Ucl Cu - Christian Union

About Ucl Cu - Christian Union

The UCL Christian Union exists to give all students the opportunity to hear about Jesus and make a decision for themselves.

Ucl Cu - Christian Union Description

The Christian Union exists for our non members! We want to tell students at UCL about Jesus Christ, because we believe the news about him is life changing, and that everybody should have the opportunity to hear and respond to him.

We want to share this life changing news with other students, because Jesus' message is for everyone.

We do this by meeting together weekly, to encourage each other, build friendships, and equip each other for mission, as well as holding events throughout the year, aimed at people who would or wouldn't call themselves a Christian, or anyone interested.

Our Facebook page is open for anybody to post on, and so as a Christian Union we may not necessarily support what individuals are posting

Please send a message to christian. union@ucl. ac. uk to receive our weekly email to join in with what we are up to!



Hey everyone!! As some of you may know, 4 lovely human beings (Anna Harrison, Jeremy Porter Tom Morgan and Yesheen Kim) will be heading to Serbia on a mission trip with a few others from LSE, Kings, City and Royal Holloway.
They are going to be hosting an Acoustic Night with a Bake Sale this Friday (31th May), 7pm at the Elvin Hall in the IOE. They would love it if you are able to support them there, any donations will be gratefully appreciated❤️


Hi guys!! Join us today from 6:30 at South Quad pop up for our second last CU central of the year(😥) join us for a night of prayers and worship!! Hope to see you there, and best of luck to those who have exams today!!


Hey everyone! Hope you’ve all been able to balance work and rest as we power through exams!!!! On Tuesday (7th May) we will be having our weekly prayer meeting at 8am in the Refectory- do join us as we continue to pray for exams!
As this year is nearing its end (we know, scary!!!!), at CU central we will be looking broader: what's the vision? And how are we doing in accomplishing that vision? This isn't just a boring review from the front but a full-on, hands-on, heads on br...ainstorming session looking at our strengths and weaknesses as a CU, but also seeing what opportunities and threats there are in our mission. We'll all be putting our heads together to plan for the year ahead to tackle unique opportunities and challenges we face at UCL. We would really benefit from having as many of you as possible!!! So join us in South Quad Pop-Up at 6:30p for a 7pm start!
Don’t forget the fact that the God who single-handedly created the universe is on your side- our God is rooting for you! Have a blessed week and see you all! “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.“ Isaiah 40:28-29
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Hey everyone! Hope this week has been treating you well! For CU central tomorrow, we will be meeting at South Quad Pop-Up, 7pm for an evening prayer meeting! If you’re feeling stressed, do come along and encourage each other/ be encouraged through prayers! Hope to see you all and good luck to those with an exam tomorrow!


Hey everyone! We hope revision and exams have been going well!
This week at CU: On Tuesday (30th April) we will be having our weekly prayer meetings at 8am in the Refectory- do join us as we continue to pray for exams!
... And if you can’t make it to the prayer meeting on Tuesday, this Thursday (2nd May), at CU central we will be having a prayer meeting instead of a talk, join us in South Quad Pop-Up at 7pm!
Don’t forget to rely on God for peace, wisdom and strength, pray pray PRAY! Have a blessed week and see you all!
“but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭40:31‬ ‭
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Hey everyone! Happy Easter! Hope you have all had a great Easter break! From tomorrow, CU will be back on again! Here is a brief outline of what we are going to do in Third term, do mark the dates down! We would love for you to join us!
PRAYER MEETINGS 🙏🏻 prayer meetings are back on! We meet every Tuesday morning at 8am in the refectory to pray together, and we would love for you to join us!
... This term we are especially praying for strength, peace and wisdom as we face our exams (tough times!), so if you would like to be prayed for, do leave your name on the form below: https://docs.google.com/…/1oJkyxH399k0x W75dTTJk-or4HD…/edit…
CU CENTRAL ✟ We are meeting weekly on Thursday evenings, 6:30pm for a 7pm start, at SOUTH QUAD POP- UP The topics we are going to be covering are: 25th April: God and Exams 2nd May: Prayer Night 9th May: CU Year review 16th May; Prayer and Worship Night 23rd May: Evangelism At Home We know it is exam season and stress levels are high, but we still hope to see all of you lovely people there! Don’t remember to take time off from studying, and most importantly to spend time with God during these stressful times- he is our source of strength!
CU DAY AWAY 🦌 save this date- 25th May (Saturday)! We will be hanging out at Richmond Park for the day, as an end- of- year celebration. More details on the day away will be released soon, but we hope to see you all on the 25th of May!
Hope all of you enjoyed your break, and we cannot wait to see everyone again!
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Heyyy everyone! Hope we all had an amazing Easter break! As we all know, exams are closing in, which means so much studying and so much stress, so we'd like to pray for everyone during this stressful time so please add yourselves to the list! We'll be praying during our weekly prayer meetings on Tuesday. Reminder: our first prayer meeting in Term 3 will be on the 23rd April, 8am in the Refectory, see you there!
Remember- "I can do all this through him who gives me strength."... Philippians 4:13 depend on God- he WILL give you the strength to ace those exams!
Link to the list below ✨ https://docs.google.com/…/1oJkyxH399k0x W75dTTJk-or4HD…/edit…
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Tonight! Join us today at 6:30pm in Chadwick G08 for our AGM where will be going over some important matters and electing our new committee. And then stay on/or join us at 7:30pm for our Grill a Waffle night for some chill vibes and good waffles, see you then!


Last prayer meeting of the term! Tuesday 8am! See you in the Refectory ✨


10 mins to go! Can’t wait to see you there. Rumour has it there’s fresh rocky road, raspberry and chocolate brownies and other refreshments 😍


TODAY IS THE DAY!! Come along to the AV Hill LT (Medical Sciences 131) today at 7pm to get some answers to YOUR questions about Christianity. With a highly knowledgeable panel with the potential to be absolutely roasted, this is truly an event not to miss. See you there 🎉
Snacks will be provided.


Today I decided to pray, and though everything didn’t go my way, I knew I’d be okay, because he loves me anyway.
Prayer meeting // Tuesday Morning // 8am // Refectory


Join us tomorrow as we look at how we can share Jesus with our Muslim Friends, see you there! ✨


Wondering how you can be a scientist and a Christian? Got some big questions on Christianity you’d like to know the answer to? Come along to Christian Union’s ‘Grill a Christian’ event where you can ask YOUR questions to 3 panelists in prominent positions within their field.
Thursday 14th March // Medical sciences 131 (AV Hill LT) // 7pm


If you’re still up seeing this post then skrrr, y’all need to get to bed. BUT if you want to get that spicy boost to start your day: Prayer meeting, Tuesday 8am, Refectory- see you then ✨


Last session of The Search today! Even if you’ve never been, come along to explore the faith of Christianity. Today at 1pm, Foster Court 233. Hope to see you there! ✨


Who do you think would be the most unlikely convert to Christianity and why? A murderer? A politician? Your best mate? You? Join us tomorrow evening at 6:30 for a 7pm start when we look at one of the most unlikely converts to Christianity. Ever.
Thurs 28 Feb // 6.30 for 7pm start // Chadwick G08

More about Ucl Cu - Christian Union

Ucl Cu - Christian Union is located at WC1E6BT London, United Kingdom