Tracy Tredoux Nutritional Therapy

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Tracy Tredoux Nutritional Therapy

I am a fully qualified Nutritional Therapist, based in St John's Wood, London. I help clients to achieve their health goals through nutrition advice, supplement planning, stress management and exercise.

Please contact me to make an appointment.

Tracy Tredoux Nutritional Therapy Description

I am a qualified Nutrition Therapist, based in London. I work closely with clients to help them achieve their optimum health through a carefully balanced programme of nutrition, supplements, exercise, rest and stress management.



This article looks at coronavirus from a nutritional therapist's perspective. The virus is most dangerous for those with a compromised immune system.
We take a close look at how to support and strengthen the immune system by making the right diet and lifestyle choices.


Lacking energy and concentration, or have many aches, pains and general ill health? If so, read this week’s article to discover the many different ways to help the body reduce its toxic burden. 


This short presentation takes a look at the role detoxing plays in maintaining a healthy immune system.
Detoxing is a natural process that the body's digestive system performs on its own, but there are a number of lifestyle factors that can help or hinder its ability to do the job effectively.
Watch the video to learn more and follow me on Facebook and YouTube if you would like to see future videos and articles.


Our bodies are designed to cope with a certain amount of toxins, trauma and infections. Detox is something our body does naturally. However, when our bodies become overburdened, important functions start to shut down.
That’s when we need to do things to help and ridding the body of toxins is an important first step. Read this week's article to better understand the liver's role in detoxification and steps to take to help the process.
Please remember to hit the 'follow' button to read more articles in the series.


As we start the first month of the first year of a new decade, there is no time like now to focus on a new and healthier lifestyle. January is always the month when the health world focuses on detoxification, with detox programmes popping up everywhere. However, instead of rushing off to a detox retreat or starting some rigid detox programme, my tips and mini blogs this month are aimed at helping:
1. Understand how to implement gentle detox strategies regularly.
2. Limit tox...ic exposure.
3. Reduce the body's toxic burden.
4. Strengthen the body’s elimination pathways.
Follow these four principles to help stay stronger and healthier through 2020 and beyond.
This week’s mini blog focuses on constipation. Too many of my clients think it is normal to have a bowel movement once or twice a week simply because that’s how it has been for them for years. This is not normal and needs to be addressed in order to prevent toxins remaining in the body, recirculating and causing adverse health issues.
To learn more about relieving constipation as an aid to detox, please read my short article by clicking on the image.
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For anyone who wants to kickstart their health journey in 2020, this FREE eBook is a great way to start. Sign up to my newsletter to get free access to this programme with delicious and healthy recipes for every meal, as well as more information and helpful tips throughout the year.
The programme will be sent out on January 1st 2020 as part of my monthly newsletter, so click on the image to join and get free access to this programme and much much more.


As we get into the final week of the Christmas countdown, I thought I would offer this healthier alternative to traditional mince pies.
It is gluten-free and lower in calories than traditional mince pies but still tastes great. So for anyone who would like to indulge a little but who still wants to watch their waste-line this Christmas, these might be just the thing!


For anyone who tends to over-do it at Christmas, only to panic when New Year rolls around, I am offering this free survival guide with tips, tricks, recipes and more to provide a healthy but fun road-map for the holiday season.
The aim is to preserve the pleasure of Christmas without the unhealthy side-effects.
Follow my page to get more free nutrition guides and articles!


BREAKFAST: Is It The Most Important Meal of the Day?
My latest blog on my website discusses breakfast. We all know the saying ‘Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper’ but how many of us actually do?
My view as a Nutritional Therapist is to apply a personalised approach to each programme I work on with my clients, and this includes breakfast. Some people really do thrive on Intermittent Fasting, eating the first meal of the day later. Others w...ho miss breakfast are relying on stimulants like coffee to keep them going, with energy slumps throughout the day and sugar dense foods to lift them up. They benefit from starting the day with a healthy breakfast as do school children, university students and most people with a challenging work day ahead.
A healthy balanced breakfast has numerous health benefits, providing balanced blood glucose levels, energy throughout the day, less cravings, a tendency to eat less at lunch and dinner and better focus and concentration throughout the day.
Read my article and make sure you do not miss the links to my 10 Epic Smoothie Bowl Recipes and to my e-book loaded with great breakfast ideas as well as the several delicious healthy breakfast recipes I’ve included in the article itself.
Most people skip breakfast as they are rushed in the mornings or, if they do eat breakfast tend to have exactly the same every day. I am always being asked what constitutes a healthy breakfast and then I’m asked for suggestions. This article has lots of recipes and suggestions to help you start the day with a nutrition packed, energy providing meal to keep you going throughout the day. 19/7/2/breakfast
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I have been busy on my website with articles on STRESS. Yet again. I keep hearing the words ‘I’m so stressed’ coming out of the mouths of every age group. Simply uttering those words activates the stress response.
Here are 3 links from my website: 1. Article explaining exactly WHAT is happening to the body when the stress response is activated. Catecholamines are a group of hormones such as cortisol and Adrenalin that are an important part of the body's stress response, can be vital in a fight-or-flight’ situation. This article will take minutes to read but clearly and simply explains WHY chronic stress is such an obstacle to good health. 19/7/2/stress2
2. Removing as many factors from your life that are causing you stress is crucial. But in the case of many ‘stressors’ it’s simply not practical or feasible. Managing your individual stress response becomes crucial and really has a huge impact. The stress response is very individual. We all marvel at those who have a million things to do in a day and sail through easily and calmly. Then there are those who get stressed and can’t cope at the mere thought of a busy day. It’s not the stressors that are the problem but the response. This article gives tips and suggestions on how to best manage that response. /stress-hacks
3. And for those who don’t enjoy reading, here is the link to the video I prepared and posted on my website that is basically an abridged and summarised version of the two articles mentioned above.
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This video offers a Nutritional Therapist's perspective on stress. We look at when stress is useful, when it is harmful, and what can be done to limit the damaging effects it can have on our health.


