Tina'S School Of Dance

About Tina'S School Of Dance

A fun and friendly community dance school, offering classes in ballet, modern, acrobatics, tap, contemporary, street dance and musical theatre.



We have to go on a TSD outing!!


How cool is this for our little ballerina Tia!!


As you will see from the previous photos I need to work on my photography action skills. But I did manage to get these jumps ok ( apart from Katie’s head in shot!)


Where there is sun and outdoor space, dancers will always play!


More action shots from today


Another fanatastic afternoon with the TSD family and Dancemania at the Grove theatre. We love the vibe of this event it is always a lot of fun. Thanks to everyone who came to watch and to Diane for your help backstage. Also to Akyla for helping with hair and obviously to Martin for adding a little extra surprise to the dance. Great performance everyone worked really hard and the characterisation of the cavemen will always make me laugh. It always lovely to receive compliments on your technique from fellow professionals so well done team. Thank you for more lovely memories 💖💖


Always love spending time with the dancing family so I’m looking forward to lots of fun and a fantastic performance tomorrow.


This article is worth a read if you can ignore all of the adverts x https://www.theodysseyonline.com/letter-t o-my-dancers…


Last chance to get your DVD orders in. Even if you have messaged/ emailed etc, please put your name on the board in the studio. Thanks xLast chance to get your DVD orders in. Even if you have messaged/ emailed etc, please put your name on the board in the studio. Thanks x


A fabulous Friday night on International Women’s day. Dancers hitting 3 and 4 pirouettes and 20+ fouetté pirouettes, plus lots of turns and jumps. Discussions about hate crime and forgiveness, prompted by a school assembly. Plus a popular topic of social media but focusing on using it for business and self promotion. We talked about image and being confident and happy with being who you are and the influence of social media on young people, both good and bad. This moved swift...ly on to singing to Mama Mia songs! 😂Then partner working and helping each other with turns. Some great kicks this evening too! New tricks learnt in acro and lots of hard work from everyone. I actually lost count of the number of different forward walkover variations they nailed it was over 20 and I had to stop them due to the time. In contemporary we saw some great choreography and creativity and as Katie our dance captain said” I can’t believe how brave they are getting at trying knew things.” All followed by watching one of my favourite show dances and trying to work out how on earth we will edit it down to 3 mins 😬
A great way to spend International Women’s day with such a lovely group of girls who are passionate and hard working. But I have to give Lewis full credit as the only boy on a Friday, he has to cope with so many strong young women every week, and of course his mum. So a big well done to the boys of dance too.
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This photo always makes me smile!

More about Tina'S School Of Dance

Tina'S School Of Dance is located at 21 Taylor St, LU2 0EY Luton
01582 486545