Tommy Robinson

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Tommy Robinson Description

Independent reporter bringing you the truth and stories others try to hide. www. tommyrobinson. online

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Letter from the Prison service to Tommy requesting he signed a waiver that if they moved him out of the punishment block (cell with nothing but a blue mat on the floor) into a normal cell on the wing with a bed then he would STILL have to be locked up 23 hours a day and have no contact with any other human. The rest of the prisoners in Onley were out of their cells from 8am to 6pm. Tommy had no normal prison regime, no socialisation, no gym, no work, no church, no education.... His 'exercise' was 30 minutes walking around a small cage. The rest of the time was being locked in a shower cubicle on punishment block. 2 hours of visits a month where he could talk to another human being. This proves they held tommy in SOLITARY CONFINEMENT for the entire time at HMP Onley due to the 'risk and threat of the stability of the prison' despite the prison service pushing lies across the MSM stating:
1. 'he is treated just like every other prisoner' LIE 2. 'he was only held in punishment block for less than 48 hours (this letter shows at least 6 days and more) LIE 3. 'he was not held in solitary confinement' LIE
Will a real journalist investigate why the Prison service are pushing out incorrect information? They appear to be too busy writing hit pieces on nasty 'far right' 'racist' Tommy without providing one shred of evidence.
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*MUST SHARE* You may have seen all the mainstream media newspapers with statements from the Prison service saying Tommy was never in Solitary confinement.
This video has a letter from the prison outlining Tommy's solitary confinement conditions! The Government and Prison service and mainstream media are lying through their teeth!
Serious questions need to be asked?... 1. Who is the 'anonymous' Prison service spokesman who has not been named? 2. Why did they contact the media and provide them with false information? 3. Why is there no 'real' journalist out there investigating this cover up and the clear mistreatment of Tommy in HMP Onley?
Please share this cover up from the UK prison service so people can see how corrupt this country is.
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Look at Janice Turners Career section on Wikipedia 😂😂You have got to love the edit button on Wikipedia but it is so true....


Oh look what the Janice and the Times Newspaper have now done..🙈
They have edited the libellous article and removed the 'girlfriend beater' line which is an admission that Janice got caught up in her hatred for Tommy and could not control her emotions. She went and published a total lie in what used to be a respectable UK newspaper. Her Husband is the Executive editor so must not have applied the level of rigour he should have done to the facts from his wife. The cannot edited the printed edition that has been distributed to millions.
This lie that Janice and the Times Newspaper have spread has been shared on social networks thousands of times and viewed by millions. We do hope Janice and her husband are having a nice evening. Tommy will see you both in court! 😉


We are getting lots of messages from people asking how they can support Tommy. Please share his videos to wake up the rest of the population. If you want to support Tommy you can do so direct on his website by clicking the blue text here (not the picture below)


There is an article printed in the The Times and The Sunday Times Newspaper by Janice Turner who's twitter handle is @VictoriaPeckham (who we believe calls herself a reporter). The premise of the article is that: the perception that the mainstream media print lies is causing a huge surge in support for truth tellers like Tommy.
It is quite frankly unbelievable then, that in that very article, her hatred and emotional far-left bias not only leads her to abuse and ridicule T...ommy, (he is pretty used to that),but she then takes it one step further and prints the whopper of all lies.
Now over the years, we have heard all sorts of crazy untruths spread about Tommy from the far-left twitter trolls. Things like the fact that Tommy apparently works for MI5! They frequently say he is racist, (yet still no one has ever provided any evidence of that in 10 years), but Janice Turner takes it to the next ridiculous and libel level, by publishing that Tommy is, in fact, a girlfriend beater!
This is another dreadful lie that we have seen published by these far-left trolls, but we NEVER expected a main stream media outlet to PUBLISH their hatred for Tommy and the working class, without first actually researching and verifying facts, particularly ones that are this toxic.
This is 100% fabrication and there is not one shred of evidence that Turner or the The Times and The Sunday Times Newspaper, will be able to provide to back up what is quite frankly disgusting lies, smear and slander.
Well, Janice, we will prove to everyone, just how low the main stream media has sunk because when Tommy gets back from his holiday, where he is trying to recover from the TRAUMA that was inflicted on him ILLEGALLY. The THICK football hooligan, as you put it, will be SUING the THICK libellous reporter and her newspaper for such disgraceful lies and smear tactics.
I suggest you speak to your boss and inform him or her, that they need to 'up their marketing' and get a few more subscriptions in the next few weeks to pay for the sum of money that Tommy will be awarded as there are zero chances of proving these total fabrications in a court of law.
If you would like to make a complaint, about Janice Turner and The Times, (as we have done) to the independent press complaints, making a request for them to provide back up for this statement (which they cannot!) then please do so here.< br> See More


Scottish band the rebellions dropped from festivals after pledging support to 'hero' Tommy Robinson in new song . Free speech is dead…/scottis h-band-dropped-festi… here the link to their song on YouTube, please get it huge hits


Show this band some support as they are facing a left wing backlash for this. They have actually been cancelled from main stage at the live at troon festival in Ayrshire. Ironically in the statement announcing they have been pulled the organiser said we do respect free speech! They then went on to cancel this band because they voiced their opinion....I’m sure tommy will appreciate it. We must defend free speech .


"Yasser Iqbal Hussain, 34, Shaid Hussain, 42, Azad Akram Raja, 34, all from Sheffield and Faisel Hussain, 32, from Rotherham, are charged with abusing two girls, who were under the age of 16 at the time, between 2001 and 2004." These court trials are going on every day across our country.…/four-south- yorkshire-men-appear… why no pictures of these men?


Going from laying on a mat for 23 hours a day to a day with the kids, yes I’m tired . They punked me ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Tommy Robinson Interviewed by Tucker Carlson on Fox news. You can clearly see Tommy has been traumatised by the horrific treatment the state have placed on this man. Physical and mental torture by the state in the UK. This needs investigation! Tommy needs some time to recover and reconnect with his family. This MUST BE SHARED. #POLITICALPRISONER


The prison service statement is going to look ridiculous when they are proven liars, when the documentation that Tommy and his solicitors have is revealed. The documents prove total isolation for the entire duration of his stay at HMP Onley. This article says the prison service has said Tommy was NOT in isolation (Lie number 1) that Tommy filmed IN court, (Lie number 2) and they are still printing that he pleaded guilty DESPITE it being clearly stated in the appeal documentation that he was not even told what his contempt was, let alone asked to plea (Lie number 3).
People need to stop reading these newspapers - they just print lies and propaganda.…/tommy-robi nson-farright-activi…


We have read a disgraceful statement from the prison service which is being pushed out in all the mainstream media articles, denying Tommy was in 'solitary confinement' at Onley Prison (which is one with the highest Muslim population Cat C prisons in the Uk).
Well, if your cell being locked 23.5 hours a day and being confined, on your own, without the opportunity to talk or associate with anyone at all for 2 months is not solitary confinement, then I do not know what is.
B...elow are just a handful of a huge number of prison complaints submitted by Tommy during his mistreatment at the hands of the state.
Tommy has responses to these and official prison letters informing him that he will be confined to his cell and he will not be allowed out; no socialisation, no church, no education, no work and no gym. This was apparantly put in place for prison safety. When Tommy is back from his break, we will share all of these documents.
Tommy stated in one complaint that he could not eat the food served by inmates as he was concerned about tampering and could he please spend extra on the canteen as he was losing so much weight due to only being able to afford a few cans of tuna a week. This was rejected and instead the prison service watched him lose over 40lbs or nearly 3 stone.
Tommy's legal team also informed the prison within days of him being there that he should be treated as a civil inmate not a criminal one (this was confirmed in the court of appeal). This would have provided him 3 visits a week rather than 2 hours a month and would have enabled him to spend enough money to be able to eat. This was also incorrectly rejected by the Prison.
All of this because of a court case which has now been proved to be unlawful by the highest judge in England and Wales. Thank you all again for helping to free him as we can only imagine what Tommy would have been like if he had to spend over 6 months in these conditions.
You do not have to agree with Tommy's view to see that this treatment is disgusting!
— Products shown: UK #1 Best Seller and UK #1 Best Seller.
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Tommy Robinson Interviewed by Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox news. You can clearly see Tommy has been traumatised by the horrific treatment the state have place on this man. Physical and mental torture by the state in the UK. This needs investigation! Tommy needs some time to recover and reconnect with his family. This MUST BE SHARED.
— Products shown: UK #1 Best Seller and UK #1 Best Seller.


Tommy Robinson: I Was Kept in Solitary Confinement 23.5 Hours a Day…/tommy-robin son-solitary-confin…/


ITV This Morning: Eamonn Holmes and Nick Ferrari CLASH over Tommy Robinson…/ITV-This-Mor ning-Eamonn-Holm…/amp


I’ll be on Fox News with tucker Carlson at 1am UK time, 8pm US.
— Products shown: UK #1 Best Seller and UK #1 Best Seller.


This has to be one of the funniest interviews I have heard on the BBC . Ezra Levant just exposed why the British people distrust everything they say. BBC is just left wing propganda, everyone should cancel their TV licence save £145 a year and not watch live TV. Net flix, Amazon, catch up TV, Box sets etc and you dont need a TV licence and therefore dont fund them.

User -to-learn-from-th…/

More about Tommy Robinson

Tommy Robinson is located at United Kingdom