Time And Space For You.

About Time And Space For You.

Registered Member of the BACP. Counselling services for children, young people and adults. A warm, welcome awaits in a private and peaceful setting. Please visit my website, call or message. Let’s start the journey to help you feel better today!



You cannot change the past but you can choose to change the future, sometimes you just need a helping hand.


Feeling depressed is more than being a little sad. It can be an all consuming confusing mix of emotion. Counselling can help you on the road to recovery.


The days are getting longer and some sunshine often lifts your mood. If you find you’re still feeling low or anxious try talking to someone you trust. Don’t suffer in silence, you’re not alone!


Just blaming social media is too simplistic I think. Young people are under all sorts of pressures which are very different than previous generations. One thing we can all be doing is listening more to them. There are incredible, resourceful, resilient youngsters out there but they need their adults to hear them!


Days like Valentines can be a bit of fun but can also serve to increase feelings of loneliness and isolation in others. Remember there is help out there. Take the first step today and ask for help.


If you are looking for a counsellor, PLEASE ensure that they are properly qualified, insured and supervised! So many courses popping up on FB claiming to qualify people online. Properly qualified, safe practitioners have trained for at least 3 years, undertaken personal therapy of at least 50 hours, trainee f2f counselling of at least 150 hours as well as academic and personal development assessments. Check for BACP membership, registered and accredited counsellors have done substantial post qualifying hours and training too! Look on their website or Counselling Directory and be confident about questioning the experience of your counsellor. I’m always happy to answer any questions 🙂


However much it feels like it, remember you are not alone.


As an exasperated parent how many times have you heard yourself muttering complaints about the teenagers in your life? Teenagers these days, don't know they're born, lazy so and so, her room's a bombsite! I confess I've said many, if not all of these on my less patient and frustrated days! I know my mum said the same things about me and I suspect her mum said similar things about her. [ 608 more words ] http://cornwallcounselling.net/…/teenag ers-what-is-their-p…/


Change can be hard, a counsellor will walk alongside you to help you on your way.


If you want things to change, counselling can help


The past is over, the future we cannot see but you have right now. Stop, look, notice, breath 😀


Acceptance can be the first step to healing and moving on.


Acceptance can be the start of healing.


Counselling is one way to help you share painful stories


So many people in today's world are juggling lots of different roles and jobs. How many times do you think 'I've only got one pair of hands' or 'I can only be in one place at a time'? At the end of the day do you collapse into bed feeling exhausted only to wake still not feeling refreshed? Life can feel like a hamster wheel, running and feeling like we're getting nowhere and each day feels the same. [ 193 more words ] http://cornwallcounselling.net/…/put-on -your-oxygen-mask-f…/


Why is it that so many of us make new year’s resolutions that are about us not feeling good about ourselves? Not fit, thin, clever, wealthy, fulfilled enough? Maybe we need to be just a little kinder to ourselves and say ‘I am good enough’ and be thankful for each new day.Happy New Year, may 2019 bring you peace and good health!


Some days my children are arguing, I can't find my mobile, we've run out of milk and work feels like its falling apart and I think 'I can't do this, it's too much!' On other days my children are arguing, I can't find my mobile, we've run out of milk and work feels like it is falling apart and I think 'Wow, I love my life'. [ 228 more words ] http://cornwallcounselling.net/…/11/14/ just-think-differen…/


Some days a stumble absolutely feels like a fall! On other days I realise it can be an opportunity. Have you ever turned a fall into an opportunity? Let me know in the comments below.

More about Time And Space For You.
