
Public Figure
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About Ultraneo*

UltraNEO* - a computer & game enthusiast since 1998 -
http://ultraneo. tv
http://google.com/ + UltraNeo /

Ultraneo* Description

I have been playing gaming since birth. I enjoy technology almost more than life itself! ! I spend so much money on gadgets that I survive on instant noodles. . .



Hello... I have re-branded my gaming tag to MsNikitaTV
My new page is here: https://www.facebook.com/msnikitatv/
If your interested in gaming and watching other people stream. I would appreciate it, if you can give me a follow on twitch.


I love having new #toys
@caselabsusa @asusrog #caselabssma8 #asus #asusrog #pg279q


Seriously, who has time to trade with #spammy loser #scammers in #fortnite #savetheworld? 🤔


Just this morning, I learnt Poundworld has gone bust!!
The funny thing is, I've never actually been there!! Probably cause nothing ever looks tantalising to worthy an actual visit. Watching the latest Ashens video, just proves my point. They appear to sell nothing but bottom of the barrel rubbish. 😂😂


One of the most annoying things in life...
When some random person takes your gaming tag, so you have to resort to using a domain name. It's sad but true. On the up side, they're unknowingly promoting my social media.
IF you by change read this and wish to give me your user ID, ... please email me at...
#UltraNEO #UltraNEOtv #UltraNEOGaming #GamerTag #GamerID
See More


Artwork for twitch updated..


Growing up, that's one movie I really loved. More for the technical aspects...


Who would have thought, in the digital information age we'd have delays in making digital deliveries...
Can you guys STOP using FedEx!!??


So a few weeks ago my EVGA GTX 970 FTW edition graphics card took a shit in one of my PC cases.. and I've been trying to diagnose the fault since. Since this card is no longer in warranty and those guys at EVGA doesn't want to supply my an schematic for an EOL product, I'm pretty much left at guessing at what could have possibly fried..
In existing cases, most of the problems are caused by a catastrophic MOSFET failure. Usually identifiable due to a physical crack, hole, or burnout package and there's always signs around the area to signify a concentration of high temperatures.
Here's some high-resolution shots of the troubled areas.. However my MOSFETs appear to look fine but this capacitor appears to have shat itself, allowing all the magic smoke to escape. 😮


Everyday, there seems to be more Google & Youtube Nazism it seems... Yup.. I put you both in the same category google.. How long till all the content creators move to other tube sites?
https://www.blender.org/…/youtube-block s-blender-videos-wo…/


I have TWO closed beta keys which expire June 26 for DEATHGARDEN. You WILL need Steam to activate.
If you like one, please INBOX ME. Based on a First come, first server bases !!


No sooner have I learnt how to create a new character and collect long awaiting rewards from 2014, I'm accosted by guards for pilfering necessities littered around.. I'm hungry damn it and I'm poor... lol
#ESO #ElderScrollsOnline


Feed the world! One streamer at a time..
Thought it'll be creative to sharing some chocolate chip cookies with iTheGreek via Twitch.. Can you taste the cookie? Are you even trying? lol


Decided to check out RSI's Star Citizen Alpha 3.1 update... Here are some 4k screenshots. Basically the user interface your greeted with once the game finishes loading... A glimpse of the character creation screens... Oh.. That looks like my mate...
I'm impressed so far!!! I really need to upgrade my system, 16GB clearly not enough!


Time to auction off some family members.. lol #jokes

More about Ultraneo*
