The Spinney Surgery Patients Association

Monday: 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About The Spinney Surgery Patients Association

Hi! This is the Spinney Surgery Patients Association based in St Ives Cambridgeshire, providing information on useful health and wellbeing information as well as updates about the Spinney Surgery.

The Spinney Surgery Patients Association Description

Please note our code of conduct for this page:

General behaviour: this page is intended to be informative, useful, friendly & welcoming so all interaction should be done with this philosophy in mind being kind & courteous to others, using an appropriate tone of language.

Content: all content must be suitable for people of all ages, which includes words, videos & pictures. Any post by the public which contain inappropriate content, make personal /discriminatory remarks regarding any member of staff /other users or uses offensive language will be removed by the administrator. Anything not related to health /wellbeing issues will also be removed from the page.

Spam /Advertisement: this page cannot be used to advertise any particular goods or services. The deliberate posting of any such material is not permitted.

Off topic matters: this page cannot be used for discussion of any political or religious subjects.

Breaking the rules: anyone found posting something inappropriate on 3 occasions, may invite temporary or permanent removal from the page at the discretion of the administrators.

Offline: when appropriate the administrators may ask patients to call in with questions /comments & continue dialogue personally rather than through the page.



Local information:


Details about hearing aid batteries from Hinchingbrooke Hosputal:


In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government has identified a number of patients who are vulnerable and as a result are considered ‘shielding patients’. These patients have been given guidance regarding limiting their movements and contact with others in order to prevent contracting coronavirus. Further information and advice regarding shielding patients can be found here:…/corona…/advice-f or-people-at-high-risk/
...At the practice, we very much appreciate the importance of the shielding letters and we are expecting updated guidance for general practice in the next 5-7 days.
Although the GOV.UK site and TV/media are now directing patients to their GP if they have not received correspondence, as it stands today, we are not able to add patients to the shielded list. All patients included in the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) defined cohort that could be identified through centrally available data are now flagged on GP systems and have received a letter; however centrally available data was limited and NHS Digital are now updating the original cohort to identify additional patients based on GP extracted data.
We have not been given the necessary information from NHS Digital to contact patients ourselves and whilst there may still be other patients that GPs consider to be in the highest risk category and who should be advised to shield, NHS Digital have asked that we do not run searches to identify these cohorts at this stage. We are advised that NHS Digital will be in touch this week to confirm how this process can be streamlined for GPs and we stand by to action as swiftly as we can.
With regard to grocery deliveries etc, vulnerable members of the public have been asked to register on the GOV.UK website. You can register as a shielded patient by visiting here: vulnerable
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One of our patients, Charlotte, came to the surgery today with some chocolates as she said the staff here and particularly nurse Sharon, are her ‘heroes’ so they deserve some Chocolate heroes for seeing her this week when she was unwell. Here she is handing the chocs over (but standing the mandatory 2 metres apart!!) Great to see people saying thank you!


The surgery is limiting all non-urgent patient contact but please rest assured, we are here if you need us.
Due to the ongoing situation with Coronavirus, we are taking measures in line with guidance shared by NHS England and Public Health authorities to minimise risks associated with the virus. The UK has moved to the delay phase of managing the COVID-19 virus and as such, we are dealing with patients differently and undertaking a lot of work on the telephone.
We are asking... all patients not to attend appointments at the practice without prior agreement from a member of our clinical team. All pre-existing appointments are being reviewed by the clinical team. If it is deemed that your appointment is not urgent this may be cancelled and re-scheduled at a later date by the practice. Patients are still able to collect medication as well as their prescriptions. For more information on our new measures and how they will affect you, please visit our dedicated coronavirus page on the website for full details.
If you have new respiratory symptoms, a cough or a temperature please do not visit the surgery or any pharmacies or hospitals please ensure you and any household members self isolate at home for 14 days. Please also use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service for advice, guidance and frequently asked questions
We thank you for your patience during this time.
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Following guidance from the Government, the Spinney Surgery is closed for all non-urgent contact.
All patients attending with an appointment today will be assessed by telephone. If you have been told to attend the surgery or need to collect a prescription or medication, please press the intercom buzzer in the lobby waiting area and a member of staff will speak to you.
If you have a fever, cough or shortness of breath, please do not visit the surgery or any pharmacies or hospi...tals. Please self isolate and contact NHS 111 for guidance. For advice and frequently asked questions about coronavirus please visit or the NHS 111 website.
We thank you for your patience during this time.
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1.The local NHS @CambsPboroCCG have launched the BIG conversation. It’s all about your thoughts and ideas about how the NHS is run in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Find out more
2.If you need to see a healthcare professional, would you rather travel further for a specialist appt, but be seen quicker, or wait longer, but be seen locally? This is one of the Qs @CambsPboroCCG are asking as in their big conversation
3.Waitin...g times, missed appointments, prescription costs, travel to appointments and A&E are just some of the topics covered by @CambsPboroCCG’s BIG conversation. Have your say on how the local NHS works
4.The local NHS want you to have your say on the future of NHS services
NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG
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Forthcoming event:


Spinney annual Vintage carers tea ! Over 75 carers And their loved ones attended our Fun afternoon with a delicious cream tea and entertainment by the amazing Green Ribbons singers


Dont forget the Patient Group Evening on Wednesday 18th April!


Event coming up:


A really great site worth a visit on alcohol abuse:


Neighbourhood Cares St Ives would like to invite you to a Christmas get-together on Thursday 7th December 2017 between 1:30pm and 3:30pm at Crossways Community Church, Corner of Ramsey Road, St Ives.

Come and enjoy mince pies, hot drinks, cakes and a chance to meet the team and find out more about Neighbourhood Cares. There will also be a raffle with proceeds going to the Spinney Surgery Patients Association.
... Neighbourhood Cares St Ives are a new team working with patients of the Spinney Surgery, supporting people to be happy and independent in their local community. You can contact us on 01480 379680.
We would love to see you for a chat, or just to say hello. There also will be some stands and information about other local services and support.
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DYNAMIC HEALTH If you are living with pain due to your joints, muscles or nerves then you can access NHS Physiotherapy advice and treatment directly from DynamicHealth, provided by Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust. To find out more, simply visit, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.’
Please take a few minutes to check out our website if you haven’t already and like, follow and share to support us on social media. The t...eam has a proven track record of providing modern, high quality and responsive care, as evidenced by the Trust’s good rating awarded by the Care Quality Commission.
We are a frontrunner in supporting the national shift towards empowering patients to self-care and stay well, with our patients finding resources to enable them to manage their musculoskeletal conditions themselves (where it’s clinically appropriate). There is also information that goes beyond relevant exercises and how to access our services, to offer general health and wellbeing information. For example how diet and even sleep can affect, and be affected by a person’s musculoskeletal condition(s).
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More about The Spinney Surgery Patients Association

The Spinney Surgery Patients Association is located at Ramsey Road, PE27 3TP St Ives, Cambridgeshire
01480 495347
Monday: 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -