Ucl Postgraduates

About Ucl Postgraduates

The Postgraduate Association is part of UCL Union and is here to represent, support and serve postgraduate students at UCL



There's over 100 job oppertunties to work in the Union, so apply now to work in a place that pays London Living Wage, is flexible around studies and has an award for being a great investor in its people.
Apply for a job like Alexi's now: https://studentsunionucl.org/jobshop


The Union is looking to refresh how our liberation networks run to make them as effective as possible, this includes BME, Disabled, LGBT+and Women's . We are running a consultation to help inform the changes, take part in our survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9966LSF or come along to our focus group https://forms.gle/Ji3opX3e9Dda8FUH8


Self-defining women, have you voted yet? Voting for the role of Women's Officer is now open, so who's going to be the person looking out for the amazing women on campus? studentsunionucl.org/wo


Do you want to see more Project Active sessions for postgraduates? Help us to develop the Project Active programme to make it work for YOU.
Don’t like sport? Too much work to do? Can’t remember the last time you broke a sweat? We especially want to hear from you!
Just complete our quick (it really is only 5mins!) survey and be in with a shot of winning a £50 Amazon voucher. https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/projecta ctivepostgrad


Do you find yourself distracted and lacking focus when you're meant to be doing deeply focused work?
We've got a free workshop that combines neuroscience and mindfulness so that you can enhance focus, reduce stress and strengthen resilience. Tickets are free, just sign up so we can gauge numbers for the room.
https://studentsunionucl.org/…/events-a ct…/master-time-focus


So, who won the Leadership Race? Who'll be the next Postgraduate Officer? See the full breakdown of the results along with part-time officer winners here: http://studentsunionucl.org/articles/lead ership-race-results


Here are your Postgraduate Students' Officer candidates during Monday night's Question the Candidates event. Watch to find out how each candidate plans to create more of a community amongst PG students and how they plan to tackle issues faced by Master's and PhD students.
If you haven't already, remember to vote for the person who will best represent your views here: http://studentsunionucl.org/vote
Thanks to our Student Media team for the wonderful coverage and editing.


Have you voted for your next Postgraduate Student Officer for 2019/2020? You have until Friday March 8th to make your vote count. One of these officers seek to implement their manifesto points for the next academic year and it is up to you to decide who that is! Here is the link to check out what they want to do for you: https://studentsunionucl.org/…/postgrad uate-students-officer


Should UCL be a smoke-free campus? Should UCL divest from fossil fuels? Read both sides of the debate and cast your vote in the referendum here: https://studentsunionucl.org/referendum/r eferenda-2019


This week, you decide who'll be running as Postgraduate Students' Officer. So who will it be? Vote now to choose the person who will represent your interests at UCL, who’ll fight your corner and who'll make things better.
You can read their manifestos here: http://studentsunionucl.org/candidates
Vote now: http://studentsunionucl.org/vote


Have a look at what former Sabbatical Officers are up to now...


Could you represent Postgraduates at UCL? Any Masters or PhD student at UCL is eligible to put themselves forward for the Leadership Race elections. Sabbatical positions are full-time paid roles and even if you're an international student we'll pay for your visa extension if required. Find out more here: studentsunionucl.org/race
Nominations are closing soon.... Friday at Noon!


The leadership race is coming, and it's open to everyone! International or home, undergrad or postgrad, all UCL students can become an officer. Submit your nomination by 22nd February! #LeadershipRace2019 Find out more here: http://studentsunionucl.org/leadership-ra ce-2019 ...


We've sometimes heard from postgrads that they can't make our all-student meetings due to work, caring responsibilities or ongoing research and placements.
But, on Thursday we are hosting the first all-student meeting which allows proxy voting. If you can't make Thursday's Meeting (6pm at the IOE) then please cast your vote now. https://studentsunionucl.org/…/all-stud ent-meeting-vote-in-…
... There's important decisions to be made on whether we support a People's Vote on Brexit, 2 year sabbatical terms and a lower quoracy for all-student meetings.
See More


Please consider being an academic representative or standing for election in another position. More info can be found here: studentsunionucl.org/rep-election


This is tonight - there'll be someone from our campaign speaking about what we've been up to, do come along if you're free and want to get more involved in wider left stuff this year! ✊


super fun, I love going to the events and getting to do stuff I wouldn't otherwise

More about Ucl Postgraduates

Ucl Postgraduates is located at WC1H 0AY London, United Kingdom