The Worldwide Tribe

About The Worldwide Tribe

A personal account of the human stories behind world issues

Currently supporting refugees across Europe.

We are all human
The world is our home

The Worldwide Tribe Description

I'm Jaz and at the moment, me, my family and a few friends are bringing you the stories of the refugees we are meeting in camps across Europe and the Middle East.

We have been making regular trips and spending lots of time, eating, sleeping and working in camps in France, Greece, Turkey and Jordan, supporting people as the make their journey to safety.

Our little team take a two-pronged approach. We use creative story telling to bring a voice to the voiceless, whilst also running our own, and supporting tangible, grassroots projects on the ground.

If you have had enough of feeling helpless at the crisis we find ourselves in the midst of, please please dig deep and follow our link here:

https://mydonate. /start. html?charity=128227

If you don't have the means to donate, join us in inciting compassion and sharing the love for the humans behind the headlines. <3

The Worldwide Tribe is a Restricted Fund under the auspices of Prism the Gift Fund, Registered Charity number 1099682



I’ve been thinking a lot about this guy today...Kweku Adoboli.
Have you guys heard of him?
His story is an interesting one.
... He used to be a trader at UBS bank, but was sentenced to seven years in prison for two counts of fraud and abuse of his position there, after causing a big financial loss.
He has now served his sentence and paid the price for his crime.
Or so you would think…
But this is where his story shocked me...
Kweku was born in Ghana, but left when he was four and has not been back since.
He went to school in England and studied at Nottingham University.
Under current British law, any foreign national sentenced to longer than four years in prison is automatically subject to being deported.
So Kweku is now fighting against being deported to Ghana...a country he barely remembers.
Having already paid the price for his crime, he now risks losing his friends, family, community, country and entire life, as he will never be allowed to enter the UK again.
He will also most likely be banned from all of Europe, North America and other countries too.
Since his release, Kweku has been giving talks to students and business executives on banking and leadership reform so others can learn from his mistakes.
His unique insight could be seen as an important contribution to society.
However the Home Office stands firm, saying:
“Foreign nationals who abuse our hospitality by committing crimes in the UK should be in no doubt of our determination to deport them and we have removed more than 42,800 foreign offenders since 2010.”
But I can’t help but question…
Is he not more British than Ghanian? Has he not had his punishment? Should he be punished MORE than a British citizen? Is deportation a double punishment?
I would love to hear your thoughts?
To find out more:…/3c77180c-a1a6-1 1e8-85da-eeb7a9ce36e4
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This week I met my new hero...Tima Kurdi.
Tima is the Aunt of Alan you guys remember him?
The little Syrian boy who was found lying face down on the beach almost exactly three years ago.
... Alan, his little brother and his mother all died when their boat capsized as they tried to reach Europe.
That photo rocked not only my world, but the whole world, and made many people realise, for the first time, that refugees were fleeing because they truly had no choice.
That the water was safer than the land.
Three years on and Tima has written a book called ‘The boy on the beach.’ She has turned a into something beautiful… a life of using her voice to represent her people, raise awareness and take action through The Kurdi Foundation she has founded.
You can order her book here: s-Es…/…/ref=sr_1_1…
You can find our more about the Kurdi Foundation here:
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Something amazing happened today.
The latest Jāṅgala Wi-Fi box left our workshop in London this afternoon, and is on it's way to Lombok!
Thanks to you lot, the box will travel to Indonesia to bring vital connectivity to those affected by the earthquake. Not just the local people, but aid workers too.
... This was made possible by you lot all responding to our crowdfunder...which reached it's target overnight.
We are humbled and grateful to all of you for donating, sharing and quite simply caring.
These are some pictures I took on my travels through Lombok a few years ago.
Please keep this magical island and it's beautiful people in your thoughts while they recover from this disaster. <3
So much love, Jaz and The Jāṅgala team
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The tears are streaming already this morning... this is amazing <3 deos/1285309458277225/


You guys may have heard about what is happening in beautiful Indonesia.
On Sunday, the second huge earthquake in a week hit the island of Lombok. This, as well as over 355 aftershocks have meant the deaths of 319 people, displacing hundreds of thousands more.
... - Locals have been forced from their homes and are sleeping in tents.
- Hospital patients are being treated outside in fear of hospital buildings collapsing.
- Tourists on the popular holiday destination of the Gili Islands, (just off the coast of Lombok,) are desperately being evacuated to neighbouring Bali following a tsunami warning.
This picture was taken on a drone belonging to a friend of a friend as she fought for a place on this boat leaving the Gilis.
Horrified to hear this news, (several of us having been to Lombok, Bali and the Gili Islands), our team have been putting together a plan for how we can best respond and support those affected...
But we need your help.
This week Jangala and The Worldwide Tribe will be sending out one of our Wi-Fi boxes to bring internet connectivity not just to the victims of this earthquake, but the rescue workers, the journalists, the tourists and anyone else desperately needing to communicate or access information amongst the current desperate lack of infrastructure.
In this kind of emergency situation, being able to message and speak with family and loved ones isn't a luxury but an absolute necessity.
It’s all hands on deck from our team until the box reaches if you have been looking for a way to help, please please support us in our mission. /473152?
Each box costs £1000 and can service up to 1000 users. We already have boxes running in refugee camps in France, Greece and Kenya. We know they work and we know what difference they can make.
10 people to donate £100.
100 people to donate £10.
Whatever you can spare, it will make a direct difference, so thank you.
Have an amazing weekend and we will keep you updated.
For more in depth information about our progress, check out Jāṅgala
Big thanks to Team Rubicon for being our incredible partner on this mission
Image by Melissa Delport
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This week I’m on holiday with my family in Wales and whilst here we visited a dairy farm.
It was particularly special for my little brother Mez.
Every new experience we have together is super cool because he brings a whole new perspective to it...even now, after three years of living with my family.
... Mez’s family had a cow in Eritrea. It was super naughty and it was Mez’s responsibility to look after in and milk it. Although it was grumpy, Mez loved it.
Today he saw a full blown milking operation. 300 cows being hooked up to machines which feel like the suckling of a baby cow (we stuck our finger into the bit that sucks onto the udder).
He was amazed.
When we drove to the other side of the farm to visit the baby cows, we got in the back of a pick up truck. As he got in, Mez told us that he hadn’t been in one since crossing the Sahara Desert on his journey here three years ago. The smugglers crammed 30 people in the back with no food and hardly water to survive. If you fell off, (which happened to others on his journey), the driver wouldn’t stop.
It’s so amazing to be around someone who brings a whole new outlook to every situation.
Mez, you still teach me so much!
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Dinner at Nour's.
I've never experienced hospitality, food or company like it ❤


This is Nour's mamma, Amal.
She is hilarious.
She is always joking around, singing, laughing and giving you cheeky looks. She is also constantly force feeding us her amazing cooking.
... This is a pic of her enjoying the last few days in Turkey before her and her family were relocated to Canada for a new life, and for Nour to have treatment.
We've been following Nour's journey for two years stay tuned for our upcoming film about this amazing family and their incredible story!
Photo by The Tribe Projects ❤
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“See that plane in the sky?
I hope one day that will be me flying high above in the plane, flying to another country. So I can have my treatment. So I can finish my studies. So I can start a new life.”
These were Noor's words two years ago...sitting in the park in Turkey. This week, that dream has finally come true.
... This week, after years of waiting and uncertainty... she flew from Istanbul to Toronto...the journey she has been dreaming search of the life she has been dreaming of!
Good luck Noor!
Photo and text by Kelli at The Tribe Projects
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This is Elin.
Whilst on a flight from Sweden to Turkey on Monday, she realised that there was a man at the back who was being to Afghanistan.
She refused to sit down until he was taken off the flight, and recorded the whole thing on Facebook live.
... In the video she explains:
“I am doing what I can to save a person’s life.
As long as a person is standing up the pilot cannot take off.”
When passengers question her, complaining about the delay, she says:
“What is more important, a life, or your time? … I want him to get off the plane because he is not safe in Afghanistan. I am trying to change my country’s rules, I don’t like them. It is not right to send people to hell.”
YES Elin. Deporting people to their death is a breach of human rights...which is happening not only Sweden but the UK, France and many other countries too.
Please share. Awareness is the first step to change.
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We will all come together when we die...but wouldn't it be great if we could come together before that. At least for long enough so that we can look into each others' eyes with love.
There is no limit to what we can do with the love and support of each other. ❤


When I visited this Syrian couple this week, I told them that I loved the cookies they baked when I visited them last year...
So what did they do?
They INSISTED that I come back the next day, and went ahead and spent the rest of the afternoon baking more cookies than you have ever seen.
... When I went back yesterday, they literally gave us bags full, labelled with the names of our whole team...even those they had just met once the day before.
Why are people here so kind!?!?
It never ceases to amaze me. I get constant examples of people who have more.
Why is that?
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Some pictures of before, during and after Noor's leaving party.
Her and her family are leaving Turkey to be relocated to Canada on Wednesday!
They have become such an important part of their community, and it really showed during the party!
... For so many...they represent hope. Hope that there is a future.
They represent the light at the end of the tunnel.
It was happy occasion, but also sad. Noor has lived in Turkey for 2 and a half years and is one of the most sociable, loving people I have ever met. Also, the Syrian community here is closer than any I have ever known. Everyone comes and goes from each other's houses and everyone has been rallying round to help pack, bring food and prepare for this big step.
Everyone here is going to miss her!
We have been documenting her journey for two years now...for more updates, check out our Instagram @theworldwidetribe
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This week our team has been back in this beautiful country...where the moon meets the moon.
And we are here for the best reason ever...Noor is being relocated to CANADA and we are filming the next chapter of her journey! ❤
Follow our updates on Instagram @theworldwidetribe


We're very happy to announce that one of our Wi-Fi boxes has made it out of Europe for the first time (the others are in camps in Greece and France).
We've partnered with the amazing guys at Skyschool to get one of our systems to Kakuma Camp in Kenya.
Skyschool are a global high school that bring high quality secondary education to refugees all over the world...but to do this, they need internet!
... ...So that’s where we come in...
The system has just arrived, and this is Pascal setting it up, ready for the students to get connected and learning.
Each system costs £1000 to deploy and our aim is to get 100 our in the field this year. Do you think you can help us? Maybe you and some friends can get together to sponsor a system?
To donate: i/457585 For more info contact
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This is Noor...on her birthday.
We are heading to see her in Turkey tomorrow, and will be sharing some VERY exciting news about her journey so STAY TUNED for updates!


80% of France’s winning World Cup team are African.
HALF are Muslim.
Yet we still see so much racism and Islamophobia towards the refugees we work with there.
... France’s team is one of the most diverse and multicultural in the whole World it seems crazy that refugees there are still forced to sleep on the streets in Paris and tear gassed in Calais.
And this doesn’t just apply to France… Almost half of the England team have migrant parents and Croatia’s captain, (and the best player in the world cup) Luka Modric, is a child refugee himself. Yet the UK government is busy creating a ‘Hostile Environment’ and is not alone in it’s increasingly un-inviting, anti-immigration agenda.
But i’m feeling hopeful about this win.
Hopeful that it will open people’s eyes and hearts to the ‘other’.
Hopeful that it demonstrates how immigration is a beautiful thing, and that the sooner we embrace it...the sooner we will all win!
Well done France!
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This is Adb Rahman.
He is the teacher at the school set up for Syrian kids in Turkey by The Tribe Projects.
Each morning, he writes a saying on the board. It’s something done in the schools back in Syria and usually the teacher explains and discusses the meaning with the class.
... Today’s saying can be translated to:
“If you are afraid of climbing the mountains, you will spend your life in the holes”.
Abd Rahman believes in inspiring the kids to have courage. He believes that by learning and exploring they can climb high. After only 2 weeks of classes, (for most, they are in a classroom for the very first time,) we’re so proud of how much the kids are already learning!
Well done Abd Rahman! ✏️📚⭐️
We're heading out to visit the school this week. To donate directly to our work in Turkey: ojects/471092
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This is our story.
To donate: ... eAmount.html…
For daily stories and updates: Instagram: @theworldwidetribe
To volunteer, fundraise, join the tribe or find out more:
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wow is this pretty beautifuL!


This is a beautiful page! Thank you for doing this work.


I have met Jaz in Mallorca at a presentation of her projects. I cannot thank her and The Worldwide Tribe enough for doing what they are doing. It makes me believe in humanity again. Pls support their work. It os so needed!!!!

More about The Worldwide Tribe

The Worldwide Tribe is located at London, United Kingdom