Ucl European Society

About Ucl European Society

Please find all information on: www. uclueurosoc. co. uk - On our facebook group http://www. facebook.com/ #! /group. php?gid=2244578357 - or on twitter @eurosoc!

Ucl European Society Description

The UCLU European Society is home to both undergraduate and postgraduate students from all backgrounds who are passionate about themes related to European society, politics and culture. Being a vibrant pool of intellectual and social activities, we have secured our position among the best and most recognised societies of University College London, and are constantly striving to expand our role as a nucleus for critical social and political thought within and beyond the borders of the University. Our aim is to foster an interest in the developing idea of “Europe” amongst UCL’s diverse, international body of students. Apart from the stimulating intellectual atmosphere, EuroSoc is renowned for its friendly and familiar community where members can connect with like-minded students from all over the world in an informal environment.

The essence of our society is its diverse members and possibilities for participation are constantly evolving. Come along to our fortnightly European film-nights with free food and drink, write about the arts, politics and Europe for our magazine ‘EUREKA’, participate in political simulations of the European Union, meet new people and enjoy our community at monthly socials close to UCL and join us for an amazing trip to Brussels. In 2014, amongst many other things, we will be organising a European Focus Week with fascinating talks, debates and film screenings about the role of Europe in the World.

Join (and re-join) the European Society at any time during the year via the UCLU online shop here: http://uclu.org/clubs-societies /european-society

The entire committee is working continuously on the success of our society and I hope that you will enjoy your experience with us and realise your potential in our projects!


Your Eurosoc Committee