November is World Vegetarian Month and so I would like to offer this free 30-day Go-Veggie Challenge for anyone who is thinking of making the switch.
The colourful guide is packed with recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, all of which are delicious, filling and full of nutrition.
If you are already a veggie, please go ahead and download the guide anyway as there are sure to be many great recipes that you have never tried before.
... If you enjoy this free guide, please follow my page to make sure you don't miss out on my regular free giveaways and articles!
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A lot of people fall into the 'good cholesterol, bad cholesterol' trap. In fact there is only one kind of cholesterol.
This article dispels some of the myths around this vital substance and looks at what you can do to make sure your cholesterol is working for you.


The second part of my arthritis series takes a closer look at nutrition changes that can have a positive impact in the prevention and treatment of arthritis.
I discuss foods to include and foods to avoid, as well as various herbs and supplements that are known to have a positive effect.


My latest article on arthritis looks at what causes this painful and debilitating condition and sets out some lifestyle tips that can have an immediate positive impact if you already have arthritic symptoms.
I pay specific attention to the role of 'fibrin', which is an overlooked but important component to arthritic pain and inflammation. Part two on arthritis will set out diet and lifestyle tips to help you address this debilitating chronic condition.


To celebrate Chocolate Week here in the U.K., I am giving away this free recipe book with 20 of my favourite nutritional therapist-approved chocolate recipes.
Some highlights from the book include: - Spiced Hot Chocolate - Choco-Berry Smoothie... - Choco-Chia Pudding - Protein Balls - Chocolate-Stuffed Strawberries - Choco Sorbet
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Coffee is the most popular drink in the world after water, with U.K. alone consuming over 55 million cups per day. A few years ago the more health conscious of us would have avoided, or tried to avoid, coffee, citing toxins, heart attacks and several other health issues. Today, however there is more and more research giving the green light to coffee and praising certain health giving properties. Read my blog under articles on my website to learn of th...e pros and cons of drinking coffee. As environmental toxins increase on a daily basis, affecting not only our health but that of the planet, replace your plastic coffee take away cup with a reusable glass one. Know that plastic is full of endocrine disrupting and toxic phthalates which are released by the heat and drip back into the coffee you are drinking. In terms of the environment, around 357,000,000 trees are cut every year to produce all of Starbucks polyethylene paper cups. And that’s just Starbucks. Once Greta has grabbed the attention of the world as to the state of the environment, each and everyone of us should be playing our part. Any step you take helps.…/28/how-coffe e-affects-your-health
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Everyone loves an apple crumble. Here is my deliciously healthy recipe to share as we quickly approach cold weather, long nights and the need for warm desserts to replace cooling summer ice-lollies.
Serves 4
For the topping: - 75g oats - 30g wholewheat flour, gluten free flour, or millet flour (do not use coconut flour) - 25g chopped pecans - 1 tsp ground cinnamon - 2 tbsp pure maple syrup - 25g unsalted butter, melted For the filling - 750g chopped red apple* - 2 tbsp cornflour - 1 ½ tsp ground cinnamon - ⅛ tsp ground nutmeg
🍏 Preheat the oven to 180˚C, and grease an 8” square pan. 🍎 To make the topping, combine the oats, pecans, flour, and cinnamon in a small bowl. Make a well in the centre and pour in the maple syrup and melted butter. Stir until fully incorporated. 🍏 For the filling, mix the apples with the cornstarch, cinnamon, and nutmeg in a large bowl until completely coated. 🍎 Transfer the filling to the prepared pan, and gently press down with a spatula. Sprinkle evenly with the topping. (The topping tends to clump, so try to break it up into fairly small pieces.) Bake for 50-60 minutes or until the apple pieces are tender. The juices will start to thicken as the crumble cools. *Fuji’s are ideal but Gala and Braeburn apples would work as well.
This is an ideal time to make this dessert over the Jewish New Year as apples dipped in honey symbolise a sweet new year... TTNutrition
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More about Tracy Tredoux Nutritional Therapy

Tracy Tredoux Nutritional Therapy is located at NW8, London, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -