Trophy Megastore

About Trophy Megastore

Trophy Megastore - formerly Peters Trophies of Weston-super-Mare, est. 1958 - offering a huge selection of trophies, medals and awards.



Did you know the man from these iconic posters was from Weston-super-Mare?
The man behind the famous 'Your Country Needs You' recruitment posters, Alfred Leete grew up in our seaside town and was taught at Kingsholme School.
Now one of the most iconic posters ever, Mr Leete's Lord Kitchener design was first published on the front page of a magazine in 1914.
... Mr Leete died in 1993, his body buried in the cemetery on Milton Road.
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Captain America: The First Avenger (set 1943 - 1945)
Agent Carter (s1 & s2) (set 1946)
... Captain Marvel (set 1995)
Iron Man (set 2010)
Iron Man 2 (set 2011) *
The Incredible Hulk (set 2011) *
Thor (set 2011) *
Avengers (set 2012)
Iron Man 3 (set late 2012 to early 2013)
Agents of Shield (s1 ep1-7) (set late 2013)
Thor: The Dark World (set 2013)
Agents of Shield (s1 ep8-16) (set late 2013)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (set 2014)
Agents of Shield (s1 ep17-22) (set late 2013, early 2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy (set 2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (set in 2014)
Agents of Shield (s2 ep8-19) (set 2014)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (set 2015)
Ant-Man (set 2015))
Agents of Shield (s2 ep20-22) (set 2015)
Agents of Shield (s3 ep1-19) (set 2015)
Captain America: Civil War (set 2016)
Agents of Shield (s3 ep20-22) (set 2016)
Doctor Strange (set 2016)
Black Panther (set 2016)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (set in 2016)
Agents of Shield (s4 ep1-8) (set 2016)
Agents of Shield: Slingshot (web) (set 2016)
Agents of Shield (s4 ep9-22) (set 2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (set 2017)
Agents of Shield (s5 ep1-19) (set 2017)
Ant-Man and The Wasp (set 2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (set 2018)
Agents of Shield (s5 ep20-22, (set 2018)
Avengers: Endgame (set 2019)
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See More


Sharing a few "tools of the trade". Heres our first one... Great email spam check program, simply send it an email and it'll let you know if you are considered a spammer!


For those of you with a slightly techy Geeky side - this article explains the OPEN AI progress so far, and its safe to say - ITS SCARY !!




Its coming!!


A website we highly recommend here at WsM Web Services - enter your email address and see if any site you are registered on has had a data breach (i.e. passwords exploited!!) - - if so ensure that you change your passwords that may have been the same on other sites, as 'bots' (programs) are designed to mass attempt all websites with the leaked email address and password... Thus remember, NEVER use the same password on more than one site......


Miss the Bitcoin Bubble? How about something that will become a payment processor - that gives you free spendable credit from day 1 ? Aiming to make each 'Q' worth 1 usd within 5 years, for every person you invite you get so many 'Q' , basically you could end up with ┬Ż80,000 in 5 years if it rings true, its based on VOLUME and INTEREST (financial volume and paid interest) , unfortunately the ONLY way to gain people (volume) is to work on a Pyramid scheme style, i.e. you get invited and you invite people - BUT - there is NO OUTLAY at all, this is worth jumping on, getting a few people signed up and sitting on for a few years..... Thank us in 5 years with a watch, car or something like that :)
(DonŌĆÖt worry. No funny stuff. You just need to give your name and email and your spot is reserved).


Great website coming soon - well worth liking the page for some INSANE give-aways, competitions, cheap prices and bargain last minutes!


More Google Love in up and coming features!




Gwr railway Wi-Fi #nonexistant


A great website dedicated to the XM 496 Aircraft, for the The Bristol Britannia Civil and Military Society with this stunning rescue and rebuild website operation conducted by us at WsM Web Services for RAF Bristol Britannia


Annoying but keeping your pc up to date is VERY important in today's times.... as is keeping your website scripts, themes and plugins up to date...... #securiry #cybersecurity #updates

More about Trophy Megastore

Trophy Megastore is located at 77 Longridge Way, BS24 7HA Weston-super-Mare