuitive guidance
 They have a true partner, peer, cheerleader, seer, mystic, wayshower
 I am experienced in life, business, online marketing, courage, recovery, reinvention and expansion
 They love my enthusiasm, zest and energy
 I am real, no BS, say it like it is
 I take NO EXCUSES and challenge them to do the scary things that make ALL the difference
 We streamline their life and business, fewer to-do’s and more ta-daaaas!
 I hold a space for them to speak their truth, heal it and move forward without the emotional crap
 I get intuitive nudges for them, magical-tear-laden guidance
 They learn how to trust their inner knowing
 I have 20 years of books, mentors, do-ing and experience to bring
 I can take any challenge and turn it around with exploration, encouragement and dynamic action
 I tap into their heart and soul
 I have rituals, routines and tools that I have developed and used myself – strategic and creative – so they can tke aligned action in a way that suits their preferences
 I SEE and FEEL their brilliance and potential, their truth and where they are dimming their light
 We are playing a game with the univeeeerse! !
 I show them how to integrate their true nature into their soul purpose
 I am tapped into logic and magic, in all life areas, based around the REAL them
 I use language, NLP tools, creativity, spirit, energy, space to create change

More about The Seaside Ceo