Time 4 Birth

About Time 4 Birth

Take Time to explore "The Right Birth On The Day" and what that means for you - The Wise Hippo can be "by your side" from Bump to Birth to Baby.

Time 4 Birth Description

Time 4 Birth was created in 2008 by myself - Bernie Allport - Daughter, Sister, Niece, Cousin, Nurse, Midwife, Wife, Mother, Aunty, I. T Health informatics trainer, general "not so scatty-head", daydreamer!

My daydreaming and many roles eventually led to the learning of a new skill - that of HypnoBirthing - the Mongan method, where i learned new things (keeps us young! ) and skills for life, which Mindful relaxation does. This had a massive positive impact on my personal life, as verified by many of my clients too - therefore HypnoBirthing /Mindfulness /relaxation of pregnancy is definitely transferable to your "normal life" - not just for pregnancy; and not just for Mums! I have had many Dads, Mother-in-Laws and sisters /friends enjoy the benefits of such courses - learning to sleep better, focus on tasks better, breathe well, rid their minds of scary birth stories that the pub loves! And above all - enjoy pregnancy and plan for your own individual Right Birth On The Day - this is the focus of my re-vamped business - bringing The Wise Hippo philosophy straight to the Coventry & Nth Warks areas now!

So are you filled with dread about your upcoming birth, because you believe everyone is enjoying their pregnancy?
Do you work within care or health services, where your needs have always been pushed to the back, or you only see the outcome of peoples' problems?
Do you work with clients who have only experienced negative outcomes from their care pathways?
Do you work within the birth industry where you feel expected to have a certain type of birth but you feel uncomfortable that this is not for you but are afraid to challenge it?
Are you a (sometimes) typical male partner, burying your head about birth, desperate to ask for some knowledge to make sense of the whole grown-up thing, but afraid to ask?
Would you all like an Aunty figure, that go-to person who can show you how to allay fears and prepare for your greatest day, so often misrepresented by the media?

Then taking the time to slow down the clock a little, breathe and think and plan for what you design is right for you - The Wise Hippo can go a long way to granting you all your wishes.

More about Time 4 Birth

Time 4 Birth is located at Recoop Health Aston Road, CV11 5DT Nuneaton, Warwickshire