Thinklean Formula Mind & Body Transformation Journey

About Thinklean Formula Mind & Body Transformation Journey

The ThinkLean Mind & Body Transformation Journey is a 15-week coaching programme that will transform you and your life inside-out.



I never watch my own videos and I’ve never shared a memory before but listening myself talking about pushing hard, after a run 3 years ago was a kind of revelation today. I am a big fan of pushing through the pain and today maybe I needed to hear that from my own voice and I guess could help many of you going through hard time to keep going and keeping believing that at the end, just on the other side of pain, there is something better and bigger is certainly waiting for you!
Peace, Antonio


Hi everyone, only a few hours before I close the 2019 Promotion to join my 4 months ThinkLean Mind and Body Transformation Journey completely free of charge. I've only one spot left available, so if you want to take the opportunity to make 2019 the best year of your life, visit right now and submit your entry!!
I will get back in touch with you to discuss your entry and see if there is the possibility to start your life-changing journey toge...ther in the next couple of week.
ONLY 1 SPOT LEFT! and only a FEW HOURS LEFT to submit your entry. This promotion will be closed by midnight on the 15th January 2019.
Submit your entry at:
Also to know more about the programme and about myself visit
Let's make 2019 your healthier, leaner and stronger year ever.
Peace, Antonio
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If your New Year Resolution for 2019 is to lose weight by starting another useless diet or getting fit following a new extreme fitness programme, please STOP DO NOT WASTE ANOTHER YEAR!!
In this Facebook Live Session I am going to explain to you why new year's resolutions won't work and never will and how you can take the opportunity to really start the new year 2019 with the right motivation and commitment to completely change yourself inside-out by starting a journey with me... 1-to-1 in the following weeks by joining the ThinkLean Mind & Body Transformation Journey in January completely free of charge.
This opportunity is only for two people and I am exiting the deadline for you to show your interest and submit your application until the 15th January 2019.
To show your interest and submit your nomination to join the ThinLean Formula Coaching Programme completely free of charge, please complete the questionnaire available at
Extended period - Entries Now Open until the 15th January 2019.
If you want not only lose weight but finally overcome all your past struggle with weight, food cravings obesity and emotional eating patterns, this is your lifetime opportunity to become who you always wanted to be.
If you want more information about myself and my TLF coaching programme please feel free to visit the official website
or feel free to get in touch at any time and I will be happy to help!
Happy New Year everyone...
Peace, Antonio
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It's amazing how your life can change when you're crossing your path with such inspirational people as Becky Hewitt
A thought on her amazing journey... t-weight-loss-tra…/
... If you feel inspired by this story, take advantage to join the ThinkLean Formula Mind & Body Transformation Journey free of Charge in January 2019 by submitting your entry at
Peace, Antonio
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An inspirational story of success that I had the honour to be part of with the ThinkLean Formula Mind & Body Transformation Journey and Becky Hewitt.
"How I’ve created a completely new, leaner, healthier and much more confident version of myself!"
Hello, my name is Becky. I started the ThinkLean Coaching Programme with Antonio in April and since then I’ve completely changed my attitude to food, feel more confident to take my daughter new places, have less physical pain, exerc...ise regularly and oh yes I’ve lost over 3 stone in weight (& still going).
Let me give you some background; I have struggled with weight for all my adult life. I’ve done numerous diets and lost weight but as soon as I stopped following the diet (because let’s face it, who can diet their whole lives?) I would always put the weight back on and usually more!...
The full story available at t-weight-loss-tra…/
If you feel inspired by Becky's story now you can join the ThinkLean Mind & Body Transformation Journey completely free of charge in January 2019 by submitting your entry at
Peace, Antonio
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ThinkLean Formula Award Winner 2018 Best Business Category at Centre of Excellence.
I am incredibly grateful and at the same time very proud to close this 2018 with ThnkLean Formula – Mind and Body Transformation Journey nominated by the Centre of Excellence as the Award Winner 2018 in the category Best Business.
“Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise.”... Frank Ocean
Full post available at: mula-best-busines…/
Centre of Excellence Awards 2018 /
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Hi everyone Antonio here, and welcome to this Facebook Live completely dedicated to my ThinkLean Mind and Body Transformation Coaching Programme.
If you’ve struggled all your life with weight problems, yo-yo dieting, obesity, food addictions, eating disorders and you are tired of experiencing all those pain and struggles, stay with me because in this video you’ll discover how my 1-to-1 Coaching Programme can help you to overcome ones and for all those struggles and achieve m...ental and physical goals that you’ve never imagined possible.
Also, by the end of this video, I am going to tell you how you could have the opportunity to join my TLF Coaching programme in Jan 2019 completely free of charge!
ThinkLean Website: Promotion 2019, Submit your entry at
Book a first free coaching conversation at
Get in touch for any question you might have at or send me a PM on Facebook.
Thank you for watching and I hope to start with you an amazing 2019
Peace, Antonio
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ThinkLean Formula Mind & Body Transformation Journey FREE Q&A Live Training Session on Facebook Live Monday 10th December 2018 - 5:30 GMT /
Hi everyone, a quick informal video as a reminder that I will be LIVE on Facebook this Monday 10th December 5:30 pm GMT for a Q&A Live Session about my 1-to-1 Coaching Programme ThinkLean Formula Mind & Body Transformation Journey.
... I will introduce myself and I'll answer to the most frequently asked questions about 1-to-1 Eating Psychology and Weight Loss Coaching Programme, as well what are the benefits and the results you can achieve and to become the best version of yourself from January 2019!
Don't miss this one-off opportunity to know more about my programme ThinkLean Formula Mind & Body Transformation Journey and also on how to take advantage for 2 of you to join the programme in 2019 completely free of charge!
Set a reminder on Monday 10th December 2018 - 5:30 GMT Facebook Live at /
I'll see you soon! Peace, Antonio
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Entries Now Open at:
... As we are going towards the end of 2018 and the beginning of a new amazing 2019, I’ve finally decided to give to two of you the opportunity to make you 2019 a year that you will never forget!
If you’ve always struggled with weight problems, with obesity, if you constantly struggle with food cravings and food addictions, if you’re tired of being obsessed with food and dieting and of fighting what it seems a lost battle, STOP, and keep reading because this could be the opportunity of your life the one you’re waiting for, the one that will change you and your life forever.
My mission is to make the difference in people lives, and this new year I want to start differently. I want to give back to you all the amazing experiences, the learning and the knowledge I’ve acquired in the last few years and start a new journey with you.
A journey where I will unconditionally help and support you in the achievement of all your most important goals and dreams, as well, I will help you to finally live your life fearlessly!
Those are the reasons why I’ve decided to give to 2 people (only) the unique opportunity to experience first-hand my ThinkLean Mind & Body Transformation Journey Coaching Programme completely free of charge starting from January 2019.
From today 03rd December 2018 until the 1:00pm of the 31st December 2018, it is possible to send your online nomination and have the unique opportunity to become one of the two people I will select in the first week of January to be part of my Mind & Body Transformation Journey Coaching Programme for 4 months COMPLETELY FREE OF CHARGE!!
Only if you’re really ready to challenge and change yourself in the new year 2019, please visit watch the video on the page and send your nomination by filling the questionnaire you’ll find!
If you don’t know me and/or my coaching programme, please find below some useful links…
ThinkLean Mind & Body Transformation Journey - ThinkLean - FAQs - ThinkLean Coaching Programme - oaching-programme/ Antonio Esposito’s Journey - ito-weight-loss-t…/
I am looking forward to receiving your nomination and hopefully, we will be able to start a life-changing journey together in 2019.
Peace, Antonio Esposito
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The path to happiness: Learn How to Love Yourself – Self-Love & Body
I’ve found an old picture of me took in California in 2010 I guess, and after a long time, I’ve decided to post another Before-After* photo of my journey (Taken on the 21st Nov 2018).
I never liked what I saw in the mirror, I’ve never really loved myself in total, both physically and mentally. The image I was holding in my mind about myself was very poor and often disruptive.
