Thrive With Lucy Orton

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Thrive With Lucy Orton

Psychological trainer and coach



It's been another super busy year for me! With just one more session to go, I am taking a moment to wish all my clients, Facebook followers, colleagues and friends a very Merry Christmas.
I have had the most amazing year teaching clients to flourish and thrive. I feel privileged everyday that this is my work - speaking to amazing people and watching them transform: such a joy.
Thank you for all your kind support in 2018 and I will be back in 2019 with more thriving tips and chatter.


This is so true. The Thrive Programme teaches you how to be mentally well. What could be a greater gift to give yourself?
"Depression is the no. 1 cause of ill health & disability worldwide" - more evidence of a global mental health epidemic from the World Economic Forum
... If this is the no.1 cause of disability worldwide, why isn't it every country's priority to help those afflicted?
Instead, we offer sticking plaster treatments and wonder why people can't break out of the cycle of poor mental health...until we educate everyone about how to be mentally healthy, the problem will continue to get worse.
#TheThriveProgramme #MentalWellness id=2186900544914101&id=1406911456246 351
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I love hearing how my TTP trainees are getting on. My client, T, came to me determined to get rid of his emetophobia this summer. He was a pleasure to work with and I'm thrilled he's now full of confidence, overcoming any obstacles that pop up in his path and thriving.
Here's his lovely testimonial:
"I had emetophobia from a young age and was dealing with it for around 15 years. I searched the internet for any help and found that as a male, I seemed to be in quite a minority... when it came to those who have this fear which made me feel slightly unsure of myself. Eventually I accepted that I needed to seek help to deal with it and tried all sorts of different therapy types from CBT to mindfulness to help me overcome my fear. Unfortunately, any successes were short lived and my phobia would gradually return over a few weeks.
I first picked up the Thrive programme book just as I went to start university and told myself that I would work through it by myself while I was studying. I became swamped in my studies and so I never found the time to finish the programme until after I had graduated.
At this point I decided to seek the help of Lucy to work through Thrive with me as it was something that I wanted to conquer and gain control over and working through it with someone would ensure that I stuck to it. Lucy has been wonderful to work with and very accommodating in terms of fitting sessions around my job, especially as I carried out the whole program entirely over Skype due to difficulties travelling to the clinics. I received lots of support and guidance from her and enjoyed learning about the different aspects which affected me as a person. With Lucy's help I was able to see where I needed to focus my efforts in order to help myself be the person I wanted to be. While I can't say that I'm 100% over my phobia, I would say that I am 99% of the way there and any blips that I have I can quickly recover from by applying techniques which I have learned using the Thrive programme.
I would thoroughly recommend anyone who is dealing with emetophobia to try out the Thrive program as it has helped me become a lot more confident. I would also like to let any other males out there who have this fear know that you are not alone and it is ok to admit that you have something that you might think is a 'silly fear that makes you seem weak'."
A huge well done to my client for working so hard! If you or someone you know is affected by phobias, self confidence issues, low self esteem, anxiety, depression and many other symptoms besides, take a look at my website/share this post and do get in touch. I'm passionate about what the Thrive Programme can achieve and love working with people to become the best versions of themselves.
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A snippet from a fantastic update email I received from a client's mum. My teenage client did amazingly well overcoming anxiety and panic attacks and is truly thriving with so much to look forward to: I'm very excited for her! A huge well done to her and to her supportive family too. It is a real privilege teaching people to Thrive using The Thrive Programme. I'm booked up until mid-October but get in touch if you or someone you know could benefit from completing this fantastic and completely transformative programme.


Wishing all my followers a fantastic summer! I will still be popping up here and there over the next two months but am now fully booked until September. I’m always happy to respond to enquiries of course so do message away, but my next slot for The Thrive Programme is going to be verging on autumnal (or I am able to refer to other Thrive colleagues for more urgent enquiries). Wishing all my lovely clients, colleagues, friends and followers a thriving summer and beyond ☀️


This morning I had a wonderful follow-up chat with a client who finished her Skype-only sessions with me 6 weeks ago. It was a delight to see how well she’s doing, how much she’s thriving and how thankful she is to have been through The Thrive Programme.
My favourite comment was her realisation/lightbulb moment that we ARE re-programmable! She had spent years telling herself the way she felt was just who she was and couldn’t be altered, a product of her past and upbringing. ...Glad to say she no longer feels that way, has ‘reprogrammed herself’ and is loving life!
We don’t have to settle for how things have always been, we can challenge and change our mindsets, our perspective and how we talk to ourselves - and in doing so, rewrite our present and our future.
If you or anyone you know are affected by anxiety, depression, low self esteem, phobias, low confidence or similar issues, take a look at my website or get in touch on here and find out how Thrive can help.
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Wonderful to receive this testimonial from a lovely client yesterday. She came to me with long-standing depression, anxiety and negative thoughts and did amazingly on the programme. She worked so hard and was pleasure to partner with. She has grown hugely in self belief and was positively glowing by our final sessions.
She heard about Thrive through friends who had been through the programme and loved it, and we conducted all sessions by FaceTime as she doesn’t live in the UK. A fab outcome and just one reason why I love my work!


Worth a read if you consider yourself a ‘perfectionist’...


Thrilled with this wonderful testimonial from a lovely client I took through The Thrive Programme. She’s gone from social anxiety to social butterfly in a matter of weeks. We need to have a catch up session - and she’s too busy to see me in March so I’ll be waiting until April! I couldn’t be happier to wait👍🏼
Full testimonial: “I had been suffering with social anxiety and low self esteem/lack of confidence for many years, far longer than I can remember. I also had IBS-type ...symptoms. 2017 was a particularly difficult year for me – separation after many years of marriage. I realised I had to do something. I was missing out on family and social events. I got to the point of making excuses why I couldn’t attend, when in fact, I really want to go, but just didn’t have the confidence; social anxiety was really holding me back.
I contacted Lucy Orton from the Thrive Programme. Immediately Lucy put a very nervous person at ease. She fully explained the programme and I looked forward to our weekly meetings. The exercises completed were really interesting and made me really think about my life. Turning ‘negatives’ into ‘positives’: I could do it - and I did!! I’m symptom-free and have started going out socially. I attended my son’s parents evening recently (that was a first for me!) and I’ve now booked a trip to London – again something, I could only dream about doing before completing the programme.
I am ‘thriving’ and I know it’s all due to working through Thrive with Lucy - thank you so much for all your help and guidance.”
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Happy Valentine’s Day! Be kind to yourself first. And always. That is all!


Excellent post from my colleague Vicky.


Happy new year! Today is a fresh start and a brand new year, a new page of a book that’s not yet written. 2018 is exciting and filled with potential. However, I believe every day is also a fresh start and the beginning of a new adventure.
Take the chance of this new year, a new month or simply a new day to look at your world with a different perspective. What do you love in your life? What would you like to work on or change completely?
If there’s anything holding you back from living a thriving life, send me a message or visit my website for more info on what I do, I’m always happy to chat 😊


So I’ve now seen my last client of 2017 and getting ready for a few weeks of relaxation and festive fun and games. Wishing all my clients, colleagues, friends and followers a fabulous Christmas and holiday period.
I will reply to new Thrive enquiries in early 2018. Wishing the most thriving and wonderful Christmas for you all ❤️🎄❄️


Thank you to all of you for following my page and to my clients for an awesome 2017 so far. Looking forward to lots more thriving posts and most importantly, more lives transformed by Thrive in 2018.
But until then, it's DECEMBER!! Wishing you a stress-free festive period, filled with lots of peace, joy, happiness and fun.


Not many people have ever been taught the psychological skills they need to truly thrive in life - sadly mental health and self-care are not generally subjects we study in our formal education. However, like all things we are not used to doing, with time, continuous effort and practice, we can learn to thrive.
As an aside I've been teaching myself hand lettering (there are some awesome experts sharing their knowledge and skills over on Instagram) and am loving the process. Definitely not seeking perfection, but working on it a little bit everyday.
Seems a good metaphor for looking after wellbeing and learning to thrive - keep working on yourself, keep investing time and ask for help if you feel stuck. Have a wonderful Wednesday!


Do you know a teenager having trouble with their mental health? I can take teens from anywhere in the world 🌎 through Thrive using video chat.
I find young people respond brilliantly to sessions over Skype or FaceTime; it's such a natural way for their generation to interact and can serve to remove any social anxiety that might hold them back from seeing someone face-to-face. There is a specific teen version of Thrive and an additional version for those young people who need... help with emetophobia.
So many teenagers who are struggling with self-esteem issues, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, school anxiety, social anxiety or friendship problems, phobias and more could have their lives changed using The Thrive Programme.
If this applies to anyone you know, please share my post with them and tell them to get in touch for a no-obligation initial chat. Helping teens to empower themselves and learn to thrive is one of the very best things about what I do!
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More about Thrive With Lucy Orton

Thrive With Lucy Orton is located at 1 Queensway, GL12 7HA Wotton-under-Edge
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -