Trisha Lewis Communication Coach

About Trisha Lewis Communication Coach

Working with ambitious business leaders on all public speaking - from presentations to keynote talks. Also helping small business owners create engaging videos and networking pitches - and not losing themselves!

Host of the 'Make it Real' podcast.

Trisha Lewis Communication Coach Description

Bottom line - if you want to build truly effective relationships in business, you need to use every available communication skill to it's maximum effectiveness. If you have a desire to maximise those skills work with a coach. Insight, feedback, direction, experimenting in a supportive environment - all this will seriously increase your ability to create impact and influence as an individual or business owner, leader or employee. Investment pitches, presentation skills, meeting dynamics, challenging conversations, leadership, networking impact skills, interview preparation and more. www. for detail.



For a rainy day 🙂🤗


Put your feet up with a cup of tea - and get some real insight into the 'impostor syndrome' feelings (that we all have at some point) - plus some very real tactics to take back control! Let me know if anything in the video is new to you - or anything resonates. Please share - I wish there had been more sharing when I was younger - took me a long time to figure out what odd things my brain was doing!


I'm excited to be guest host for next Thursday's #yatm lunch club The Official Shelley Theatre. The fascinating and funny Janine Coombes Marketing will be sharing marketing gems - in a very REAL human way! Oh - just come! Its friendly, educational , fun and not a 'networking' norm! See you there! Ask me more if you are hesitant - I'll reassure you 👍🙂


If anyone out there is keen to be a podcast guest - read this! 'How to be a Podcast Guest' written from someone who has been on tons of podcasts including mine! Brilliant guest. He knows what he is talking about - this is a spot on list of how to approach things. #podcastguest #podcastinterview


Day 7 of no proper voice - I'm using it as a learning opportunity! Things I've been even more aware of about communication and REAL IMPACT 🙂
1. Eye contact helps you understand what I'm trying to say! 2. You need to work a little harder to understand me through my mimes and silent mouthed words - but that is good listening practice! 3. I have to get to the nub of what I want to communicate - no fluff! ... 4. Not being able to talk doesn't lessen observations and listening - it might actually enrich these 5. Bloody frustrating not being able to Express things spontaneously with verbal noise! But I'm getting brilliant at miming! 6. Lots of things are not set up for people with no voice - like trying to cancel an appointment when only a phone number offered! 7. It feels rude not to say thank you - so thank goodness for international sign language of 👍 (at least I think its international?) 8. A smile says a lot 9. I'd feel very vulnerable if I was in danger 10. I'm still perfectly able to talk in my head - and with expression! Have you ever lost an 'ability' and learnt from the experience? Of course mine is temporary- I realise for some these losses are permanent- so not being flippant 🤗
#saturdaythoughts #novoice #silenceisgolden
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It's a personal thing - so I won't lecture you! If you do, however, it is useful to know what is out there in the 'podcast jungle'! There is a lot! So - here is a 2-min intro to what my 'Make it Real' podcast is about. If you think it might be informative, inspiring, intriquing or just fun... try a few episodes out. ALSO - due to my lack of voice for last week - I came up with a great idea for next week's episode - it is a 'greatest hits' collation! This seems like quite a... good way to start if you are not yet a listener - gives you a good flavour of the fabulous interviews!
IMPORTANT - Go to my website and subscribe! WHY? I will update you on each new episode - and you get more shownotes - and some little extra treats from time to time! Nothing to lose - It is a simple weekly email - no spam or cheese! Link here: ast/
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I would like to introduce you to a useful tool! I use this with clients - it is often the simple things that have most benefit! I did - and still do - this myself - so tried and tested. Whether you go through the process in writing, scribbling, talking out loud or talking to yourself - just do it - do it at the point when you press PAUSE between FEELING and ACTION!
#Selfdoutsortout #trishagetsreal #impostorsyndrome


Latest episode is here! Another fascinating feast of insight story and resource. Have you got a like-minded community? You should have one. Why and how ... listen to this episode! Loved having Erin as a guest 👍♥️ Mumpreneur Collective Teaser below - full episode here: dcast/


Being laid low with a cold and no voice (?!) has made me even more generous than usual.😉 This guide is rather handy - very realistic too as you'd expect. I am not demanding your email - just say YES PLEASE in comments and I'll send you link for PDF download- via messenger. Simple! No brainer you could say.
Over to you.
... #freeguide #videoconfidence #doingvideos #videotips #realimpact
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❓🤔 Have you done the 'back to basics' exercise recently? Being laid up with a cold has given me time to do this for me - and it's what I do with clients... so here are the 6 steps...
1. What do I do? 2. No - what do I REALLY do? 3. No - use normal words!... 4. Ok - now cut out 80% of the words! 5. Right - so - what DON'T I do? (No need to be bolshy!) 6. The stuff I don't do - how can I still help?
👇Below is my BASICS- using this process. ❓Do you agree this process is useful?
(Be nice to me though - I am ill!)😩
I help you find the REAL you,then give you permission to be that 'you'. We work out ways of weaving together the REAL YOU, Your REAL STORY and the REAL NEED - and create REAL IMPACT in everything from a tweet to a talk.
What I don't do is:
⛔Website design ⛔Marketing ⛔Fancy video production ⛔Official PR ⛔Copywriting ⛔Sales
But - ✔I have a great network of people who do these well - and I will share.
👍👇Go on - share your BASIC paragraph in the comments below - I challenge you! 🌟
PS - No video due to no voice and looking like death warmed up! I will return.
Meanwhile - if you want to explore my coaching more - virtual cuppas back w/c 24th! cuppa
#trishagetsreal #backtobasics #coachingthatworks
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❓ Do you have a story hero (heroine) who you wanted to be when you were in your early teens? Have you ever considered just how the creator/author ...
... drew you in so completely? 🧲
It is #NationalStorytellingWeek - a good excuse to do some story forensics 🕵️‍♀️
... 👇📽I made the video below over a year ago (aargh - it is over 5 mins long - how dare I?)... 😱
It explores:
📚 Why do we need story 📚 How it attracts clients - marketing 📚 The science - story and brain 🧠 📚 The impact ingredients - the 'Me/There/Hero effect 📚 You as the guide - Emotion to Motion journey
Put your feet up with a cuppa and take an indulgent 5-mins or so to watch (go on) 👇☕🍰
AND - share your 'I wanted to be' character - please. I have - in the video (don't judge!) 🤦‍♀️
Keep tuned for some story sharing this coming week - follow my hashtag #RealStoryImpact and The Travels and Adventures of Stefano Capacchione hashtag #StorytellingWithPuck
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I have a favour to ask of you! I am 29 subscribers away from 100 on my YouTube channel. So what? When I reach 100 I get to chose a custom URL - and lose the horrendous mess of numbers and letters - not catchy! I hope you agree there is value and entertainment on the channel - and it doesn't involve any odd spam or cheese ingredients if you subscribe!
It is a bit NEEDY I accept - but if you don't ask - you don't get! Thank you in advance :) Here is the link:


❓Ever thought that revealing more REAL YOU might damage your 'professional-you-cred'... and if so have you....
... fallen into the:
'I-KNOW-LOTS' sharing trap 📣🤸‍♀️
... Welcome day 5 (final) of the #moreyoulessimpostor series 🤓🕵️‍♀️
❓How do you reveal more human, perhaps vulnerable 'real-you' - without fearing a 'credibility-crisis'?
👇In the video below - I give you 3 examples:
1. Being all 'real' but no cred 2. Being all 'cred' but no 'real' 3. Perfect mix! (Even if I say so myself)
So - yes it is possible to reveal more you and do your cred good at the same time. ✔
❓How does this relate to #impostorsyndrome ?
👹A classic trick of the impostor gremlins is to repeat in your ear: 'They will not believe you are up to this - winging it..'
In an attempt to appease these whispers - you chuck every certificate and justification at people - 'look - see - I am worthy!' 📝📚
You have lost yourself somewhere amongst those certificates -and you are giving no human stuff for people to relate to.
Check out a Brene Brown Ted Talk - clever woman - but look how blinking REAL she is!
All series on my YouTube Channel (subscribe to get me to the 100 - so I can grab a catchy url) Link:
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❓ Worried about oversharing? Well - it might be wise to ask yourself whether anyone actually needs to know that...
… your car boot needs tidying up! 🤦‍♀️
... Stay with me (and watch today’s tongue in cheek video below) 👇📽
🕵️‍♀️Let’s do the forensics on 'REAL you' sharing’ 👍NB: - the more you your are - the less space for impostor feelings
1. REAL sharing👍
You've thought about it - it will let people see a little more of you - adds an insight or perspective that will engage.
2. FAKE sharing ⛔
Feeling you SHOULD post something edgy/witty/vulnerable - just because you read it is good to do… you end up sharing to ‘plays the game’...
3. BORING sharing 😩
Whilst the odd harmless ‘what's your favourite..’ or ‘I found this article interesting’ might be fine… (context) ... it can make you come across as a bit - ‘beige’?
4. No sharing - only ‘liking’ with no comment or sticking to ‘the script’? That will neither feel good or engage.
5. Too much sharing - when you go into a ‘hysterical’ sharing mode. Press pause, get back in touch with purpose and the core ‘real you’.
Can I help with this as part of the REAL IMPACT coaching process - you bet!
👉Day 5 tomorrow - Will too much ‘real me’ damage my credibility?
#moreyoulessimpostor #trishagetsreal
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❓What the heck does ‘be real’ actually mean? What lies beyond positivity memes and T-shirt slogans? Well - let’s start with this…

… there are many ‘real you-s’🎭
... Being able to play your various ‘roles’ is essential!
🤼Playing a role? That sounds a bit FAKE!
Not if it is done right.
🛑 What you don't want is a chasm between the ‘you’ that feels like your ‘relaxed you’ and the 'you' that you present in different contexts.
🤔Awareness alert! Are you playing a role just to please or conform in ways that feel ‘yucky’
👇Geek extra! Check out:
🤓 Carl Yung (Individuation and Persona) 🤓 Erving Goffman (Impression Management)
Meanwhile - maybe this helps:
1. Real You
✔Slobbing on sofa of an evening ✔Laughing with your mates ✔In thoughtful mood sat in a field
2. Adapted You (Business context)
✔Smarter and more aware of body language ✔Sharing depending on how much you have built trust - but keeping some story and vulnerability back. (Not lying or elaborating).
3. Fake You
✔Dressing to please - not your style ✔Fake rapport ✔Agreeing or being controversial - for effect

Can I help with this as part of the REAL IMPACT coaching process - you bet!
👉Day 3 tomorrow - Why bare your soul?
#MoreYouLessImpostor #trishagetsreal
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❓ Have you ever wondered if all this talk about Impostor Syndrome is a bit over the top… I mean surely it is nothing more than…
… a perfectly normal bit of self-doubt
👑You would be pretty arrogant/deluded not to have a bit of self-doubt!
... 🤼Well - they are closely related - they are both human feelings - but they differ.
1. Self-doubt inner-dialogue
❓Could I have done that better? ❓Am I really suited for this? 😱Feeling mighty nervous about this presentation
2. Impostor Syndrome inner-dialogue
😱They will figure out I don’t know what I’m doing 🏃‍♀️Who am I kidding - I am winging this - give up now 😱I am about to reveal just how useless I am at presenting
✔Self-doubt keeps us self-aware
🤦‍♀️Impostor Syndrome keeps us hidden
🛑Impostor Syndrome feelings tend to mess with you being you....
Ironic - because the less you are you - the more you will feel like an impostor! It is a viscous cycle.
What remains once you have got it under control by being MORE YOU - is the good bit - the healthy self-doubt.
Getting it under control requires a bit of work (I speak from experience) - but worth it.
Can I help with this as part of the REAL IMPACT coaching process - you bet!
👉Day 2 tomorrow - What is the 'real you'?
#MoreYouLessImpostor #trishagetsreal #impostorsyndrome
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❓how good are you at accepting compliments.. are you one of those who leaps to...
🙄‘Oh - this old thing...’ 🙄‘Oh - complete fluke’ 🙄 ‘you need new glasses!’
... 😱 Stop!
Do a reframe ...
When you bat a compliment away - you bat that person away a bit too 🤔
I get it - I’m guilty of it... but if only for today...
🤗 receive the compliment - no ifs or buts!
PS - give some too - see who receives and bats off!
❓Are you a receiver or batter?
👍By the way - I think you are all fascinating Individuals 👍 Take it!
#NationalComplimentDay #HumanConnection #trishagetsreal
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More about Trisha Lewis Communication Coach
