Ucl Drama Society

About Ucl Drama Society

The UCLU Drama Society is one of the countryŌĆÖs leading student drama companies and one of the largest and most successful performing arts societies at UCL.

Ucl Drama Society Description

Each year, UCLU Drama Society puts on as many as 20 productions, meaning that youŌĆÖll rarely find a time that a play is neither in production or performance. In previous years, we have put on vivid re-imaginings of everything from Shakespeare to Philip Ridley. On campus, we boast the Bloomsbury Theatre (a listed 550-seat West End theatre where we put on two large-scale productions a year). We also regularly stamp our mark on acclaimed theatres and performance spaces across the capital. Our productions are consistently popular and critical successes, with the society garnering particular praise for our annual run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival through our touring company, UCLU Runaground. Each of our productions offers a number of fantastic opportunities. So whether you want to act, direct, produce, design set /lighting /costume /props or write the next dramatic masterpiece, we are here to help develop your ideas and make them into a reality.

The UCLU Drama Society also has an exceptional programme of events outside of university productions, including weekly workshops, new writing workshops, socials and volunteering opportunities.



Missed your chance for a Bloomsbury Bid? Don't worry! Our 2019/20 Term 2 Bloomsbury Show, "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess, is looking for a Producer and Musical Director! Apply to be a part of one of the biggest shows of next year!
For more info, click here: https://tinyurl.com/clockworkorangeinfosh eet To apply, click here: https://tinyurl.com/clockworkorangeprodte amform ... Applications close at 11:59pm on Tuesday May 14th.
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The Arts Ball is here!! Every summer there is a big ball for all the Arts Societies where we celebrate all the fun things we've been doing all year! There are also awards for individual members of the societies and awards for shows! Drama Society has put forward a number of nominations to celebrate and recognise our talented members!
Buy your tickets here! It is expensive but the ticket includes a drinks reception, 3 course meal & wine. It's a really fantastic event and would definitely recommend going.
http://studentsunionucl.org/ŌĆ”/events-ac tivitŌĆ”/arts-ball-2019


While teaching may have ended, Drama Soc is still going strong! Come and audition for our term 3 shows - this year we'll be putting on Romeo and Juliet, Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All To You, The Closed Doors, as well as Garage show(s) to be confirmed shortly.
WHEN: May 24th + 25th 2019 LOCATION AND TIME: TBA
... Romeo & Juliet: Amidst a carnival of romance, colour and violence, two lovers stand at a window, calling out their love to the stars. Death seems all too spectral - until, of course, he isn't. A magical realist interpretation of the timeless tragedy, set in 1960s Brazil and staged in a 19th century church.
Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All To You: Welcome, children, to a lecture by Sister Mary Ignatius about the glories of the Roman Catholic Church! Sister Mary is here to help you learn to purge your sins -- such as hijacking a plane and extramarital sex -- so you can avoid burning in hellfire. Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All To You is a dark comedy about the Roman Catholic dogma, hypocrisy, and what happens to good Catholic school children once they grow up.
The Closed Doors: In the Underworld, Persephone rails against her fate, her surroundings, and most of all, against her cold, stoic host, Hades. Yet, as time passes and the possibility of her return to the world above becomes a reality, and she realises her heart opening for the lonely Lord of the Underworld, Persephone must look into her own soul and make a choice. _________________________________________ ____________
- You do not need to print out audition pieces which are posted in the event; they will be available outside the auditions on the day.
- You only need to attend one of the posted audition slots - come whenever works best for you!
- If you are short of time we strongly recommend turning up as early as possible as queues get longer towards the end.
- We will ask you to perform your chosen piece once, then a second time with some changes that we will suggest to see how you respond to our directing.
-Choose a piece which you think shows your skills best rather than because you want that role. The piece you read does not necessarily correspond to the roles you will be considered for.
- Please don't be put off auditioning if English is your second language. You can let us know in the audition if you are dyslexic/ have English as second language/other learning or reading difficulties, and we will do our best to help you out by giving you extra time to prepare (i.e. not giving you a new monologue and expecting you to read it without having a look at it first)!
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Get involved in a beautiful production of 'Romeo & Juliet' after exams!
We are looking for designers, producers and generally creative angels to be part of this project. It is taking place in BLOOMSBURY BAPTIST CHURCH from 6-8th June <3
.. . (Actors hold out - an audition event is coming soon!)
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Looking for something to do after exams? Prod Team applications for Romeo & Juliet close Sunday 7th April, 6pm. We're looking for Assistant Producers, Costume Designers, Set Designers, Stage Managers and Promo Officers. Interested? Apply for a position here: https://forms.gle/6WxWXyR2t6ryGJgj7
If you have any questions, please message Udoka M-Ok or Fleur Elkerton on FB. Good luck!


Our Term 3 production of ROMEO & JULIET is looking for prod team members - from Assistant Producers to Designers and Movement Directors, here is your chance! Ō£© Ō£© Ō£© Ō£©
*****Fill out the form here: https://forms.gle/pEzaBQeENv4Rwn1WA *****
Applications close Sunday 7th April, 6pm. The production process will start in earnest post-exams. Message Udoka M-Ok or Fleur Elkerton if you have any questions ­¤źĆ


A huge thanks to everyone who came to the AGM and to everyone who voted online for our President and Treasurer. Very very happy to announce UCL Drama Society's Committee for 2019-2020:
President: Jack Curtin Treasurer: Jayne Wong Vice President/Welfare Officer: Amy Tickner... Head of Production: *Open to be elected at EGM* Secretary: Khadeejah Abdul Halim Head of Marketing: Charlotte Gross Workshops Coordinator: Ashley Hayward Head of Volunteering: *Open to be elected at EGM* New Writing Officer: Ella Fidler Diversity and Inclusion Rep: Manasvini Moni Social Secretary: Malina-Ioana Bodea Head of Design: Oveis Rezazadeh
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Take part in shaping next year's student union representatives and VOTE! Voting closes in 2 hours!!
For those who self-identify as women, elections are being held for Women's officer this week. UCL Musical Theatre Society's Treasurer, Celia Mayers, is running alongside 10 other candidates, so make sure to check out their manifestos before voting.
... The link to vote is here: https://studentsunionucl.org/ŌĆ”/clubŌĆ”/ position/womens-officer
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Missing your fix of weekly Workshops? DonŌĆÖt worry, one of our workshop coordinators is running a ŌĆśCourage and ConfidenceŌĆÖ session as part of the amazing events that have been organised for WomenŌĆÖs History Month. Check out the event page to get tickets. Would be lovely to see some Drama faces there!
https://www.facebook.com/events/121396239 8760441/?ti=ia


Edinburgh auditions are underway! Head to cruciform and downstairs to Room B3.06 and B3.08! If you need any help getting in, feel free to get in touch!


Auditions for Edinburgh plays will happen next week on Monday/Tuesday.
*SOUVENIRS* Souvenirs questions the boundary between unrequited love and obsession bordering on harassment. Based on real court cases, stories, interviews and research the play surrounds four young people involved in London. Looking at actual stories rather than presenting a sensationalised and glamourized version of stalking, we can begin to understand the complications of these relationship and why the...re are only 12% of convictions with harassment with stalking cases.
ROOM (Mon: 18/03/2019): Gordon House 207 (Tues: 19/03/2019): Cruciform B3.06
Audition pieces: https://docs.google.com/ŌĆ”/1XKbY2ubqNF7v PteMAJVcsVFMQ8ŌĆ”/editŌĆ”
*CRY OF THE GULL* Based on true stories and verbatim accounts the play follows three sets of characters and their experiences of becoming refugees. The play is non-linear and cuts between the characters and the past and the future, using physical theatre to explore the effects of this trauma. The central storylines follow Aamir and Lela (an elderly couple who are travelling to find their son), Asim and Sana (a newly married pair who are expecting their first child) and Yasmin and Faris (siblings fleeing the violence of their home). Their lives collide on a boat smuggling them Greece and the audience follows their experiences as asylum seekers.
ROOM: (Mon: 18/03/2019): Gordon House 208 (Tues: 19/03/2019): Cruciform B3.08
Audition pieces: https://docs.google.com/ŌĆ”/1KDg3tWjC6eAp s3bKZ2hg8SaJLLŌĆ”/editŌĆ”
Edinburgh shows: These plays will be selected to be a part of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival this summer! (If you are auditioning for this please be aware that you need to be available from after exams till the end of term as well as some weeks in the summer!
This was originally supposed to be auditions for Term 3 shows as well, but they have been postponed to sometime in May. More information about those auditions will be up soon!
As usual, message Vaishnavi Mohan or Joey Jepps if you have any questions!! :)
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Need a creative break from the busy end of term? Come to tonightŌĆÖs workshop to gain an insight to innovative theatre that supports the needs of deaf actors and audiences. Learn some BSL and some new ways of creating theatre.
Check out the event for more details:
When? Thursday 14. 18:25-20:15... Where? Foster Court 215
https://www.facebook.com/events/292913611 392433/?ti=ia
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There are still tickets available for the Arts Boat Ball! Come along... ­¤øź


To run for *President* or *Treasurer*, nominations and voting are ONLINE THIS YEAR - nominations will close on the 15th MARCH.
https://studentsunionucl.org/ŌĆ”/clubs-an d-societies-online-eŌĆ”
... Wednesday 20 March 2019 6.00pm-9.00pm LOCATION: IOE 804
Every single committee position is up for grabs! If you've ever wanted to be an integral part of Drama Soc, and part of shaping next year's season, now's the chance!
THE POSITIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS: Please see the constitution for outlines of each of these roles, which will be linked in the discussion section of this event - and we will be running a drop in Q&A session on roles soon too!
President [online voting] Treasurer [online voting]
Vice President (welfare officer) Head of Production Diversity & Inclusion Rep [Freshers Rep ŌĆō this will be elected at the EGM in October] Head of Design Administrator Head of Marketing & PR 2 x Workshops & Events Managers Head of Volunteering and Fundraising Social Director _________________________________________ _____________________
Online roles: February 25th @ 12:00: Nominations Open March 15th @ 12:00: Nominations Close March 18th @ 12:00: Voting Opens March 20th @ 18:00: AGM - make speeches! March 22nd @ 12:00: Voting Closes March 22nd @ 18:00: Nominations announced online.
Other roles: Make speeches, second and vote in PERSON during the AGM - membership is required x
**free pizza for all**
Your Committee x
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Hello all!!
Stage Crew Society is holding drop-in sessions for people bidding for a Bloomsbury Show for next year. Below is the information to sign up for the sessions. Message Vaishnavi Mohan (President) If you have any questions about this.
... What to expect from these sessions:
A short technical consultation meeting with Cam (President of Stage Crew) and James (Treasurer of Stage Crew)
In this meeting we will go through some of the following:
Explain the nature of the theatre and what it is capable of help with planning budget ensure your designs are reasonable and applicable to our capacity in the timeframe of a student show.
Just a note, these meetings are by no means compulsory but will be immensely useful in helping you put together a well thought-out and achievable bid.
Use the doodle poll below to sign up for a consultation slot. If no time works for you, please get in contact with Stage Crew via email at su-stagecrew@ucl.ac.uk.
https://doodle.com/poll/87zc5qe8uywdux7c< br> See More


WeŌĆÖre so excited that so many people are interested in bidding for a Bloomsbury slot next year! If you happen to be in a year abroad, please tell us in the email you send with your bid what time works best for you to Skype in for your interview on Tuesday, March 12, between 5 and 9 pm UK Time


UCL Drama presents Reclamation, a three-night event that provides a platform for BAME art and performance at UCL. Featuring an exhibition and full-length showcase - comprised of theatre, prose, poetry, dance, comedy, and more - Reclamation celebrates the varying narratives of students of colour and highlights their experiences through their own work.
The exhibition will open at 18.30 all three nights, followed by the full-length showcase at 19.30. The showcase will be approxi...mately 2.5 hours, including a 20-minute intermission.
Reclamation will take place at Ugly Duck, 47-49 Tanner Street, London SE1 3PL. The venue is not wheelchair accessible. For venue-specific information, please call 07585 774 227. ____________
The exhibition - open 18.30-19.30 and during the interval period each night - features original artwork and pieces from Oveis Rezazadeh, Okiki Akinfe, and Shaquelle Whyte, and is equipped with a bar.
There will be a different lineup for the showcase each night, except for Udoka Maya Okonkwo's play The Rot, which will be performed all three nights.
Tickets are ┬Ż6 for UCL students, ┬Ż8 for concessions, and ┬Ż10 full price. The lineup and tickets for each night are below. **There is a limited amount of tickets each night so make sure to buy them quickly! Tickets will also be sold on the door, if available. ____________
THURSDAY MARCH 14TH Sofiane Kolli Oni Bhaumick Alex Otubanjo The Rot (starring Ari Rajaonesy, Sadhbha Odufuwa-Bolger, Udoka Maya Okonkwo, Nnenna Onwuka, Garima Dahiya, and Yuki Danilo Pondeca) Asyia Iftikhar Manasvini Moni Wafia Zia Emily Wang
**TICKETS: https://studentsunionucl.org/ŌĆ”/drama-so ciety-reclamation-20ŌĆ”** ____________
FRIDAY MARCH 15TH Maymana Vaish Mohan and Nivedita Prasad Sylvia Lee The Rot (starring Ari Rajaonesy, Sadhbha Odufuwa-Bolger, Udoka Maya Okonkwo, Nnenna Onwuka, Garima Dahiya, and Yuki Danilo Pondeca) Rahul Somia Jasmin Simao Cara Aikman Ilisha Purcell Fatima Jafar
**TICKETS:https://studentsunionucl.org/ŌĆ ”/drama-society-reclamation-20ŌĆ”** ____________
SATURDAY MARCH 16TH Maymana Vikash Panjiyar Khadeejah Abdul-Halim Jade Armstrong The Rot (starring Ari Rajaonesy, Sadhbha Odufuwa-Bolger, Udoka Maya Okonkwo, Nnenna Onwuka, Garima Dahiya, and Yuki Danilo Pondeca) Rahul Somia Ilisha Purcell Alyson Hwang
**TICKETS:https://studentsunionucl.org/ŌĆ ”/drama-society-reclamation-20ŌĆ”** ____________
If you have any questions or concerns, please email Maria D├╝ster at maria.duster@gmail.com or Hassan Sherif at hassansherif888@gmail.com.
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UCL DRAMA SOCIETY'S ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) IS UPON US!! This is your chance to be part of committee next year & shape next yearŌĆÖs season of DRAMA on campus! There will also be free pizza ­¤ŹĢ ­¤ŹĢ­¤ŹĢ­¤ŹĢ­¤ŹĢ­¤ŹĢ­¤ŹĢ­¤ŹĢ­¤ŹĢ­¤ŹĢ­¤ŹĢ­ ¤ŹĢ­¤ŹĢ­¤ŹĢ­¤ŹĢ­¤ŹĢ­¤ŹĢ­¤ŹĢ­¤ŹĢ­¤ŹĢ­¤ŹĢ­ ¤ŹĢ­¤ŹĢ­¤ŹĢ­¤ŹĢ­¤ŹĢ
Wednesday 20 March 2019 6.00pm-9.00pm ... LOCATION IOE 804
Every single committee position is up for grabs! If you've ever wanted to be an integral part of Drama Soc, now's the chance! Keep your eyes ­¤æĆ peeled for more information ... #ucldrama1819
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More about Ucl Drama Society

Ucl Drama Society is located at 15 Gordon Street, Fl 2nd, WC1H 0AH London, United Kingdom
0207 679 7239