Traumatic Birth Recovery

About Traumatic Birth Recovery

This page is for parents and birth professionals who have been impacted by trauma symptoms arising from a difficult or traumatic perinatal event.

Traumatic Birth Recovery Description

This page is for birth professionals or parents with an interest in birth trauma and recovery therapies. The views on this page are my own and in no way reflect the views of any organisations or individuals that I work with.



When I first started listening to my clients difficult, often traumatic birth experiences I often felt upset, angry and impotent.
There wasn't anything I could do to take away their pain.
And that was tough for me, but also not terribly helpful for them either!
... I wish I had known these 3 simple rules of listening, holding space and offering hope.
Join me this evening for a live conversation about how we can do more as birth professionals when we hear a person's difficult birth story.
#birthtraumarecovery #maternalmentalhealthmatters
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What is emotional resilience? What's the point of it? How do we get it?


Oh, how I wish there was a notion of emotional and mental resilience when I was a teenager.
I wish someone had taught me when I was a child.
Hopefully one day this knowledge will be as common as what we all now know about physical health and resilience.
... How do we foster emotional resilience in ourselves and in the people we serve?
Join me this evening for a live video to discuss what emotional resilience is, how we get it and how we can encourage an awareness of it with the families we work with.
#mentalhealthmatters #birthtrauma
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Another great ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ review for the TBR 3 Step Rewind online course
📣 Opening for enrolment again soon
💝 Lots of bonuses included in this course that is only available for enrolment twice a year
... 💥 A great Early Bird price of just £349 for those who buy early
👊 Are you ready to join this quiet revolution in perinatal mental health?
#maternalmentalhealthmatters #birthtraumasucks #birthtraumarecovery
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⏰ I am really pleased to be coming back to Scotland in less than 10 days teach the TBR 3 Step Rewind at Quaker House Edinburgh ⏰
🚦We are all set and ready to go but wanted to let you know that a few places remain if you would like to join myself and the wonder Tricia Murray 🚦
👊 This very practical 2 day workshop teaches a 3 step process that when followed can gently and safely lift the symptoms that can remain after a traumatic or difficult birth or perinatal experience.
... 👉 It is ideal for all birth professionals (midwives, doulas, antenatal teachers, post natal therapists, counsellors).
👉 No previous training is required just a desire to support parents and other birth workers who wish to recover from the effects of a traumatic birth.
🔗 At the end of the workshop all attendees have a thorough understanding of the symptoms of birth trauma, their experiential and neurological causes and how the process works.
🗣️ A thorough practice during the course allows students the opportunity to experience the value and power of working this way.
All attendees are invited to complete a successful case study and become listed practitioners on the website afterwards.
On going peer support and supervision is provided through a closed Facebook group of practitioners.
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Great time at Holistic Sleep Conference 2019. So many like minded professionals all on the same page when it comes to supporting parents including this Chilled Mama, Cathy Williams.


👎 I can't help feeling that somewhere along the line women and their families seeking maternity care have been short changed.👎
👶 In the 60's it was common practice for newborns to be taken into nursery wards to be cared for by midwives and brought to resting mothers when they needed feeding.
👶 Now separating newborns from their mothers is no longer considered to be best practice and I don't want to start a debate on that.
... 👶 BUT, it has to be acknowledged that newborns still require their own clinical checks and records separate from the mothers.
🤷 They are both service users right?
👶 Then why are babies NOT counted in the numbers?
❓ And is this why pretty much every woman's experience of postnatal care is so poor?
💡 Midwives essentially have to care for 2 service users but with less staff headcount than what would be afforded to two adults for example.
I'm not suggesting that we should start separating mothers from their newborns again.
📣 But I definitely think we should be asking for MORE MIDWIVES!
Sign the petition if you agree
#moremidwivessavelives #loveyournhs #askformore
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...if we began to acknowledge the true impact of difficult events on our emotional and physical wellbeing, what else would change?
Would we be more inclined to avoid those events when we could?
Would we work harder and use marginal gains to learn from them and make known events like birth safer?
... Imagine what it could mean if we used the NHS litigation bill for maternity (£27.7 million in 2017) on improving the system, training more midwives, counting babies as service users and properly funding care?
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Fascinating read about China’s approach to reduce their CS rate. My thoughts are that the multi pronged approach is considered and clearly effective BUT taking choice away from a woman is always a step backwards for any society surely?


If there is one thing that us women folk aren't always comfortable with it's asking for what we need. Asking for what we want.
For a variety of reasons.
Maybe we think that asking for what we need makes us 'demanding' and therefore unlovable or unacceptable.
... Maybe we think people should know what we need and therefore we shouldn't have to ask.
Maybe we think that to ask for what we need is to display our weakness.
Maybe we think that we have to do it all.
Maybe we think that not being able to do it all is unacceptable.
But being able to ask for what we need is a life saver along this journey of parenthood. You don't need to shoulder everything alone. Ask for what you need 💗 and expect it to be given 💗💗
#birthtrauma #birthtraumarecovery #maternalmentalhealthmatters
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At first the saying 'i give myself permission to.....' might seem like new age clap trap but actually we are programmed from a very early age to seek approval.
Giving ourselves 'permission' to change long held patterns of unhelpful behaviour sends a clear signal to our subconscious minds that it is safe to change.
Delivered as a mantra, affirmation or in prayer or meditation 'I give myself permission...' is even more powerful as you can feel the change happening as you 'give ...yourself permission'
I love the flexibility 'I give myself permission...'
Today I gave myself 'permission to receive more course sales with ease, grace and gratitude' as I tend to find sales difficult, stressy and worrisome, which doesn't serve me.
What do you give yourself permission for today?
#maternalmentalhealthmatters #birthtrauma #giveyourselfpermission
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📣 Calling all student midwives 📣
👊 If you are currently studying midwifery you are in a very powerful position to change our birthing culture for the better in the future. 👊
If you are interested in learning more about how birth trauma affects women, their partners, their babies and the birth professionals in the room then this 2 day course will appeal to you.
... This course will arm you with the knowledge to protect yourselves and the women you serve from experiencing their birth as traumatic.
Understand the far reaching impact of perinatal trauma on the emotional wellbeing of women and their families.
You will also learn what trauma symptoms are and how they can be lifted with very simple techniques. #birthtrauma #birthtraumarecovery #studentmidwives
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😍 Just a week to go to until until the Holistic Sleep Conference.
👀 I am really looking forward to sharing what I know alongside with this internationally renown group of speakers. I am really proud to be talking about the impact of trauma on sleep and providing strategies to recover when sleep is not an option.
👉 This event offers birth professionals and pre & post natal specialists the opportunity to learn practical strategies that they can use straight away with clients, m...ix with peers and guest speakers, ask them questions.
You can learn about how sleep can be affected by psychology, genetics, and infant adaptations beyond the womb, and how you can play an important and supportive role with families.
⏳ Tickets are selling fast for this 2 day event South Kensington, London.
💻 If you cannot get to London then sign up for online access
🖱️ Click now to secure your place at this 2 day conference
#holisticsleepconference2019 #sleepmatters #holisticsleepcoaching
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🙏 Thank you @bornreadybirthing for recommending Tina Cassidy's book Birth 🙏
I'm about a third of the way through and what has struck me so far is how the history of persecution of midwifery as a profession has run parallel with human rights abuses in birth.
As industrialisation and urbanisation caused more women to move out of their communities they were also obliged to begin relying on hospitals as places to birth in. At the same time through the 18th and 19th century the ri...
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😊 I am really pleased to be coming back to the West Country to Exeter teach the TBR 3 Step Rewind in May 😊
👊 This very practical 2 day workshop teaches a 3 step process that when followed can gently and safely lift the symptoms that can remain after a traumatic or difficult birth or perinatal experience.
👉 It is ideal for all birth professionals (midwives, doulas, antenatal teachers, post natal therapists, counsellors).
... 👉 No previous training is required just a desire to support parents and other birth workers who wish to recover from the effects of a traumatic birth.
🔗 At the end of the workshop all attendees have a thorough understanding of the symptoms of birth trauma, their experiential and neurological causes and how the process works.
🗣️ A thorough practice during the course allows students the opportunity to experience the value and power of working this way.
All attendees are invited to complete a successful case study and become listed practitioners on the website afterwards.
On going peer support and supervision is provided through a closed Facebook group of practitioners.
💷 PAYMENT PLANS AVAILABLE. Student discounts also available. 💷
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Tim Cantopher said the depression was the 'curse of the strong' and I certainly see alot of truth in that with the clients I serve.
However I also see other unhelpful beliefs at play with post natal depression.
The need to be perfect and be surrounded by perfection can cause immense tension and anxiety for a new mother with this perspective. It can be exhausting and self defeating.
... The thought that one can't ask for support either because they fear looking weak or imperfect is often accompanied by a the belief that they cannot ask for what they need because others needs are more important.
Becoming aware of unhelpful belief patterns is the first step on the road to recovery.
#maternalmentalhealthmatters #PNDsucks
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Now this doesn't mean that what someone has experienced isn't important, or painful or terrible, or that it wasn't an injustice.
An important part of anyones recovery is having their story witnessed, validated and having their suffering genuinely acknowledged.
This is incredibly healing when it happens at the right time.
... It seems too simple to be effective but just like Rewind, hearing someones story with compassion is powerful.
Learn more about how TBR 3 Step Rewind can help lift the symptoms that sometimes remain after a difficult or traumatic perinatal event here
#birthtrauma #birthtraumarecovery #birthtraumarecoveryispossible
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🙂 People are frequently surprised by how effective and quick TBR 3 Step Rewind is.
🙄 Unfortunately people often only try it after years of pursuing lengthy, painful, ineffective, evidenced based therapies such as CBT.
The secret isn't that TBR 3 Step Rewind is safe, gentle and effective.
... 📣 The quiet revolution is becoming louder 📣
💡 The secret is that most of what we thought we knew about perinatal trauma is wrong. 💡
Learn more today...
#birthtrauma #birthtraumarecovery #birthtraumarecoveryispossible
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More about Traumatic Birth Recovery

Traumatic Birth Recovery is located at 33 Lyncroft Gardens, TW3 2QT Hounslow, Hounslow, United Kingdom
07739 849731