The Yorker

About The Yorker

The leading independent newspaper at the University of York providing news, features, comment and reviews of campus and city life.

The Yorker Description

Here are the contact details for each member of The Yorker team:


Editor - Charlotte Gir
email: editor@theyorker. co. uk

Deputy Editor - Bethany White
email: content@theyorker. co. uk

Arts - William de Chazal
email: arts@theyorker. co. uk

News - Oscar Jefferson
email: news@theyorker. co. uk

Lifestyle - Sophie Reaper
email: lifestyle@theyorker. co. uk

Comment & Politics - Alice Forsyth
email: politics@theyorker. co. uk

Sports - Kamila Ostroga
email: sport@theyorker. co. uk

Magazine Editor - Sophie Reaper
email: magazine@theyorker. co. uk


Managing Director - Emma-Louise Downe
email: director@theyorker. co. uk

Marketing Director - Jatin Mapara
email: marketing_director@theyorker. co. uk

Finance Director - Samuel Grigg
email: financial_director@theyorker. co. uk



"With deadlines looming and work piling up, here’s how to stop yourself procrastinating and start becoming more motivated".…/making-you r-mondays-more-moti…/


"Even with all the overused story devices, this film works surprisingly well. The tone is perfect, never cheesy, and it gives us a glimpse of complex issues that save the film from feeling superficial..." re/film/green-book/


"Here it finally is: the first film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe with a female lead. So was it worth the wait? Well… yes and no." …/…/captain-marvel/


"Will someone explain to me why this film is regarded as the greatest sequel of all time by many, and seen as the third greatest film ever by even more?"…/the-godfat her-part-ii-1974-a-…/


"The 2020 US Presidential election is still quite a way off but the Democratic challenging field is already starting to take shape and campaigning is certainly well underway. With this in mind, this article will give you a brief rundown of the most likely candidates, their platforms and any glaring concerns with their potential nomination."…/2020-democ rats-the-top-5-favo…/


"The recent increase in homelessness is often cited but with little recognition of the younger generation facing these issues. This year, The Yorker have decided to give their annual charity donation to SASH (Safe and Sound Homes), a youth homelessness charity in York. We spoke to Claire Usher, head of Communications, to find out more about the charity and the projects underway in York."…/youth-home lessness-in-york-an…/


"You’ve passed your test, it was the most stressful thing you’ve ever done, you’ve got your first car, it’s your pride and joy and of course you want to take it to university. This is where you need to park your emotions for a while and think through very carefully whether taking your car to university will make your life easier or more stressful. Here are a few points for you to consider."…/what-to-co nsider-when-running…/


"Democracy can only work if it listens to the citizens needs. Democracy is not a simple yes or no at any required time. It changes in tune with the climate around us. Democracy allows for fickle minds. To revert is not undemocratic - it is fundamentally human. To those who claim a second referendum will cause disunity, wake up, it is already here, the damage has already been done. To those who claim the result will be the same, who cares? At least then we would know it was definitive."…/the-people s-vote-is-now-more-…/


"On 19th March, Google announced Stadia, a new gaming platform that aims to change the way we play games by making them accessible to ‘any device with a Chrome browser and an internet connection’ at the click of a button."…/stadia-is- it-game-over-for-ha…/


"Dara O’Briain’s new show, Voice of Reason, is the perfect showcase for his own brand of imaginative storytelling, whether discussing the pitfalls of VR headsets, the everyday feeling of shopping for a tapestry or the separation anxiety you feel when the builders finally leave, his ability to universalise experiences for his audience exemplifies his acute observational skills and breadth experience in the entertainment industry."…/review-dar a-obriain-voice-of-…/


“What do we want? Climate justice! When do we want it? Now!” The words of the young people that took to the streets of York today to strike for action against climate change.


"If you’re currently lost in a sea of political jargon, trying to decipher what on Earth is going on with the state of the Brexit negotiations and what it means for all of us, then this article is here to help. Sit tight, take a deep breath and I will break down exactly what has gone on in the last couple of months, where we are likely heading in the subsequent months and what is the likely outcome of all of this."…/brexit-wha t-has-happened-what…/


Young people from across York will take to the streets once again this Friday in an effort to protest what they call “the lack of Government action on climate change.


Hi there everyone,
A very exciting opportunity has just presented itself for anyone who would like to write for the magazine.
The York Literature Festival has kindly passed on a couple of press and publicity tickets for an event happening tomorrow...
... The festival will be launching tomorrow night, hosted by author Daisy Johnson (Man Booker 2018 shortlisted author of Everything Under)
I know this is short notice, but the event will be taking place at 7:30 tomorrow night at Temple Hall (York St. John University) so if you’d like to get involved please email me at as soon as possible.
The coordinators have also asked if there are any events at the festival our writers would particularly like to cover so... if you head to The York Literature Festival website, and see any events that interest you, let me know and hopefully we can get you some free tickets to those too:)
Lots more exciting opportunities coming soon so watch this space!
See More


"The University of York has announced use of staff salaries withheld during last year’s industrial action to pay for a series of student projects in partnership with YUSU (York University Student Union) and the GSA (Graduate Student Association.)"…/salaries-f rom-industrial-acti…/


Announcement: The Yorker is looking for a new Editorial Director.
The Editorial Director is responsible for overseeing all Editorial content online, as well as sitting on the Board of Directors for the company.
We welcome all applications regardless of experience. This is a great opportunity to get involved with student media and will provide great experience for students of any discipline! It will also be a good addition to any CV or resume.
... Attached are the details, you should email your manifesto and CV's to by Week 4 of Summer term.
Best of luck,
The Yorker Team
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"The case for a People’s Vote on the final Brexit deal has undoubtably gained a lot of traction in the last few months, most notably as the Labour party has made crucial strides towards supporting the cause. But the question must be asked as to why would anyone want to go through the chaos of the 2016 Brexit referendum again? This article will lay out the reasons why everyone – no matter party affiliation or position on the EU – should support a People’s Vote on the final deal by tackling the five main objections against such a proposition."…/the-case-f or-everyone-to-supp…/


"The plastic problem. You may think you’ve heard all about it: don’t litter, don’t be wasteful. But when we delve into the topic further with Hannah Rudd’s Ted-talk style presentation, we find that the problem goes far deeper than this. Are you doing enough for your ocean?"…/ocean-plas tic-why-do-we-need-…/

More about The Yorker

The Yorker is located at Vanbrugh College,, YO10 5DD York