Turton Rotary Club

About Turton Rotary Club

Turton Rotary Club,
We meet every Thursday evening 18. 15pm at the Last drop Hotel In Bolton. We do not have meets for 2 weeks in August and 2 weeks at Christmas . All Rotarian will be made more than welcome .

Turton Rotary Club Description

Welcome to the Rotary Club of Turton. We are one of fifty clubs in the North West of England and belong to District 1280 – Turton Rotary Club is one of the seven Rotary clubs in Bolton and became chartered in 1968.

Members enjoy the fellowship at our weekly meetings and other social events and we raise much-needed funds for local and international charities and community groups.

Today the Club has 22 active members representing a broad spectrum of business activities, professions and vocations drawn from the local community.

Turton lies on the northern edge of Bolton and grew up around the textile industry. The village is surrounded by outstanding natural beauty



QUIZ NIGHT AT ROTARY Last night at our meeting was quiz night. Quizmaster Dave ( Bamber Gascoigne ) Biggar prepared an excellent quiz . Some very interesting questions many on Bolton and the Wanderers all of them made us think. Here are a couple of questions see how you do. 1. Before they were called Bolton Wanderers they played at Pikes Lane what were they called ? 2.What is the real name of what we know as Bolton Parish Church ?... 3.Which Bolton man invented the water frame in 1768 ? 4. Who was executed outside the Man & Scythe in 1651 5 In fencing which is the heavier weapon , the Foil or the Epee ? Unfortunately our team came second (BY JUST 1 POINT) beaten by the Presidential Team with the help of Ace Egghead Ted.
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Our Vocational Service Chairman Jeff organised a brilliant trip to the Manchester Monastery , unfortunately I wasn't able to go but to all accounts it was a very enjoyable and interesting trip. This is just one of the many comments Jeff received after the visit "Thanks Jeff for organising a really interesting tour today. I'm sure everyone enjoyed it, Irene and I certainly did. " These trips well organised with friends are just one of the many benefits Rotary can bring. A li...ttle about the Monestery ;- This former church and Franciscan friary has been described as architect Edward Welby Pugin's masterpiece. It is a stunning example of the Neo-Gothic style that the Pugins helped to make popular in Victorian Britain. Derelict for many years, it was saved from ruin by the building preservation trust that still maintains and operates the site to this day. Today, The Monastery operates as a venue for hire and heritage visitor attraction. All proceeds from venue hire, donations and grants help us to continue our work to maintain and preserve this important site and contribute to our growing outreach programme.
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Last night at our weekly meeting we were Royally entertained by top guitarist and vocalist Rob Carroll. A traditional folk singer his calm and laid-back relaxed style was a great hit with us all . He first of all explained the story behind the songs and then performed them in his well known chilled style, quite often asking for our help with backing vocals !!! . His songs were quite wide ranging from traditional "Navy" songs to American blues/gosspil to traditional European a wide and eclectic mix . Entertaining and interesting , together a real recipe for a very enjoyable evening . I hope that Rob will come and continue his stories in the not too distant future.


Last Thursday night we had one of the most interesting talks so far this year , our own member David Howarth gave us a talk about the Trade Guilds of London and becoming a Freeman of the city of London , what it involved and the dubious “benefits” it brought …. Including free passage of sheep across London Bridge. Over the years I have heard much about these ancient institutions but knew very little about what they really were about , until last night that is . A very interesting & informative talk, and even though in great detail David managed to finish right on time.


BOLTONS BEST.... THE STAFF OF LIFE TheRE was a great deal of interest-prior to our speaker coming to give us his talk at our last meeting. The screen was placed in the best position friends and partners were invited to the meeting and 2 large tables had to be set ready , but what for you ask ? David Tomlinson a Rotarian from another local club had promised a fun and informative evening , and that’s just what we got . We had the story of Warburtons bread and how it grew from ...a small business starting in 1880s to a huge multi million pounds empire it is today . david also eexplained how bread was made and why with the same basic ingredients it tasted hugely different accross the globe. We were amused when he showed us the brilliant TV adverts featuring the Muppets and our favourite local comedian Peter Kay. His fascinating talk finished with the very generous distribution of lots of Warbys products , we all took home good selection of the many product lines they produce every day . A big thanks to David and Warburtons for an enlightening evening.
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FANTASTIC SPORTS PHOTOGRAPHS I think Rotary is a bit like the BBC , apart from our charity works , our Club also likes to inform , entertain and educate. Our speaker last night performed all 3 of these tasks. Theo Dibbits a close friend of our member Jeff Hibbert is a very keen and accomplished photographer and last night he talked to us on the fascinating subject of "sports photography" . Being a keen photographer myself I found his talk and his examples extremely interesting and I know I will now take much better photographs (well hopefully). No better way to describe his talk than to show some of his images which he very kindly let me use.


This last Thursday we were again treated to another "adventure " with our old friend Gordon Bartley . Gordon brought his slides and entertained us with tails of the "Land of Ice & Fire" , an illustrated talk of his trip to Iceland. The talk and slides were extremely educational and fascinating , and covered everything from his time in the cities, countryside and coast. Iceland certainly is of great geographical interest and Gordon gave us all the urge to visit someday.


TOP COMIC FOLK SINGER ENTERTAINS US AT OUR MEETING. Geoff Higginbottom (together with his little dancing puppet ), made a welcome return visit to the club on Thursday , combining very humorous anecdotes and stories with some well know songs made for a very entertaining evening . I for one can't wait for a third visit.


Regular readers will remember we again supported our friends at Morrisons , Harwood with their Clic Sargent appeal collection day .... several of our members gave up there own time and went to the Harwood branch to assist Morrisons volunteers with their collection .Morrisons and their collection partners helped to raise a whopping £811 for Clic Sargent World Cancer Day. Well done Morrisons for collecting for this very deserving cause.


One of our lucky members recently travelled to Barbados to watch the First West Indies Test Match. Here we have a photo of Bolton Cricket Legend Rotarian Jeff Todd( Star & Record holder at Tonge CC ) with England Cricket Captain Joe Root before the First Test in Barbados. Well done Jeff pity the result wasn't as good as the photo 😄


BOLTON FIRE SERVICE ATTEND TURTON ROTARY CLUB those of you who watch this page may remember in summer at the suggestion of president Alan we donated some snacks and drinks to the fireman in attendance at the terrible fire on Winter Hill . They were there for very long hours in very difficult conditions. The visit on Thursday was really to give us an update and to tell us a little bit more about the work the Firemen do . We had a short talk and shown some very interesting ...photographs by Craig Cubbins , Watch Manager of Green Watch from Bolton North , on Crompton Way. He was accompanied by the whole watch , who had to be ready in case of an emergency. I know the whole club thoroughly enjoyed the visit and appreciate the works the fire service do . We see a photo of Rotarian Dave Biggar presenting Craig with a small donation to the fire service charity as a small sign of our appreciation. those of you who watch this page may remember in summer at the suggestion of president Alan we donated some snacks and drinks to the fireman in attendance at the terrible fire on Winter Hill . They were there for very long hours in very difficult conditions. The visit on Thursday was really to give us an update and to tell us a little bit more about the work the Firemen do . We had a short talk and shown some very interesting photographs by Craig Cubbins , Watch Manager of Green Watch from Bolton North , on Crompton Way. He was accompanied by the whole watch , who had to be ready in case of an emergency. I know the whole club thoroughly enjoyed the visit and appreciate the works the fire service do . Below are several images from the night including a photo of Rotarian Dave Biggar presenting Craig with a small donation to the fire service charity as a small sign of our appreciation.
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NEWS FLASH Santas sleigh a huge success. A huge thanks is due to so many in connection with this years Santa Sleigh Appeal; Firstly to all the generous residents of our area who helped to raise a massive £7076 with their generous donations. These donations came entirely from the many trips on the road with Father Christmas and his snowmen and from the many hours we spent shaking buckets at local supermarkets. We can't thank you enough as this incredible sum will enable us t...o help lots of great causes, many within our own area. Another huge thanks to the local supermarkets for letting us stand at their doors shaking our buckets , we enjoy our time there, not only for the money we raise but also for the friendly chats and comments we get from shoppers . Many of the shoppers tell us how much they look forward to seeing and hearing the sleigh and Father Christmas with his snowmen, they say we put them in the Christmas spirit. Morrisons at Harwood , Asda at Astley bridge and the Coop and Sainsburys in Bromley Cross all give us time to collect and we are genuinely very grateful and hope they will continue their support next year. A really big thanks to RRG who not only lend us a car to tow the sleigh but also spend money decorating it in a festive manner. We couldn't have our appeal without them , again we thanks you and hope you will continue your valued support. The Last Drop Hotel help us many times throughout the year , but it is at Christmas when they give us their most generous support , they allow us to securely park the sleigh, give us the use of a room and their facilities to change and prepare the sleigh , and the reception staff who look after the vehicle keys . Our freiends and fellow Rotarians from Bolton Le Moors Rotary Club who help us by giving us manpower and time to help with the collections. And finally to all the members of Turton Rotary Club who each give up many hours of their own time to walk the streets or stand in supermarkets . A terrific effort this year as every year. I am sure I can confidently say we are all looking forward to next Christmas .
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SOME IMAGES FROM TEMPLECOMBE ROAD AREA AND A SNOWMAN'S STORY. Despite a little rain we managed to complete our last route. This took us around the Belmont Park area and the Templecombe area. It was a vey busy time for Santa and we thank all the local residents who came out and supported us . Each trip out has 3 volunteer snowmen and a volunteer driver as well as Father Christmas. The team are happy to give up their time , which can be 4 hours on a normal night , and the pay...ment is to see all the happy faces (children and adults ) and words of appreciation . This year the sleigh went out on visits to streets and parties 11 times , this is as well as 8 full days at local supermarkets. It is without doubt our main event of the year and every member willingly contributes their time . Hopefully it gives us maximum exposure to the local community , and shows some of the good work the Rotary Club of Turton undertakes. Unfortunately over the last few years our numbers have dropped, this puts added pressure on the remaining Rotarians , we are always on the look out for new members. We still have 2 days collecting at Morrisons Harwood today and Asda , Astley Bridge tomorrow (Sunday) . Santa and the sleigh will be on hand to see more children. We hope for a bumper years in terms of monies raised , this will allow us to help lots of good causes locally , nationally and internationally . Thanks and a merry Christmas to all of you who have supported us again this year... see you in Christmas 2019.
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On Yemplecombe .... loads of children 👶


Santa’s busy tonight


Will be cutting thru WidecombeWill be cutting thru Widecombe

More about Turton Rotary Club

Turton Rotary Club is located at Last Drop Village Hotel, Hospital Road, BL7 9PZ Bolton