... I’ve to admit, I still have some issues sometimes when I look at myself in the mirror, focusing on the parts of my body that I still don’t like, and/or I’m having difficulties in changing them BUT, and it’s a big BUT, I learned during the years to appreciate and love myself much more than before and the difference is clear in this picture.
Today, the first thing I share and teach to my ThinkLean Formula coaching clients is the importance of loving yourself in order to achieve weight loss results that you can sustain for the rest of your life.
I always ask the same simple question: “How much care would you have for someone that you don’t like?” The answer, 9 times out of 10, is NONE!! So, the main reason why most people don’t achieve sustainable results in life is that at a deeper level there is always a lack of self-love, acceptance and self-respect for who they are as a person.
The main changes I had in my life both psychological and physical, came almost automatically after I’ve decided to accept who I was without ifs and buts. To appreciate myself independently from my weight, my look, my bank account, my partner, my past my mistakes and failures.
The changes started to show up soon after I’ve decided to simply love Antonio the way he was! My decision brought me to take care of myself every single day at the best I could.
Don’t get me wrong, it was NOT an easy journey, and it’s still NOT, you have to fight daily with many doubts, fear and sometimes with the old identity that is always trying to push you backwards, but to love yourself and taking care of the only person you have to spend your entire life with, will bring you results in every area of your life, results that you’ve never imagined possible.
Peace, Antonio
#thinkleanformula #antonioesposito #weightlosscoaching #weightlosssupport #lifecoaching #bodytransformation
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Watch Your Language! How words can impact your results - Part 1 - [Episode #14]
Most of the people are not aware of the impact that some of the words they use to communicate with themselves and with others, have on the quality of results they are able to achieve in life.
Some of the words you use every day are the cause of why you are not able to achieve the result you want in your weight loss journey as well as in many other areas of your life.
... In this new episode of the ThinkLean Formula Mind & Body Transformation Journey, I am going to talk about several common words that we use every day and that out of our conscious awareness can act as roadblocks on your the path to success.
I will also give you few ideas on how to improve your communication with yourself and with others and transform your language in a more empowering way to communicate and immediately start to see changes and tangible results in your mind and body transformation journey.
Comment, share, and enjoy! Peace, Antonio
Book your FREE 60 minutes Coaching Consultation at
ThinkLean Formula Free Video Podcast on iTunes…/thinklean-fo rmula-t…/id1373322726
Join the ThinkLean Weight Loss Support Group at: ghtloss
Follow @ThinkLeanFormula on Instagram. a/
Antonio Esposito Mindset Coach for Weight Loss
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How to take 100% Responsibility for your Weight Loss Successes and Failures… [Episode #13]
For the most part of my FAT life, I used to act as a victim of my circumstances. I used to blame the world, my genes, my family, my country for everything I didn’t like about myself both mentally and physically.
There was always someone or something guilty for my miserable life.... The first principle I have learned at the beginning of my new mind and body transformation journey was taught me by Jack Canfield the author of The Success Principles.
In the chapter number 1 of one of the best books I’ve ever read, he talks about how to take 100% responsibility for your life.
This concept completely changed me inside-out, it was like being struck by lightning.
It helped me to review all the significant events in my past, all the negative beliefs I was living with and take action from a completely different perspective.
In this new episode number 13 of the ThinkLean Mind & Body Transformation Journey series, I am going to share with you, this exact key concept. How to take full responsibility for everything ever happened to you in your life, how to stop being a victim of your circumstances and start to act as a protagonist of your life.
Living by the principle that you are the cause of everything ever happened to you, it will give you the freedom and the power to create not only the mind and body that you always wanted but also the life that you always deserved!
Comment, share, and enjoy! Peace, Antonio
Book your FREE 60 minutes Coaching Consultation at
ThinkLean Formula Free Video Podcast on iTunes…/thinklean-fo rmula-t…/id1373322726
Join the ThinkLean Weight Loss Support Group at: ghtloss
Follow @ThinkLeanFormula on Instagram. a/
Antonio Esposito Mindset Coach for Weight Loss
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Weight Loss vs Benefits Gain and The Power of Focus! [Episode #12]
Hi everyone Antonio here, in this new episode number 12 of the ThinkLean Mind & Body Transformation Journey series I am going to talk to you about the importance of shifting your focus on the benefits you will gain once you have achieved your weight loss goals more than to concentrate your attention on the negatives of what you can't, shouldn't or mustn't do!
One of the reasons why diets don't work in the lon...g run is because they constantly force us to focus our attention on what we do not want instead of what we want to achieve...
In this video, I am going to explain how you can shift your attention to positive outcomes, and make your weight loss journey something that you actually enjoy while you achieving your weight loss and fitness goals.
Comment, Share, Enjoy!
Peace, Antonio
Book your FREE 60 minutes Coaching Consultation at
ThinkLean Formula Free Video Podcast on iTunes…/thinklean-fo rmula-t…/id1373322726
Join the ThinkLean Weight Loss Support Group at: ghtloss
Follow @ThinkLeanFormula on Instagram. a/
Antonio Esposito Mindset Coach for Weight Loss
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How to Develop The Life-Changing Habit of Journaling! [Episode #11]
Hi everyone Antonio here, in this new episode number 11 of the ThinkLean Mind & Body Transformation Journey series I am going to talk to you about the power of journaling.
I am going to share with you how, since July 2014, writing everything down in my trusty notebook completely changed my life both mentally and physically.
... Journaling was the healthy habit of many famous geniuses of the past and a common advice given the most influential personal development gurus and wealthy people of our times.
Almost 4 years ago, out of nowhere, I decided to give it a try and since then I never missed a day. I never missed a day spending time with myself and record EVERYTHING.
I have to admit, what I was able to achieve and, most importantly what I was able to discover about myself was not possible without a huge amount of self-awareness I have developed just by writing.
In this video, I will share with you my personal experience with journaling, the tools and the media I have used in the last 4 years, and what are all the benefits of using the old-fashioned pen and paper and literally writing your life down!
I will also share with you an incredibly powerful activity to do, that I have learned long time ago from one of the greatest experts in Goal-Setting and Goal Achieving, Mr Brian Tracy, that will completely change the way you see and feel about your most important goals and dreams and that will give you enormous motivation to take daily action towards your success!
Comment, Share, Enjoy!
Peace, Antonio
Book your FREE 60 minutes Coaching Consultation at
ThinkLean Formula Free Video Podcast on iTunes…/thinklean-fo rmula-t…/id1373322726
Join the ThinkLean Weight Loss Support Group at: ghtloss
Follow @ThinkLeanFormula on Instagram. a/
Antonio Esposito Mindset Coach for Weight Loss
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Hi everyone Antonio here, in this new episode number 10 of the ThinkLean Mind & Body Transformation Journey video series I am going to talk to you about how to focus your attention on little steps forward to achieve your most important goals.
Most people fall into the trap to set huge goals and then feeling overwhelmed by the huge amount of effort and actions required to reach their target.
The consequence for many is to quit and never achieving what they want. In this video,... I am exploring the importance of setting small stepping stones goals that will give you the short-term tangible results and the right motivation to keep moving towards your finish line...
Comment, Share, Enjoy!
Peace, Antonio
#thinkleanformula #weightlosscoaching #antonioesposito #mindsetforweightloss #weightlosssupport #weightlossvideoseries #freecoaching
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How your limiting beliefs are making you FAT! Challenge and change your limitations! [Episode 9]
Hi everyone Antonio here, in this new episode number 9 of the ThinkLean Mind & Body Transformation Journey video series I want to talk to you about beliefs.
... Our beliefs system is the core of who we are. Everything we think and everything we do in life is consciously or unconsciously aligned with the beliefs that we hold about ourselves and about the world around us.
In this video, I give special attention to the limiting beliefs that are the main reason why you struggling to achieve your desired weight loss results and how to challenge the limitations that are holding you back to achieve the goals and dreams you desire.
Comment, Share, Enjoy!
Peace, Antonio
Book your FREE 60 minutes Coaching Consultation at
ThinkLean Formula Free Video Podcast on iTunes…/thinklean-fo rmula-th…/id137332272
Follow @ThinkLeanFormula on Instagram. a/
Antonio Esposito Mindset Coach for Weight Loss
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More about Thinklean Formula Mind & Body Transformation Journey