Topaz Digital Media

About Topaz Digital Media

Everything, everywhere. . .

Topaz Digital Media Description

Topaz Digital Media are specialists in cross-channel marketing solutions. Our background is firmly based in print, web, broadcast television and live events. It is this diverse and wide ranging experience that gives us a unique advantage in the marketplace.



A few little tweaks for your iPhone are now available...…/10/5354…/io s-7-1-features-download


Fun as they are, a lot of our clients are asking us how to stop endless bitstrip cartoons, feel free to share this...
1. Find any bitstrip cartoon and click "bitstrips" link underneath it 2. DO NOT ALLOW IT ACCESS TO YOUR PAGE, hit cancel on dialogue box. 3. That will take you to the App Centre and the Bitstrip FB page... 4. on the right column, hit block and accept. 5. the cartoons will vanish! See pic...
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Quick note to anyone who uses wordpress for your website. Big Botnet is targeting admin account. Set up a new admin user named anything but "admin" and then delete the admin account.…/protect-word press-brute-force-a…/


look out for this people.. Facebook have slipped it in and it defaults to on. It allows apps your friends use to access your content. Turn it off if you don't want to have apps ravage your facebook!


The New Planet Rethink Website Goes Live, have a look here...


A Very Merry Christmas to you all!


This is from the Marillion fan page but we see a lot of this now. It applies to all your fan pages and if you want to receive everything they post follow the instructions below. Interest lists really matter now....
"Facebook is pushing administrators to pay to promote every post/update from their page. In an attempt to make page administrators pay for "promoted posts" Facebook will now only let 7% of you receive each update we post. We simply cannot afford the hundreds of Pou...nds we would need to spend on each post.
Meaning that now, in order to receive all Marillion related messages/posts, you must do the following:
1) Go to the Marillion Facebook page.
2) Hover your mouse over where it says "LIKED" and click on "ADD TO INTERESTS LISTS" (perhaps make a Marillion list)
By doing this, you will be able to see ALL of posts about Marillion in your news feed!. Do this for all of the pages you want updates from"
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Apple iPad Mini Launch is live now here: -2012/


V5 of facebook iOS is finally out. We hope it's faster than it's previous incarnation!


Just a heads up from Nerd Central here at Topaz. Facebook has changed your email address from what you entered to "" Just go into "About" under your details where you can change it back easily.


We recently worked with Ace & Ace on some motion graphics for this amazing documentary Planet Rethink which premiered at the Rio Earth Summit yesterday to great reviews. It's available through Facebook and is a real eye-opener to the dangers of profiting from natural resources.…


Facebook pages is now available in the iOS app store. Now you can update your business/activity pages in one place!


We've just finished Emma Buxtons website and it's live now. You can see it here Go have a look!


Read the News story on The Festival of Media Awards we just completed in Montreux!


It's a very busy 4 Weeks for the team! Festival of Media Global Awards in Montreux, then the World Superyacht Awards in Istanbul followed by The CrossFit Games in Denmark and finally the Showboat Awards in Monaco! We promise to keep Facebook updated...!


We have just completed Malaysian Race Driver Wieron Tans "Rising Star" package consisting of his website & 8 page brochure/pdf. More here...


Check out our "Upcoming Star" package for young drivers. A website and a brochure for a very reasonable fixed fee!


We just finished work on the brochure for Richard Waite Lifestyle & Travel Photography. Awesome pictures! You can download the full PDF from our site here..

More about Topaz Digital Media

Topaz Digital Media is located at 207 Regent Street, Fl 3rd, W1B 3HH London, United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 8123 9706