Tranquil Beginnings

About Tranquil Beginnings

Over recent years have witnessed families who, using the skills and knowledge taught in HypnoBirthing®, demonstrate calm, comfortable and relaxed birthing.

Tranquil Beginnings Description

I am first and foremost a loving mother of four children and eight grandchildren. They are the centre of my life.

I have always been fascinated by pregnancy and childbirth. When I was pregnant with my own children, I felt only delight at the , what appeared to be, almost magical process of development; the miracle of life being expressed within my ever-growing body! This fascination lead from the personal to a desire to pass on knowledge to other families experiencing pregnancy and looking forward to the birth of their own children. Thus I worked for several years as a teacher for the National Childbirth Trust. I then wanted to get even closer to that process and so became a midwife.

I had been a practicing midwife for 23 years. I trained when my youngest child reached school age. I continued to be involved in antenatal education as part of my role as midwife. I have supported women having many and varied experiences of childbirth; but over recent years have witnessed families who, using the skills and knowledge taught in HypnoBirthing, demonstrate calm, comfortable and relaxed birthing. I have observed that when mind, body and baby co-operate, mother gives birth calmly, baby emerges gently into the world and partner holds, supports and is an integral part of this marvellous process. For me, being involved in passing on such knowledge is a treasured privilege.

More about Tranquil Beginnings

Tranquil Beginnings is located at RG14 6JQ Newbury, Berkshire