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Whenever I had previously observed other people in flagrante delicto, it had been with the funk soundtrack of a pornographic film; here the only sound was that of flesh slapping on flesh, like someone juggling raw liver, writes Andrew Watts.


The most-read article on the Spectator website is by an MP: Sam Gyimah.


‪VIP sex parties are more about snobbery and social climbing than sex, reveals Cosmo Landesman.


Why business banking is the next wave of disruption in finance:


‪Booze, cigarettes and Auberon Waugh: Geoffrey Wheatcroft remembers The Spectator’s 1970s revival‬.


‪This week’s cover: How scared should we be? ‬


To Salvini’s supporters, in and out of Italy, he is a straight-talking, no-nonsense defender of his country’s sovereignty against the northern elites in Berlin and Brussels.


‪There is something about the word ‘girl’ that sounds demeaning. We need a replacement, says Mark Mason.


‪Iran’s boat people are leaving Iran for the same reason my family left: to seek a better life, says Sohrab Ahmari.


Trieste's mongrel heritage and complex past, along with its stunning location, make it an unbeatable destination, says William Cook.


What this vote shows is that there is a Commons majority to frustrate ‘no deal’, says James Forsyth.


Ignore the colorful and fresh-faced Democrats filling up your social media feed. The new face is of their party is the same as the old one. It is a white, wrinkled face that no amount of plastic surgery can reconfigure, says Freddy Gray.


‪Outside their prosperous cities, the hinterlands of France, Germany, Italy and beyond are hitting back, says Christopher Caldwell‬.


The credit for the result of the Leave vote lies entirely with the good sense of the voters themselves, writes Bill Cash.


If you’re snarky and irreverent and you won’t play the virtue-signalling game your options are limited, says James Delingpole.


'When I switched on the television, it showed a photograph of me wearing a dinner jacket and bow tie sitting next to Baroness Trumpington at a Cigar Smoker of the Year awards dinner. Apparently, one of us had recently died.'

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