Towards Wholeness Constellations

About Towards Wholeness Constellations

Systemic Family Constellations Workshops in Brighton with Maria Papaspyrou



The idea of "wholeness" is a symbol that holds the restorative energies of completion and integration. It depicts a state where everything is included and in relation to one another, both within and without. And while absolute wholeness can never be fully attained, journeying towards it is an essential part of our growing and maturing in life.


As a species we receive powerful directional energies from language, myths, symbols and metaphors, cultural memes, and ideas. On a personal and a collective level, the words we choose to populate our inner world impacts how we view ourselves and others. The words we use to meet ourselves and the world around us have sometimes been chosen by others in our early past and out of loyalty to them we keep ourselves enslaved in them. Our use of words sometimes holds the key for the quality of life we are breathing.


Systemic Family Constellations offer a powerful way of finding resolutions to deeply felt issues. These issues may arise at home or at work, in our personal or professional relationships, or with our children or family as a whole. Other times they arise in the form of symptoms and limitations that alert us to something that requires our attention.
Most therapeutic approaches tend to focus on the individual, but systemic constellations work identifies the widest possible view ...on an issue and includes everyone and everything that might have a place. Through a systemic lens we come to see that many of our difficulties arise from unconscious loyalties to the suffering of others in our family, or perhaps the other systems to which we belong. The work returns us to a place of greater strength and wellbeing, resourcing us to be more aligned and available to our lives and those around us.
We will work in a respectful, well held and supported space attending with care to establishing inner connection and outer presence. Systemic constellations workshops are powerful and profound in whatever capacity one attends, whether as an issue holder or a representative because the work focuses on the journey of the human experience that relates to us all.
For more information on the workshop format read here: ellations/
Systemic family Constellations work can benefit those that are:
• experiencing family conflict • wanting to create healthy and satisfying relationships • trying to heal past trauma • struggling with serious life issues, including physical or mental health problems, addictions, painful relationship patterns, or career struggles • experiencing grief • working in therapeutic, healing and spiritual professions that want to enrich their practices with new insights about health and human behaviour • wanting more love, freedom, and clarity in their lives and relationships
_________________________________________ __________________________ Tickets: 3 issue holder spaces : £50 each Representative spaces : £30 each
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Facilitated by Maria Papaspyrou, MSc Maria Papaspyrou is a BACP accredited integrative psychotherapist with over 15 years of experience. She has completed a two year systemic family constellations training with the Centre for Systemic Constellations (CSC) and has been taught by Judith Hemming, Gaye Donaldson, Chris Williams, Jutta ten Herkel and Richard Wallstein. She is currently assisting at the Foundation training in CSC. Website:
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The creative potency of our heart is immeasurable. We often move through life mechanically, at best forgetting to include its wisdom, at worst doubting and deliberately excluding it. But the heart is a powerful ally and if we were to practice bringing it along in everything we do we will notice it has the same fertile energy as sunlight, illuminating everything that comes in its presence. Bring heart to the most obscure places, make this the most radically inclusive act of the year ahead.


Yesterday was the last family constellations workshop for this year. It was also Bert Hellinger's 93rd birthday. Grateful after a nourishing circle that reaffirms my hope in the human potential to build bridges. Moved by our capacity to step in each other’s place with a willing and open heart no matter what. Thankful to every resource and obstacle in life that have opened me to explore such spaces. Only Love 💖


We all come from a long line of ancestors, of fates and stories once told and later lost. By inhabiting the wider narrative of where we came from and of those that came before us we come to find our rightful place at the forefront of our ancestral line. Finding our place within the wider field we have emerged from restores a level of belonging to something greater that resources us enormously. This is a movement that supports an inner homecoming.


Looking forward to the sharing circle this coming Sunday. This month we are exploring intimate relationships, how to break through old patterns that were established in our early or ancestral family systems and how to open space in our hearts to meet and be met by those others that matter. Join us for a soulful journey within.


The 'knowing field' that we encounter in constellation work restores memory and time to their true and timeless nature. We are dealing with the infinite in both past and future directions by addressing trauma that has moved down the generations. And in line with the same infinite order, to work on ourselves is to work on the collective. Infinite, unbound and interconnected is the sacred order that runs through all of nature, including the human psyche.


To re-member the long line of people we have descended from, to acknowledge how many connections it took for us to arrive, to appreciate the life and death cycles that have supported our emergence, helps us witness the enormity of being alive, here and now.


There are lifelines and stories of a distant past running through us, influencing how we move in life in ways that are mostly unconscious and unexplored.


When we work with the soul we are in the presence of the truly infinite and the timeless.


New blog post on re-membering our ancestral lines.


The tension of the opposites is a dance as ancient and elemental as time itself, fueled by the winds of hope and fear. The two opposing ends always feel separate from one another. Each time one end gains new ground, the other end fears disintegrating annihilation. And yet history reveals the opposite is true, each time there is a shift in one direction the rules of balance require a shift of equal measure in the other direction.


For our early ancestors the feminine link with nature was at first a point of worship, until man tried to control, manipulate, and suppress both, creating a deep imbalance in our relationship with their vital energies. Restoring our collective connection with the feminine and nature is to return to the embodied wisdom of life.


The last Family Constellations Workshop of this year and until spring 2019 is on Sunday the 16th of December 2018 in Brighton. Family Constellations is a unique therapeutic method that explores the stories of our families and helps us see how they still affect us in how we lead our lives. We will explore the hidden dynamics behind our current difficulties in life and release what no longer serves us.
Whether you attend as an issue holder or a representative these workshops offer a deep and profound experience that unfolds movements of change. Check the link for more information.


To remain intimate we must remain fully present. Throughout our lifetime we have mastered endless disappearing acts that arise from a deep seated fear of being hurt, harmed, disappointed, let down and abandoned. As adults we have to re-learn trusting our hearts with others. We have to re-learn trusting ourselves. Deep inner work requires presence and intimacy with whatever guides us externally or internally.


The creative act brings us in line with the forces of life and regeneration. It is the language of the world that surrounds and unfolds us. To bring its codes and patterns in everyday life is to unlock its unique way of knowing and being in the world within us.


Humanity is being called to transcend egoic consciousness to support the emergence of a planetary consciousness. Nature’s wounds and imbalances are a reflection of our own wounds and imbalances. We need effective and immediate structural shifts to support life and growth on our planet, our communities and our lives.


We can find ourselves caught between craving to be seen, acknowledged, witnessed and hiding our true and full nature from those we are in the presence of. To hide is to deprive ourselves from the mirrors of intimate relationship that can help us catch a glimpse of who we are through the eye of the other. Our sense of self needs to emerge through the intricate web of interconnectedness.


I was recommended to Psychotherapists by MAPS . I found Maria, I never met her in person before this event. I emailed her with my situation and what I am looking for. She replied me with suggestions for Family Constellations or individual sessions. She did mention Constellations are more powerful and helpful. I wanted to get healing on myself and my relationship. Session revealed bit by bit where my block was and why I was doing certain things in my life. It gave a chance for me to step into others shoes to find a picture of how they feels. It clearly gives the spiritual connection between all humans. I will 100% recommend Maria if you have any personal /family/health or any issues you are struggling with your life to find the way to come out of it. We will be going for more sessions as representatives as much we can. Thank you Maria for giving us such an amazing experience.

More about Towards Wholeness Constellations

Towards Wholeness Constellations is located at Unity Studio, 130-131 Lewes Rd, BN2 3LG Brighton
0750 8809707