
About True-Inner-Self

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Metals, microbes, mitochondria (part 1)


Any of my old clients still active on my page?


😥 similar to what I'm going through but in my case is on communication level. Have a look at this...It brought tears to my eyes...


Wake up Neo...


As Earth moves into more tidal waves of light in 2017 they will penetrate the cell membranes and DNA, bringing forth an ancient revival in a modern biological tent. These deep space particles are living photons of light, they are ancient stardust. They come forth as cosmic rays with no heavenly barricades of any kind, dispersing their molecular intent into all areas of our life, from moods to health to weather. They are aggressive and demanding, making you look at what you do not want to see. Like a Personal trainer they demand more of you than you think you are capable of giving. As the heart is penetrated with these cosmic rays, electrical pulses will activate parts of the brain and memory that have been veiled.


On Saturday, January 7th, we will experience a rare astrological event—all planets will turn direct. During most years, at any given time there is at least one planet in retrograde motion, however it’s not unusual to see a few in that motion as well—but rarely, do all the planets turn direct at the same time. This phase of action will last until February 6th when Jupiter turns retrograde. The reason that this is such a big deal is that it’s happening in a very auspicious manner. Venus has moved into Pisces, and Mercury is turning direct at the start of the New Year. It’s clear that this is a time for movement, for action and for exploring whatever it is that has been calling to us for some time.


Being clairsentient means you receive psychic information through sensing or feeling subtle energy. Clairsentience is a psychic sense, so it’s not that you’re feeling energy in the same way as when you physically touch something. Rather, clairsentient ability is more subtle where through your heart and energy body tune into the energy around you, so that it can be perceived, felt, and understood. How do you know if you’re clairsentient?


Within that NOW, those who have lived via power over others will no longer be able to attach their consciousness, and thus their form, to Gaia’s increasingly higher dimensional planet. Furthermore, the fear and lack of control of one's life that the Illuminate has sent out will instantly return to the them. This event is not a punishment. Instead, it is a gift. When Gaia resonated to a lower frequency, the Illuminati did not get the return experience of their selfish ways within the lifetime that they sent it out. Therefore, they did not learn. In the same manner, those who put out love and light for many years, will be able to receive the return blessing of all the love and light that they have shared with others


Greetings Dear Ones, I come again to assist our Brothers & Sisters in raising consciousness and granting clarity on Twin Flames. There are many messages with regards to the Twin Flame connections happening on our Beloved Gaia. Much range from little Truth, to Whole Truth and blatant Fantasy. We have observed the energies from the collective lightworkers, and noticed many have been thrown off the path of ascension to continue in a mass fantasy. This was purposefully done by the "old controllers", so that the lightworkers can no longer assist Gaia and Humanity in the Ascension Process. Let us delve deeper into the Twin Flame history and the deception many fell trap to. Keep in your Hearts, Awareness=Consciousness


Your world might seem gray, lifeless, unexciting or any number of words that tell you that you are too tired to continue with this silly shift process. This feeling will soon pass, and you will grasp the stardust of joy once again. For those of you doubting our words, please review your life a bit before you toss this message aside. Your outer perceptions continue to jump between 3D and 5D. From a 3D perspective, your world seems very glum indeed. From a 5D perspective, it is one of joy. Of course, you cannot believe or note the joy at this time, but you will. For all is an illusion you created.

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