Tree Tops Children'S Occupational Therapy

Monday: 08:30 - 16:30
Tuesday: 08:30 - 17:30
Wednesday: 08:30 - 17:30
Thursday: 08:30 - 17:30
Friday: 08:30 - 15:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Tree Tops Children'S Occupational Therapy

Working with children with developmental and learning deficits to promote independence in school, at home and in daily life.

Tree Tops Children'S Occupational Therapy Description

Newton Aycliffe Clinic - Eldon Road, Aycliffe Business Park, DL5 6UL

Stockton Clinic - 46 Durham Road, Stockton, TS19 0BS

Tree Tops has been developed with great foundations in the knowledge of assessment and treatment techniques of children. The therapists have extensive knowledge into conditions of DCD, Dyspraxia, ADHD, and Sensory Processing Disorders. Post graduate training in Sensory Integration has allowed us to introduce this specialised treatment to children on a daily basis to develop their underlying difficulties. We also have a private sensory parent support group which you are more than welcome to join. Here is the link: - https://www. /spdpsg /



What's coming up?
Social Skills Group Thursday, 1st November 2018, 2-3pm For ages 7+... Venue: Tree Tops Children's Occupational Therapy
Tree Topper Christmas Card and Verse competition Ends Friday 2nd November 2018 Don't forget to send in your entries!
Parent Workshop Friday, 16th November 2018, 10am-12pm Venue: School Aycliffe Community Centre
Parent Question Time Friday, 23rd November 2018, 12pm-2pm Venue: Tree Tops Children's Occupational Therapy
For more information on the above Events, please check out our Facebook or website.
Staff Training Book a staff training for 2019 before 31st December 2018 and your school will qualify for 10% discount
For more information please contact Shelley Gibson on:-
Telephone 01325 304411 or shelley.gibson@treetopsoccupationalt
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Tree Topper of the Month!
Please post below your child's achievement of the month no matter how small. Every little step counts!
If you send us your child's name and address through the message system we will send them a certificate because every child is a winner in our eyes.
... However, there will be one child crowned "Tree Topper of the Month"!
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Dear Tree Toppers
Don't forget our Christmas Card and Christmas Verse competition ends on Friday 2nd November so please send your entries in as soon as possible.
We don't have any Christmas Verse entries yet! Get them sent in. (You can email your verses or even message me from this post).
... I am waiting at the Tree Tops front door daily ready to collect all our lovely designs. Keep them coming!
Love Fizzwig xx
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"Halloween - how to help your child remain calm"
If your family enjoy getting involved in Halloween, try some of the following tips.
Talk to your child:... * Prepare your child for what is to come on Halloween * Let the children know what is expected at the event * Don’t say they have to wear a costume * Don’t say they have to play games
Sensory support: * Disliking textures of pumpkins? Why not use a marker to draw facial features or use stickers * Pop to a local store to explore and touch the items * If your child wants to wear a costume, make sure they like the feel of it by washing it first * Remember always get them to wear the costume beforehand several times * Wear comfortable clothing underneath costumes (they could then remove costume if uncomfortable) * Use face paints instead of masks (if they tolerate this)
During the event * Take time out during the activity * Limit the time you are at the activity * If an activity arises which you know they will dislike, ensure you have something else for them to do * Ensure there is a quiet area just in case of overload
Good ideas: A great costume to make is using a soft bath towel or sheet to be a ghost. Attach a tail to some leggings and ears to a favourite hoodie to be a cat or dog etc.
Don't forget before you go out and about whether it be Halloween or Bonfire night, do a sensory routine to keep them calm and in the "ready state" to have some fun.
When you get back home, repeat and they will be ready for bed!
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We often talk about how when our children go to school they are like a Coke bottle but during the day it starts to get shaken up then explodes when reaching home.
Milton Keynes ASD Group has put together this video which explains how it all happens. Have a watch.
... os/628987220781015/?t=2
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This fun and interactive workshop is designed to give parents an understanding of SPD in relation to their own child. By understanding what causes SPD and how the sensory systems work, you will be able to support your child in a more proactive and structured way.
The sensory routine concept is also discussed with practical strategies and tips to help. We will be looking at self-regulation, how to use a sensory diet, the environment, equipment and your approach to your chi...ld. This is a great workshop to aid understanding of SPD.
Even bringing along other family members (aunts, uncles, grandparents etc) will broaden their knowledge in order to help your family.
Cost: £20 for parents/carers who have not used our services previously
£15 for parents/carers whose children have had an assessment or treatment at Tree Tops
Venue: The workshop will be held at School Aycliffe Community Centre, Eastfields Road, School Aycliffe, Newton Aycliffe DL5 6QH. It is situated in school Aycliffe and has a car park adjacent to the Centre.
Dress Code: Casual
Refreshments will be available.
To book on the workshop please message us or email on .uk.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to message us.
NB: No children are allowed at the workshop
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Thank you!
It was lovely to meet and welcome all our professionals to Tree Tops on Friday 19th October 2018, 12pm – 2pm.
The Tree Tops team would just like to thank you all for coming along to the launch of our Rainbow Packages on Friday. We hope you found it beneficial and also took away some knowledge about SPD, Dyspraxia and not to forget our Rainbow Packages.
... If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything further, please get in touch.
Thank you to Cozy Coffee, Brafferton for the wonderful buffet.
PS check out our training discount!
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Take heed of this and let us know how you did make good of a stressful situation today.


Attention all schools!
If you book a training event with us for 2019 by 31st December 2018, we will give you a discount of 10%.
If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Shelley Gibson on 01325 304411, email shelley.gibson@treetopsoccupationalt


Parents Evening!
It's that time again...Parents Evening. Unfortunately, you are told your child:-
* Cannot sit still and fidgets constantly... * Has poor handwriting * Displays letter/number reversals * Has poor social skills * Shouts out * Dislikes noise and gets upset easily because of this * Cannot organise themselves * Forgets instructions or homework * Hates P.E or sport activities * Will not join in or hides away from others * Has difficulties with transitions from room to room * Cannot eat in the dining hall
Tree Tops can help the above difficulties. Even the transition from Primary to Secondary school can be achievable.
During November we have some spare slots for assessments. So, please give us a call and have a chat with our staff about your concerns. Occupational therapy can help in so many ways!
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In the Guardian yesterday we read how SEN pupils are being failed by our system in the UK.
Have a read and see what you think.


Here is our Autumn 2018 Newsletter. Have a read and see what we have been up to!


Due to popular demand, we are hosting another one hour social skills group during the half term October break for our children who have w/c 28 October off.
Our group is an opportunity for children who have difficulty in social situations to get together in a natural and relaxed environment. We use activities that allow children to develop key social skills such as teamwork, turn taking, sharing, communication and listening… but in a fun and creative way!
Through running the g...roups previously we know what works well and have received excellent feedback. We have also altered the groups in response to comments from children and parents and incorporated more self-regulation activities.
COST: £25
IMPORTANT POINTS: You do not have to be a client of Tree Tops. A minimum of 4 children are required to run the group. Age range 7-11 years. Children have to be able to work independently. Come along in casual clothing.
If you require more information or would like to book a place, please call the office.
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Inspirational or what!


How can I get my child to practice their handwriting?
There are lots of different ways to make it fun:-
... * Shaving foam on the bathroom wall * Rice in a tray * Sand in a tray * Drawing on tinfoil
Poor handwriting can be down to grip, making whole arm movements instead of using the fingers, poor posture and that's just a few! A child struggling with handwriting will become frustrated and lose motivation. If you address these difficulties quickly it will help with their progress in school no matter their age.
Tree Tops have our own programmes which can be delivered at home or even school. So, keep an eye out for our handwriting groups which will be starting up soon. During these groups, we observe, monitor and help improve many other areas of development too including their school performance, behaviour, posture and letter formation. However, if you have any questions, drop us a line.
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Does your child need help with handwriting?
If so, Tree Tops are looking to putting a Tree Topper handwriting group together in the near future.
You do not need to have been assessed by us.
... Handwriting can be challenging for some of our children. If a child has poor fine motor skills they may find it hard to hold a pen or pencil. Spacing can be non-existent, spidery or heavy pressure writing along with letter/number reversals. They can even exhibit poor posture, fidgeting or a lack of concentration and poor organisational skills.
Difficulties in this area will have a devastating effect on the child's ability to be successful at school.
If you are interested you can either post below, message us or give us a call/drop an email.
Ages are:-
KS1 4-6 year olds KS2 7-8 year olds and 9-11 year olds
If you have an older child still contact us.
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There are others worse off than yourself. Always remember that.


Rising young star from Gateshead with ASD lands dream job! Read how he joined free television training course 'Ticbox' to help him gain confidence and employment.
Well done Alex!
... #AlexGaffney #NE14TV #BessieWilliams #Ticbox #Gateshead #NorthEast
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These guys have saved mine and my son's life, helping me get a better understanding of his spd and dyspraxia and helping him cope better with it, so pleased I found these guys I would be lost without them.


Thanks treetops for an amazing sensory not behaviour course yesterday... It was so informative, helping me understand more about certain behaviours and why they occur. The exercises and activities gave me a real insight into how we can support our child and how and why the sensory toolkit is useful!


Thanks to treetops, fantastic course this morning I feel I understand SPD a little bit more than I did.


Our son was diagnosed with Developmental Co-ordination Disorder aged 10. Getting the diagnosis was a huge relief to him and us as we knew he had issues but the NHS could not help as they were "not severe enough". This was despite him being on the 5th centile for many of his Tree Tops assessments and consistently performing below his obvious potential at school. Three and half years on after only 12 weeks of formal intervention but an awful lot of informal "therapy" via horse riding and drumming he is a different child. He would not have been able to start the riding and drumming without the foundation skills he acquired at Tree Tops but he has just passed Grade 4 drums! He still has to work at managing his condition at school but his educational attainment is in line with his ability and his self-confidence is so much improved. We will always be grateful to Tree Tops and I would urge any parent with concerns to make the investment in their child's future; you will be so glad you did.


My son has been attending Tree Tops since he was 5 years old. He had severe dyspraxia and SPD but has improved dramatically. He attends for top up sessions during holiday periods and I have to be honest but we have never looked back. My family are grateful to all the help the therapists have given us and continue to do so. Many thanks, Dawn & Michael


My little boy has come on leaps and bounds since attending Treetops. The care all the staff have shown to both him and also us as parents has been wonderful. We cannot recommend Treetops highly enough


I can't thank Treetops enough for finally giving me some answers after fighting the system for over 2 years. For that reassurance as a parent is a massive relief. The staff are lovely and I look forward to bringing Charlie to receive therapy with you all. Thankyou again xx


Honest caring thorough and totally respectful service that I would highly recommend xx thank you so much for offering parents and children like me another option for swift help and support when they feel they have no options x


Had assessment for my daughter yesterday have so many answers and feel so positive and great that they know my daughter now and know her struggles just by doing the assessment and been with her so glad to finally get some help and a report to make school help her thankyou so much and the amazing friendly staff made us feel so welcome xx


Fantastic place and wonderful people! �


Attended a course today, very informative. Extremely interesting. Excellent.


Amazing work and magic hands from all of the staff at treetops! As a family we wouldn’t be at this stage with Elsie or manage her sensory issues the way we do without the help from you and your team! ���


Amazing team just had assessment and already feel positive, and my son has asked to come back which is amazing he normally refuses to go anywhere so this is brilliant I would recommend tree tops to anyone 😊 can't wait to start he's next journey with them to see what he can achieve with them


Amazing place, such friendly staff. Would highly recommend


Absolutely amazing staff team. Had my sons OT assessment today and couldn’t have asked for a nicer person to do it, thank you Claire. Lifted a weight off our shoulders now knowing exactly what the issues are


These guys have saved mine and my son's life, helping me get a better understanding of his spd and dyspraxia and helping him cope better with it, so pleased I found these guys I would be lost without them.


Thanks treetops for an amazing sensory not behaviour course yesterday... It was so informative, helping me understand more about certain behaviours and why they occur. The exercises and activities gave me a real insight into how we can support our child and how and why the sensory toolkit is useful!


Thanks to treetops, fantastic course this morning I feel I understand SPD a little bit more than I did.


Our son was diagnosed with Developmental Co-ordination Disorder aged 10. Getting the diagnosis was a huge relief to him and us as we knew he had issues but the NHS could not help as they were "not severe enough". This was despite him being on the 5th centile for many of his Tree Tops assessments and consistently performing below his obvious potential at school. Three and half years on after only 12 weeks of formal intervention but an awful lot of informal "therapy" via horse riding and drumming he is a different child. He would not have been able to start the riding and drumming without the foundation skills he acquired at Tree Tops but he has just passed Grade 4 drums! He still has to work at managing his condition at school but his educational attainment is in line with his ability and his self-confidence is so much improved. We will always be grateful to Tree Tops and I would urge any parent with concerns to make the investment in their child's future; you will be so glad you did.


My son has been attending Tree Tops since he was 5 years old. He had severe dyspraxia and SPD but has improved dramatically. He attends for top up sessions during holiday periods and I have to be honest but we have never looked back. My family are grateful to all the help the therapists have given us and continue to do so. Many thanks, Dawn & Michael


My little boy has come on leaps and bounds since attending Treetops. The care all the staff have shown to both him and also us as parents has been wonderful. We cannot recommend Treetops highly enough


I can't thank Treetops enough for finally giving me some answers after fighting the system for over 2 years. For that reassurance as a parent is a massive relief. The staff are lovely and I look forward to bringing Charlie to receive therapy with you all. Thankyou again xx


Honest caring thorough and totally respectful service that I would highly recommend xx thank you so much for offering parents and children like me another option for swift help and support when they feel they have no options x


Had assessment for my daughter yesterday have so many answers and feel so positive and great that they know my daughter now and know her struggles just by doing the assessment and been with her so glad to finally get some help and a report to make school help her thankyou so much and the amazing friendly staff made us feel so welcome xx


Fantastic place and wonderful people! �


Attended a course today, very informative. Extremely interesting. Excellent.


Amazing work and magic hands from all of the staff at treetops! As a family we wouldn’t be at this stage with Elsie or manage her sensory issues the way we do without the help from you and your team! ���


Amazing team just had assessment and already feel positive, and my son has asked to come back which is amazing he normally refuses to go anywhere so this is brilliant I would recommend tree tops to anyone 😊 can't wait to start he's next journey with them to see what he can achieve with them


Amazing place, such friendly staff. Would highly recommend


Absolutely amazing staff team. Had my sons OT assessment today and couldn’t have asked for a nicer person to do it, thank you Claire. Lifted a weight off our shoulders now knowing exactly what the issues are

More about Tree Tops Children'S Occupational Therapy

Tree Tops Children'S Occupational Therapy is located at Eldon Road, Aycliffe Business Park, DL5 6UL Newton Aycliffe
01325 304 411
Monday: 08:30 - 16:30
Tuesday: 08:30 - 17:30
Wednesday: 08:30 - 17:30
Thursday: 08:30 - 17:30
Friday: 08:30 - 15:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -